Crazy Maps That Are So Bad They’re Good
November 21, 2022
•11 min read
Let's take a look at some of the most absurd (but accurate) maps on the internet: terrible maps that are so bad, they’re good.
You might’ve been on the internet recently and seen maps so ridiculous that you’ve had to stop, scratch your head, and wonder who made up this nonsense. But sometimes a quick google proves that despite your disbelief - the map was genuine all along.
In this article, you’ll see some of the most absurd maps on the internet: terrible maps that are so bad, they’re good.Pubs in the UK
If you ever have a chance to visit England, rest assured you’ll always find a place to drink, as proven by this map of pubs in the UK. We already knew this, right? But that doesn’t make this map any less impressive. Maybe it's not a map, but a route plan.
Churches in Poland
Now let’s compare it to the map of Churches in Poland. In a country that was under communist rule for decades, maintaining that many Holy places is no mean feat.
In the face of brutal persecution, the church in Poland resisted Communism and the country’s Catholic population continued worshiping in secret.Town Names in Iceland
Maps of Antarctica
Flat maps never treat Antarctica fairly. The frozen continent is much more like the lonely island at the bottom of the world than the gigantic, straight white land mass that sprawls across the lower half of most maps of the world.
Croatia's Coastline
How did Croatia get all the waterfront property in this deal?
American Date Format
America's refusal to use the metric system, its unwillingness to embrace soccer, and its stubborn insistence on refrigerating eggs are just a few examples of the ways Americans insist on being different from the rest of the world.
Map of US Moose Population
Next up is a map of the USA with the states scaled by the size of their moose population.
World Time Zone Map
The map below just looks like a load of lines, and in fact, if you weren’t reading an article about maps, this would make zero sense to you at all.
Switzerlands in Brazil
In the map below, the little shapes covering Brazil aren’t to be confused with populations of a wild animal, like a rhino or some kind of Amazonian warthog.
Ownership of Kangaroo
The map below shows the answer to the question “What do Wisconsin, West Virginia, and South Carolina have in common?” All three of these states have laws permitting the ownership of a kangaroo as a pet.
Soccer in the United States
Ten years ago, this map would have been irrelevant. But soccer - or football as it’s known in the rest of the world – is growing in popularity among a younger generation of fans here in the United States, and that makes this state map of the most popular European soccer teams possible.
Bestiality is Legal Here
Here’s a map no one wants their home state to appear on: the map of states where bestiality is legal. The good news is only four states are colored in on this map. The bad news? That four states are still colored in on this map.
Autocomplete Response for European Nations
The map below breaks down the top Google autocomplete response for each nation in Europe, as googled from the United States. For example, if you type in “Why did Germany” in Google, the top autocomplete response is “Why did Germany invade Poland?”
Pretty pointless, but definitely interesting. It seems we can't quite understand why people join certain unions... or leave, for that matter.Autocomplete Response for US States
Interesting autocomplete results aren't just reserved for Europeans. Check out the results found for US states as typed into Google search. Basically, by typing the name of each American state, the autocomplete results below would come up.
Metal Band Density Map
You can learn a number of things from the map below. First, an “Encyclopedia Metallum” exists. It's a website listing bands from various forms of heavy metal music. Second, Chile is by far the king of metal bands in South America. In fact, the race is not even close.
United Gates
This one might depress you a bit. Bill Gates, the Microsoft founder who's done amazing things for the world by pioneering the personal computer, has more money than most of the nations in Africa, every country in Central America, all of the nations in the Caribbean, as well as Greenland - though that shouldn’t be a big surprise considering it’s just a big block of ice.
McDonald's World Map
You’ll see the golden arches in almost any country you go to. But there are a handful of nations who’ve held out and have defended their borders against Ronald McDonald and his crew.
Some countries have even kicked McDonald’s out - Bolivia, Iran, and Iceland have all decided to get rid of their McDonald’s franchises, citing a mix of political and public health reasons.Lightning Intensity Map
Toto only mentioned the rain down in Africa. They neglected to inform us of the intense lightning that comes with it. The problems of poverty and disease on the continent are well-known, and often unfairly exaggerated. But what about this big black blob in the Congo?
US Cities Original Names
What if Tampa were still known as Angola? What if Miami were still known as Fort Dallas? Or what if Washington DC were still known as Georgetown? These are some of the original names of major US cities when those places first formed.
Weirdest US City Names
From the Twitter of horror writer Stephen King, the map below highlights the weirdest city names all over the US. Santa Clause in Indiana might be one you’re familiar with. But is there anyone out there from Chicken Bristle, a city in the neighboring state of Illinois?
Map of Shame
You may have come across rankings for the top states in various categories including education, medical care, and average income. Well, as the map below from 2011 by the cartographic research lab at the University of Alabama illustrates, every state is dead last in something.
Map of Swear Words by State
In a similar vein, this next map shows the most popular swear words by state - big shocker here!! The Midwest cusses less on Twitter than anywhere else in the country. The Midwest coming in as the most polite shouldn’t shock anyone.
Funny Maps
Not a cat person? Well, too bad. Because the map below proves the world is just one giant cat knocking Australia around like a ball of yarn.
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