Amazing TikTok Life Hacks That Actually Work

Life Hacks

March 13, 2025

19 min read

Tune in for some viral TikTok life hacks that actually work!

Viral TikTok Life Hacks That ACTUALLY Work by BE AMAZED

I’ve trawled through the endless tide of nonsense and deception on TikTok to find life hacks that really work, which I’ll be demonstrating for you today. But onto some ground-rules: since no two hacks are made equally, I’ll be awarding each one a score out of 5, 5 being the best and 1 being the worst. But ultimately, it’s up to you whether you think a hack is worth your while. From tech tips to cooking tricks, all tested and demonstrated by yours truly, let’s check out the viral TikTok hacks that actually work!

Pomegranate Juice Hack

Want to know a cheat-code for instant pomegranate juice, courtesy of TikTok? Well, apparently, you just grab a giant syringe, fill it with pomegranate seeds, and squeeze. I honestly didn’t think that one would actually work, but with a little elbow grease it does!

pomegranate juice hack

Be that as it may, hacks should make your life easier, and with ready-made pomegranate juice available at most good retailers, you can’t help but think that is a bit of a gimmick. Still, it does work, and is incredibly fun, even if you don’t get a huge amount of liquid, so for that reason that gets a 4 out of 5 from me.

Heinz 57 Hack

Onto the next, and did you know you’ve probably been using ketchup wrong? That is, at least according to our next TikTok hack which claims the best way to get Heinz ketchup out of a glass bottle isn’t to vigorously shake and spank its bottom, but actually to karate-chop the little ‘57’ at the base of the bottle’s neck.

That, apparently, is a pressure point which will shake the inside liquid loose at the perfect, low-pressure angle for an easy flow of ketchup. Now of course being a black-belt in karate, I put my lethal chops to good use, and sure enough that hack worked perfectly! All in all, though, a 5 out of 5 hack.

The Heinz Ketchup Hack

Pouring Juice Hack

Similarly, you may also have been pouring your juice wrong. Sounds crazy, but it turns out there actually is a right and wrong way of dispensing your orange juice. Like most people, I’m sure when you pour juice out of a carton it probably looks something like the clip below.

Wrong way of pouring OJ

However, as you can see above, that causes the juice to glug its way out, which can cause unsolicited splash back. So, how do you avoid that? Well according to TikTok, it’s simple. Just turn the carton upside down! With just that little alteration, the juice effortlessly flows out. The reason why is actually pretty fascinating, too.

The Right way of pouring juice

When pouring the usual way, the weight of the liquid inside the carton forces it out of the spout as quick as it can, leaving little room for air to escape the hole, creating a tsunami of choppy liquid. Flipping the carton upside down creates a gap in the spout that lets air flow in and out as the liquid pours, keeping the pressure smooth and neutral, and the liquid flowing perfectly. Seems like another 5 out of 5 hack to me!

Egg Hacks

Let’s crack open an egg-based piece of ingenuity. If you’ve ever tried to separate an egg yolk from the egg white, you’ll know just how slippery those little suckers can be. But fear not, as there is a viral TikTok life hack that could make separating egg yolks a breeze. According to the video, simply rub your fingers on a clove of garlic and yank that yolk right out.

As you can see in the footage below, I cracked my egg into a bowl and rubbed a clove of chopped garlic onto my fingertips. What that essentially did was make my fingers sticky thanks to allicin which, is a sulphur-containing chemical in garlic that not only makes it sticky, but stinky too! But once I’d lathered my digits in garlic, tragedy struck! The yolk split!

Egg yolk separating trick failure

I suspected that perhaps my fingers just weren’t sticky enough, so I gave them yet another copious seasoning of garlic. Though, regrettably, my yolk still left nothing but a mess. So, I decided to chop the garlic more finely, hoping it would release more of the sticky chemicals required to grip the yolk. I went in with more of a scoop action, which, while not exactly true to the original TikTok hack, did seem to do the trick!

So, what’s the secret to pulling that off more smoothly? After diving a little deeper, it appears that while the chemicals in garlic do increase the level of friction between your fingers and the yolk, pulling the yolk out without it breaking really depends on the quality of the egg.

Egg yolks have something called a vitellin membrane. That, essentially, is a multi-layered structure that protects the egg yolk and keeps it separate from the egg white. A healthier, fresher egg will have a thicker vitellin membrane, enabling its yolk to be picked up with a lower chance of bursting.

With all that in mind, I’m afraid I'll be awarding that hack a measly 2 out of 5. Does the hack work? In certain circumstances, yes. Is it simple and convenient? No. Never fear, though, for I have another egg yolk separating hack that I promise is much easier and less smelly!

