Awesomely Passive Aggressive Ways People Got Revenge

March 7, 2023
•11 min read
Sometimes, the most satisfying kinds of vengeance are the sneaky, calculated slow-burners. Here are some awesomely passive aggressive ways people got revenge.
When it comes to revenge, public displays of aggression aren’t always the best choice. Sometimes, the most satisfying kinds of vengeance are the sneaky, calculated slow-burners, and they’re just as entertaining to hear about as they are to carry out. So, get ready for off-the-charts pettiness, as we explore some awesomely passive-aggressive ways people got revenge.
Fake Treasure
In 2018, a Reddit user shared the tale of how he got rid of a pesky coworker. The coworker constantly made fun of the original poster for no good reason at his construction job, and even attempted to get him fired without cause.

20 Pounds of Revenge
In 2017, a bartender shared a sneaky revenge story with the internet about an unbearable regular. The customer would often sit for hours, drinking, verbally abusing the staff, and – worst of all: never tipping!
One night, she asked the bartender for a drink recommendation. He suggested she try a ‘vodka paralyzer’, which contained lots of heavy cream among other fattening ingredients. She loved it and began to order it all the time, often guzzling 7 or 8 of them per night.
An Order of Instant Revenge
In August 2019, a man placed an order for instant revenge at a McDonald’s drive-thru. While he was ordering his food, an impatient woman behind him began honking and flipping him off for taking too long.

Revenge is Best Served Cold
When Redditor Thejustinset’s fellow Starbucks worker took a customer’s order and asked for his name, the customer refused to oblige. But he didn’t just refuse to give his name; he belittled her and called her stupid, too.

An Urnspection
In this next story from 2018, a young woman taught the UK’s Department of Work and Pensions a valuable lesson in internal communications. Soon after Hatti Broxton’s mother passed away, she notified the DWP, and received an acknowledgement in response.
However, seven months later, a benefits inspector called her and told her he’d be coming by to assess whether her mother was fit for work. Hatti, irritated by the obvious (and frankly, insensitive) disorganization on show, allowed them to pencil in a visit to see her mother. When they arrived and requested to see Hatti’s mom, she asked them to “hang on a minute”. She fetched the urn containing her mother’s ashes, and said, “This is Louise Braxton, you’ve come to assess her?”
Clean Revenge
Delving back into the pettiest depths of Reddit, user RaChernobyl lived in an apartment block with a shared laundry room, where she kept her detergent. One day, she realized her detergent was being used by someone, so she left a note asking them not to.

Phantom Shopping List
In March 2019, a blogger by the name of ‘Baby Sideburns’ found a creative way to take out her frustration over her husband’s laziness. She gave him a shopping list and sent him out for the items. Only, those items didn’t exist.Baby Sideburns’ turned her phone on silent, while her husband cluelessly searched for seedless strawberries, unsour cream and organic pop tarts, among other nonsensical essentials. Needless to say, at least for that week, her husband would think twice about neglecting his share of the chores.
When student Darryl Docherty wrote an essay in 2018, one of his friends thought it’d be funny to insert a curse word into the document when he wasn’t looking.

Cheating Husbands
Of course, some people are even more deserving of feeling guilty. Namely, cheating husbands. Luckily, scorned wives who know how to dish out vengeance in spectacularly petty ways are in no short supply. One wife posted this huge sign on her front lawn letting the whole world know that her husband was a cheater.
It details the husband’s smutty affairs with two other women that took place while his wife was caring for her husband’s sick mother. If naming and shaming is your thing, bright, bold, unmissable signage is the way to go.If your budget is a little smaller, but you still want to publicly expose a cheating significant other, opt for the D.I.Y version. “Welcome Home Cheater” on a white sheet is a perfectly-suitable alternative to a hot meal waiting on the table.emma myers to jenna ortega after watching the clip where jenna calls gwendoline christie her wife
Here in Canada...
In 2017, Reddit’s “pettyrevenge” subreddit served up a super-satisfying story about shoddy service. When the bill arrived for a meal after the server had been incredibly rude and unhelpful, the OP didn’t want to leave a tip at all. But, to avoid an argument, he tipped 10%. The waiter angrily explained, “here in Canada, it’s customary to leave a minimum of 15%.

Food Theft Vengeance
Another great story was shared in 2019 by a Redditor who was tired of her cereal being stolen at work. To stop the thief, she stuck a sticker over the seal that said “Not Yours.”
When she next checked, however, the seal had been torn open and the words “Hide It Better” had been written on the sticker. She politely responded with another sticker saying, “Fair call. Enjoy”.

Hide the Filth
When a neighborhood’s Home-Owners Association cited a homeowner for trash cans that were visible from the street, the homeowner was forced to erect a privacy fence. He did what was asked of them... just with a little attitude. When the fence inevitably gets cited, what’s next? Some topiary?
Neighborhood Bully

Stinking Revenge
Sometimes, revenge causes a real stink, as was the case with the friend of a user from the “ProRevenge” Subreddit. OP’s friend figured out their neighbor was flushing used diapers down the toilet, causing foul-smelling blockages for everyone else in the apartment block.

Stay Off My Grass!
Another pretty extreme form of revenge was taken by one individual who was tired of inconsiderate drivers ruining his grass verge. So, he put down a wooden board, full of nails, to keep his grass preserved, and keep any intruding tires well and truly flat.
Sandwich Maker's Revenge
Sometimes, petty revenge is a little calmer, and more domestic. Take this the wife's revenge for her husband rudely calling her a “sandwich-maker”, for example. When he bit into his sandwich at work the next day, he noticed his ‘sandwich-maker’ had left the wrapping on the cheese. And when he opened up the sandwich to remove the plastic, he saw the words “Not Sorry” written in sharpie.
I Said No Onions!
Another form of harmless passive-aggression was served up by an annoyed customer whose order was wrong. A complaint doesn’t get much clearer than, “I said no onion” on the plate, written in the problematic ingredient itself.
Poop Shaming
For too long, inconsiderate people have let their dogs poop on lawns and walked away without facing the consequences. Thankfully, one man figured out how to put a stop to this.
After a phantom pooper struck time and time again, he set up a camera to catch any owners and their four-legged friends in the act. He was successful, and he printed out stills from the CCTV, placing one on a stake–right next to the pile of poop – for the whole neighborhood to see.Dog owners beware - a fed-up Lower Mitcham resident is hitting back at those who refuse to pick up after their pooches. He has posted video of one culprit online in the hope she will return and scoop the poop. @MarkMooney7 #7News