Crazy Ways Animals Give Birth

November 11, 2023
•10 min read
From snails with very unfortunate anatomies to rodents born covered in sharp spines, here are some of the most incredible and crazy ways animals give birth.
Giving birth to a child isn’t an easy feat. Just ask any mother out there! But humans have things pretty easy compared to the utterly bizarre birthing practices of certain creatures on our planet. From snails with very unfortunate anatomies to rodents born covered in sharp spines, here are some of the most incredible and crazy ways animals give birth.
New Zealand’s kiwi bird is not like most other birds. It’s completely flightless, it burrows underground, and takes almost 30 days to produce an egg. However, the Kiwi is known to lay the biggest egg in proportion to the body of any bird on Earth!
A single egg can take up as much as 25% of the mother’s body mass. That would be like an average human mother giving birth to a four-year-old toddler! The kiwi mother’s organs become so compressed during this time, that she’s often unable to feed in the final few days of her pregnancy. But once laid, the kiwi chick has a competitive edge in this scary new world because it’s already well-developed.Once the chick hatches, it’s almost fully formed! Scientists theorize that the chick develops in this way so that it has the ability to run and evade predators soon after birth. Running from a predator is not the best way to enter the world but when you're born a flightless bird, you have to hit the ground running!Porcupine
It’s not just size that can make birth difficult for animals. Take the porcupine, for example. These giant rodents are famous for the sharp quills that cover their bodies, and for good reason. With each spike containing up to 800 tiny barbs along the tip, they’re incredibly painful and hard to remove.
But while they’re effective at keeping predators away, you’d expect those barbed spikes to pose a horrendously painful problem for expectant mothers! So how does a female porcupine give birth without getting severely spiked by the baby on its way out?While baby porcupines, known as porcupettes, are indeed born fully quilled, their quills are more like fur than spikes at first. However, these quills begin to harden once they’re exposed to air. This means complications at birth where the porcupette is born facing the wrong way can leave partially hardened quills embedded in the birth canal!Giraffe
It’s not just painful exits and extra-wide offspring that make animal births so bizarre. Giraffe mothers also have the height of their calves to worry about! This famously long-necked species can grow to around 20 feet tall, and they usually give birth standing up!
African Dwarf Crocodile
When you think of something laying an egg, you probably picture a chicken or another bird. But it’s not just birds that lay eggs; that amazing feature is also shared by many reptiles! While flesh-hungry reptiles like the African Dwarf Crocodile may look vicious, they are surprisingly gentle when it comes to their young.
They build mound nests at the sides of bodies of water where they lay their clutch of about 10 eggs. This is to keep them hidden from predators and protected from a rising and falling water line.After three months with the mother keeping close guard, the hatchling crocodiles begin to break out of their shells. But here’s the crazy part: the mother will then transfer her hatchlings to the water using only her mouth! She even helps remove the shells of trapped infants with her teeth!Christmas Island Red Crab
Every year on Christmas Island, millions of red crabs migrate to the shores to produce one of the most astounding mass-birthing spectacles on the planet. While the sight of all those crabs is mind-blowing on its own, the spawning of the eggs is somehow even crazier!
After mating, female crabs will produce around 100,000 eggs in their brood pouches and wait along the island’s coastlines for around 2 weeks while they develop. When the time’s right, the female crabs will then perch in the water and shake loose the thousands of eggs into the sea.Kangaroo
The Kangaroos of Australia are pretty famous for their unusual practices when it comes to raising babies. But it gets much weirder than just a cute furball in a pouch. At merely around 33 days into gestation, the jelly-bean-sized kangaroo joey emerges from one of the mother’s two uteri.
It’s incredibly underdeveloped; it has no rear limbs and cannot see or hear. Yet this creature’s incredible instincts drive it to climb up the mother’s fur towards a pouch on her stomach. While it may just look like a skin pocket, the pouch serves as a complete nursery. Once the joey is safely inside, it attaches to its mother’s teat and develops there for 6 months before bouncing out for the first time!
Sugar Glider
There’s more than one animal in the land down under that gives birth in an unusual way, but this one’s taking the crown as the cutest. The Sugar Glider is a marsupial that has thin stretches of skin under its arms which allow it to glide from tree to tree in the wild! But the weirdest thing about it has to be the way it gives birth.
At around 16 days into gestation, a tiny pink creature emerges, measuring around 0.2 inches long. Similarly to the kangaroo, the Sugar Glider joey is born incredibly underdeveloped, with its eyes and ears still fused shut!Using those strong marsupial instincts, it migrates towards the mother’s pouch, which thankfully only takes about 5 minutes. To help its progress, the mother will lick a path from her cloaca to the pouch, allowing the joey to more easily cling to her fur.Snail
The African land snail may be one of the slowest creatures around, but, surprisingly, it’s also one of the fastest reproducing species in the world! These giant gastropods are hermaphrodites, meaning each snail has both male and female reproductive organs, so technically all of them are capable of laying eggs.
Despite having some of the strangest faces in the animal kingdom, the most unnerving thing about the common goat is the way it gives birth. On average, baby goats gestate in the womb for around 5 months before making their grand entrance into the world. As the mother goat enters labor, a kind of bubble is usually pushed out ahead of the offspring.
Pythons make up some of the world’s largest species of constricting snakes, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a soft side. Unlike their cousins the Boas, which give birth to live young, pythons lay eggs. The numbers differ from python to python, but larger pythons are able to produce up to 100 eggs in a single clutch!
But while most species of egg-laying snakes will abandon their eggs, Pythons are known to coil around their egg clutch to protect them in a process known as brooding. If temperatures get too cold, the mothers of certain types of pythons will contract their muscles and shiver to keep the eggs warm.Elephant
Making a baby elephant takes time and patience, as it has the single longest gestation period of any mammal on the planet. Taking roughly 21 months to produce what is normally a single offspring, an African Elephant calf enters the world, usually weighing in at around a staggering 200 lbs. That’s almost 30 times the weight of a human baby!
But elephant births aren’t just bigger; they can get a lot weirder too. During a pregnant elephant’s labor, an amniotic sack may be pushed out first, giving it a balloon-like appearance. This is similar to that of the goat birth, only on a much larger scale. Once the huge calf has been delivered, the mother blows and rubs the sac off the newborn, encouraging it to breathe and move.