According to the TikTok hack, all you need to do is grab an empty plastic water bottle, squeeze the air out, and place it over the yolk. As you release your squeeze, the bottle will replicate a vacuum and suck the yolk up, seamlessly separating it from the white. And after putting that to the test, I can proudly confirm it works incredibly well! Considering its practicality and ease of use, that is definitely a 5 out of 5 hack you’ll want to keep in your egg basket!

Egg yolk separating hack with a plastic bottle

Yolks aside, I have one last extraordinary life hack that’ll give you the perfect crack every time and the solution may’ve been hiding in plain sight. Apparently you can get the perfect crack with no tiny loose shell fragments by simply dropping your egg into the pan. That’s it. No tools, no real technique. So, let’s see how that pans out.

Admittedly it did take a, few attempts. But then, just as I thought all my hopes had withered away, the moment finally came. The egg cracked with no shell fragments. While of course the hack did eventually work, I wasted 4 eggs in its pursuit, so my meter is, with regret, awarding it a 1 out of 5. This is more a game of luck rather than a hack.

Cracking an egg without shell fragments

Peel An Apple With Power Drill

While apple skin is a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals namely vitamins A, C, K, potassium, and calcium many prefer their apples peeled. Still, peeling can be a relatively arduous process. So, it’s just as well that I have a life hack that’ll solve all your peeling problems! Word on TikTok is that if you attach your apple to a drill and hold a peeler up to it, it’ll be skinless in no time. So I tried it out.

My first attempts didn’t go so well. But I wasn’t about to give up that easily! So, after considering that perhaps my peeler might’ve been blunt, I grabbed a new one. It took a little work, but it eventually started to gain traction and somewhat peeled the apple, though not exactly with the same ease of the original TikTok.

Many of the most successful TikTok's on that topic don’t actually use regular drill-bits, they use flat-headed wide bits that afford a way better grip inside the apple. So, after getting my hands on one, the hack seemed to be way more effective, and I could press the peeler more firmly against the surface without the drill slipping loose inside.

Apple peeling hack

The execution still wasn’t super smooth, but after a few trials and errors, I seemed to get the hang of it! Ultimately, I’m giving that hack a 3 out of 5 rating, as it has potential to be an extremely efficient way to peel your apples.

Keep Apples From Browning With Salt & Water

If you have accidentally peeled a stupid amount of apples due to the fun drill hack, then you’ll be pleased to know there’s a simple way to preserve them. It’s no secret that an exposed apple will go from white and juicy to brown and dry in no time, but why is that?

It’s actually due to enzymes in the apple that, when exposed to air, convert chemicals known as polyphenols into melanin which, similar to melanin’s role in human skin, causes the apple to brown. But, as I learned from TikTok and tested myself, with just salt and water, you can keep apples fresh and juicy for hours.

How so? Saltwater’s sodium content acts as a natural preservative, and once apple slices are coated in it, they’re given additional protection from oxygen even when removed from the saltwater bath. As a result, less drying and browning occurs. Better yet, I tried and can confirm the apples don’t even taste like salt either, earning that TikTok hack a 5 out of 5!

Wrong Size Battery Hack

Picture this: you’re kicking back watching some TV, when you realize the remote batteries are dead. In your desperate search for batteries, you scavenge through the assorted-crap cabinet in your kitchen, but can only find batteries that are too small. Will you admit defeat and spend the rest of the evening living like an Amish person or will you embrace Tiktok’s crazy solution?

TikTokers claim if you have a battery that’s too small for your remote, you can just place it in the remote anyway and bridge the gap with a small ball of foil. And I tested and can confirm, your remote will be up and running again in a zap!

Given the low amp-rating and voltage of TV remotes, that isn’t the most dangerous thing in the world, but it’s typically not a great idea to get creative with consumer electronics, so I personally would only use that on a short-term emergency basis, just to be safe. Still, great to know, right? Yet another 5 out of 5!

Phone Hacks

The term phone hacking might evoke feelings of paranoia and fear. But fear not: the phone hacks I’m about to jailbreak out from the tough streets of TikTok will only make life better. For instance, imagine that you’re reorganizing your apps on an iPhone and you want to move a bunch of them from one page to another. Going back and forth to grab each app individually can be a tedious process.

But, really, all you have to do is hold onto one of the apps you want to move, whilst simultaneously selecting the other ones you want to move too. As you do, all the selected apps will flock together, allowing you to move them all in one go! On Be Amazed-O-Meter it's a 5!

iPhone Hack

And on that note, another handy iPhone tip for you, courtesy of the Tokkers. If you’ve ever taken a screenshot and wanted to annotate it, you’ll know how difficult it can be to draw neatly with your finger on such a small screen. So it’s just as well that whilst drawing shapes and arrows, you can hold your finger on the screen afterwards which will transform your annotations into uniform shapes. That's surely a 5!

