Stupid Criminals Who Must Not Want Their Freedom

March 16, 2023
•11 min read
Some criminals are so dumb they obviously don't want their freedom. Let's find out about some of the dumbest criminals ever!
To break the law with your freedom intact, you need to be either smart, intimidating, or lucky. But some miscreants don’t match any of those criteria. In fact, some criminals are so incredibly dumb that they end up doing the hard work for the police, making their arrest not only simple, but also inevitable!
From robbers who accidentally called the cops on themselves to California’s phantom pooper, let’s explore some embarrassingly dumb people who clearly don’t want their freedom.Comical Criminality
When a Missouri comic book store had 3,000 comics stolen from a storage unit, the owner was devastated. He sent a message around asking local stores to notify him in the event that anyone attempted to cash in on them. You can imagine his surprise when they all showed up one day, at his own store, accompanied by the woman who stole them.
The less-than-genius thief was attempting to sell the comics to the very store she had stolen them from, despite the boxes having the owner’s details and signature. With the help of the police, the criminal was caught, and the comics were returned to their rightful owner. With a failure of this level, perhaps they should have tried to steal a brain instead.
Don’t Blow It!
Two Florida burglars probably thought they were very clever indeed when they had the bright idea to use a blowtorch to break into an ATM. But the reason welding gear isn’t standard equipment for ATM robbers became very clear, very quickly.
Instead of providing access to the cash, the burning heat welded the ATM’s hinges shut. The robbers left with nothing, but the whole event was caught on CCTV, and images of the embarrassing escapade were shared with the world by Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office.
Three In A Bed
In 2018, three British teenagers aged between 16 and 19 were jailed after an attempted burglary went hilariously wrong. After receiving reports that four teens had been acting suspiciously outside a house in Leighton Buzzard, England, police arrived on the scene.
Upon entering the house, officers found the teenagers hiding in a bed, pretending to sleep. Officers may have tucked them in had it not been for the large amount of stolen jewelry hidden under the bedsheets with them.
Deputy Doorbell
Video doorbells are becoming an increasingly common safety feature in homes, allowing homeowners to easily see who approaches their door, even while out of the house. The doorbells are always on and always recording; something not all thieves seem to be aware of.
One would-be thief in Fresno, California was captured attempting to steal four separate video doorbells in the same neighborhood on the same day. The level of stupidity on show was almost unbelievable; after all, he must’ve known what the doorbell cameras' functions were in order to understand their value.Toy Criminal
In 2016, the Police in Indio, California were on the hunt for a thief who climbed through the ceiling of a YMCA and stole money from a cash register. The whole thing was caught on CCTV, and his entrance was about as smooth as a sandpaper baby wipe.
Hungry For Punishment
In 2018, a phone thief’s penchant for convenient snacks proved to be his downfall. The Chicago rookie criminal was easily located by police after he used a stolen phone to order Uber Eats to his doorstep.

The Phantom Pooper
In 2017, a thief decided to relieve himself mid-burglary, using a toilet inside his unwitting victim’s house. You’d have thought he’d have waited for a less tense environment, but I guess when you gotta go, you gotta go.

Arriving In Style
In Australia, one criminal made a bad situation even worse when he showed up to court on charges of car theft in a stolen car. Police officers in the nearby station spotted the parked car, recognizing it as one that had been stolen the week before.
When the man emerged from the Magistrates Court, having been charged for his initial car thievery, he was instantly arrested again for the exact same reason.
Official Binge Business
In 2018, a man barged into a Zaxby’s fast food restaurant in Snellville, Georgia and demanded free food. Why? Because he was an undercover FBI agent, of course! At least, that’s what he claimed.

Keeping Up With Appearances
An Australian fugitive's time on the run was cut short by vanity and stupidity in 2016 after she escaped from a correctional facility. Local police posted pictures of the fugitive on social media, asking the public to keep an eye out for her, but the fugitive herself found the photos to be sub-par.
In a moment of utter brilliance, she contacted the police department on Facebook to request that they use a more attractive photo than her mugshot. Because God forbid, she – a convicted criminal – look bad in the public eye. She even had the courtesy of providing a replacement. Unsurprisingly, the police declined the offer. They did, however, use her Facebook posts and activity to track her down.Off Without A Hitch
When an escaped inmate tried to hitch a ride on a Kentucky highway in 2018, his hopes were high when a car slowed down to pick him up. Unfortunately for him, the car was being driven by an officer of the law.

Butt Of The Joke
When an emergency operator in Fresno, California answered a call and their standard questions went unanswered, they were puzzled. The operator listened in to see if they could piece together the situation on the other end of the phone.
Instead of an ongoing emergency, the operator overheard the two men discussing their plans for a drug deal. If that wasn’t bad enough, the men then continued to make plans to rob cars to fund their drug habits. It soon became clear that the callers had fallen victim to a seriously unfortunate butt-dial to precisely the last number they could’ve hoped to call.

A Very Special Agent
In one of the strangest cases of 2019, an American woman found her way into the CIA headquarters multiple times over a 3-day period, seeking a rather unusual member of staff. Despite the fact that she was technically trespassing on her repeated entries to the HQ, the matter at hand was clearly above the law.
Each time she entered, she demanded to speak to “Agent Penis”. She insisted that she had been recruited to join the CIA by the uniquely-named agent, but the staff refused to believe her.

Selfie Slip-Up
Technology caused the downfall of another dumb criminal in 2014. When the criminal ran off with expensive jewelry from a London jeweler, he probably felt like a master of his craft. But when the police arrived, they noticed he’d left his mobile phone in his hasty exit, as well as his bag.
As if it wasn’t already easy enough for the police, he’d put his selfie as the lock screen. For someone who’d successfully stolen $300,000 worth of valuables before his capture, that was a jewel of a blunder.License And Mastication
Drunk driving is about as stupid as it gets, but in 2018, one Canadian drunk driver somehow outdid himself when asked for his license and registration after being pulled over. In his inebriated confusion, instead of his license, he handed the arresting officer the hamburger he’d been chowing down on.

Hidden In Plain Sight
When a burglar attempted to enter a house through a back window before quickly disappearing, the terrified homeowners thought they had scared them off by loudly calling the police.
But when police arrived to investigate, they realized the burglar was still in the yard. Bizarrely though, rather than run off, the burglar had chosen to sit on a patio chair, perfectly still, attempting to hide in plain sight.
Window of Inopportunity
Last but not least, this confounded criminal was quite literally caught in the act when his attempted burglary ended with him suspended upside down from a window!
After attempting to climb through a small open window in broad daylight, the burglar’s pants became caught on the window frame and he was left dangling upside down for more than an hour.