Annotation tricks on Phones

So while the iPhone 5S first introduced touch ID, and the iPhone 10, face ID, it still isn’t possible to unlock your phone with just your voice. Or so I thought until once again, TikTok proved me wrong with a super weird little trick that will allow you to command your phone to unlock with just your voice.

First, start by marking your passcode with something temporary, for example a lip-balm or gloss. Then, go on into settings, accessibility, and flip the voice control switch on. After that, go to ‘customize commands’ and type out a new command, such as ‘please unlock my phone’. Next, select ‘action’ and then ‘run custom gesture’. There is where the passcode marking comes in.

You’re then going to want to retrace your passcode using the markings and then click save. All that’s left to do is lock your phone, swipe up the passcode page, say ‘please unlock my phone’, and watch as the magic happens! That causes the screen to automate the touch response it would’ve received from you entering your passcode, and therefore allows you to unlock it without touching it at all!

Phone Unlock hack

While that hack definitely works, I can’t help but think face ID or typing in your passcode is much quicker and easier. You still have to swipe up the passcode page in order for that to work, so it isn’t truly exclusively voice-controlled. That said, it does technically work, and it feels pretty cool, so I’m going to give it a solid 4 out of 5.

Towel Folding Hack

If you choose modesty over comfort and wear a towel when you get out of the shower, there’s a nifty hack for you, fresh off the shelves of a TikTok trend! The trick is not to tuck your towel, as most of us do, but to actually roll it down instead.

Towel Hack

With that slight, sturdy adjustment, you’ll be unstoppable. Run a marathon? No problem. Climb a mountain? You got it all with no slippage. If that’s not a 5 out of 5 then I don’t know what is!

Fast T-Shirt Folding Hack

Still on the topic of folding, there’s a TikTok hack, that’ll have your t-shirts neat and tidy in a flash. It takes a little bit of practice to replicate, but once you get the hang of it, t-shirt folding is a breeze. All it takes is grabbing in two specific spots, folding the top spot over the lower point, grabbing the bottom edge, and yanking it altogether like some kind of fashion magician. It’s another 5 out of 5 from me.

t shirt Folding hack

Waterproof Your Shoes With A Candle And A Hairdryer

Here's a life hack you might literally want to save for a rainy day. You can easily make canvas shoes waterproof with a simple DIY hack that’s trending on TikTok! The squelch of a damp shoe is certainly unpleasant but that can be completely avoided with nothing more than beeswax and a hairdryer!

All you have to do is rub beeswax onto your shoes, set it in place with a heated blow dryer, and then watch as the water seamlessly glides away without a trace. Beeswax’s natural water-repelling properties make that a genuinely impressive protective barrier that’s simple, cheap, and effective. What more could you want? It’s a 5 out of 5!

make canvas shoes waterproof

Threading A Needle With A Toothbrush

TikTok claims that you can easily perform the tricky task of threading a needle using only a toothbrush. According to a viral trend, all you have to do is simply place a thread over the toothbrush and push the needle onto the thread and into the bristles. As a result, your needle will be threaded in a flash. Having tried that myself, I can confirm that it is nowhere near as easy as it sounds.

threading a needle using only a toothbrush

In the time it took to work, I could’ve threaded about 100 needles quicker using more traditional methods. That is really a case of, “so-called life-hack looks super easy on video, and makes for a great thumbnail but kind of sucks in reality”. So, I’m afraid it’s a 1 out of 5.

Chicken Tendon Hack

Chicken breast is a lean protein machine, which is of course essential if you want to be a strapping hunk like me. However, we all know how unappetizing the gristly tendons inside can be. So there’s a TikTok hack to say sayonara to those sinewy little rascals. Apparently, you just need to place the tendon between a fork’s prongs, grab it with a paper-towel, and quickly yank it through the fork, removing the entire tendon.

That’s all good and well, but is it really as easy as it sounds? After all, lots of those TikTok life hacks just rely on capturing one good take, rather than being repeatably useful! So I put it to the test. I got my hands on some chicken breasts, got a hold of the tendon, and got to yanking. And, it really worked! While there is certainly a knack to it, once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty satisfying!

Chicken breasts tendon removing hack with a fork

I’m giving that hack a 4 out of 5, as despite its varied success, it’s something I’ll be incorporating into my everyday life!

Spiral Cucumber Hack

Chopping fruit and vegetables isn’t always the easiest especially if you have two left hands like me. Just looking at some TikToker’s majestic cucumber spiral might seem daunting, but it can actually be done relatively easily thanks to this next hack.

As per several viral TikTok videos, I placed my cucumber between a pair of chopsticks, and began by chopping into it at a slight angle, being mindful to not chop all the way through. I then did the same on the flipside but cut straight. It did take me a few attempts, as those two left hands of mine made it pretty difficult to avoid chopping the halves separately without cutting the whole way through.

However, just as my patience had worn thin not to mention, my supply of cucumbers it seemed the cucumber gods finally decided to bestow me with one of their beautiful spiraled offerings.

Spiral Cucumber hack

That hack was undoubtedly difficult to achieve and wasn’t the most intuitive at least for me not to mention there’s the question of ‘why would you really want to do this’? For that reason, it’s a 3 out of 5 from me.

Slice A Watermelon Using A Pringles Can

Onto some more hacks to sharpen your fruit chopping chops, and you will love this next one. There’s a TikTok clip in question, which shows how you can extract a watermelon’s flesh ready for slicing into bite-sized pieces, using just an empty Pringles tube. Sounds too good to be true, but incredibly, it really works!

Watermelon cutting hack

As you can see above, the whole Pringles tube usage isn’t quite as smooth as portrayed in many of the original TikToks, but on a whole, the hack did, in fact, work. That said, it wasn’t super easy, quick, or convenient, so it’s looking like a semi-respectable 3 out of 5 on my meter.

Hull Strawberries With A Straw

But if you’re in the mood to pry the guts out of more fruits, then this next TikTok hack is for you. Simply take a straw and push it through the center of a strawberry, and you’ll be left with a satisfying stemless strawberry! After trying that myself, it can be pretty difficult to gauge where exactly the center of the strawberry is.

Strawberry hack with a straw

That said, once you get the hang of it, it is incredibly satisfying. All in all, that hack lands at 4 on the meter, purely for how fun it is to do.

Cracker And Easy Cheese Hack

According to TikTok there’s a little-known, super easy, and super cool looking way to use Cheese in a can on your crackers. Rather than squeezing it on top like an amateur, that hack suggests you wedge your cracker onto the nozzle and watch as the cheese piles up perfectly in a circle or so, that’s the idea.

When I tried that, I was initially hopeful but, it just created a messy mound of cheese, as opposed to an aesthetic swirl. And while through numerous attempts, I found that the idea behind that hack somewhat works, the execution, at least in my experience, was a bit of a fail.

cracker hack onto the Cheese nozzle

So, given how easy it is by comparison to just squirt cheese directly onto the cracker, that hack gets a 1 out of 5 from me. The taste of the cheese and crackers, on the other hand, a strong 5 out of 5!

Ice Cube Stops Water From Boiling Over

As the great Vanilla Ice once said, "stop, collaborate, and listen. Ice is back with a brand-new invention" or rather, per today’s article theme, TikTok’s back with some brand new ice life hacks! You will be mind-blown to find that ice can instantly stop a pan from boiling over.

It probably seems pretty obvious now that I you think about it, as a chilly ice cube will lower the overall temperature of the water, and reduce the boiling, but it’s still something most never considered doing until now. It does the trick perfectly, earning it a strong 5 out of 5.

ice can instantly stop a pan from boiling over

Ice Cubes In Cereal Hack

Not only can ice prevent your pan from boiling over; it also does a great job of keeping your cereal nice and crunchy! Due to the fact that materials tend to dissolve slower in cold water, and cereal growing soggy is essentially a very slow dissolving process, adding ice into your cereal means that it will stay crunchier for longer!

You can even use frozen cubes of milk to avoid diluting the milk with water, if you want to get real fancy. I only tried regular ice cubes, but I can definitely confirm the long-lasting crunch-factor, which secures a 5 out of 5 rating from me.

Ice cube and cereal hack

Using Ice To Remove Gum From Clothes

More interestingly, though, did you know that ice can be pretty useful if you happen to get some gum stuck to your clothing? At least, that’s what TikTokers are claiming. But is that legit? I tried to find out. We all know how when gum gets stuck to clothing, pulling it off can be a sticky stringy nightmare. But, if you just compress ice over the area for a few moments, it actually will freeze the gum to some extent, hardening it up and allowing it to be pulled off without any stringiness or stickiness!

Ice to remove Gums from clothes

It didn’t come off super seamlessly for me, but after a little more ice-pressing, we got there in the end! Honestly, in a pinch, that hack could be a real life-saver, or rather clothes-saver, so it’s another 5 out of 5.

If you were amazed at these TikTok life hacks that actually work you might want to read about viral TikTok hacks tested. Thanks for reading!