Embarrassingly Dumb Ways People Died - Darwin Awards Winners (Part 2)

January 10, 2023
•11 min read
Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution describes Natural Selection. Long after he died, the Darwin Awards were created for the dumbest ways people died.
Natural selection is mother nature’s way of making sure people get smarter, but even after 200,000 years of human evolution, some of us are still making really terrible choices. Let’s take a look at some of the most foolish examples that showcase some Darwin award winners.
20. Way Too Hot Spring
Colin Scott was looking forward to a dip in a hot spring when he strayed off the trail at Yellowstone in 2016 to go swimming in one of its famous hot springs. This activity is forbidden by park rules, but Colin, a former nature reserve volunteer, thought he knew better.
That is until he slipped into the Norris Geyser Basin: a thermal bath of boiling acidic water with below-surface temperatures of up to 459 degrees. Sadly for Colin, the only remains found were his wallet and flip-flops.
19. Safe-ty First
If there’s one thing we all know about safes, it’s that they’re heavy. Someone should have told this hapless burglar from Indiana, who broke into a man’s garage and tried to lift an antique, 900-pound safe suspended on a floor jack. When the homeowner returned to check his garage, he found the unlucky thief crushed to death.

18. Don’t Forget Your Pin
There are few things more satisfying than when bullies get what they deserve. Especially big ones. Cambodian military policeman Khim Sakhorn – nicknamed “Big Giant” – got exactly that when he tried to extort money and crystal meth from a local dealer.
To scare the dealer, Khim pulled the pin from a grenade. Unsurprisingly, this tactic worked, and the dealer handed over the goods. Kim then put the live grenade back in his pocket.
17. Runway Cyclist
Unless you’ve got E.T. in your basket, you probably shouldn’t be cycling on an airport runway. This advice never reached Brazilian cyclist Marcelo, who was crossing an airfield near Sao Paulo while listening to his Walkman.
Yes, it was 1997, but that’s no excuse. The 25-year-old was totally clueless as he collided with the propeller of a landing plane, mangling the blades and damaging the wing in the process. Following security guidelines, he was wearing a helmet, although it didn't help much.
16. Fast Food Fatality
In an attempt to rip off their workplace, two managers at Burger King cooked up a whopper of a plan. Staging a fake robbery and arson in order to steal over $4000 dollars from the restaurant, 22-year-old night manager Lisa was bound with duct tape and shut into the walk-in cooler by her accomplice.
Unluckily for Lisa, the fire department didn’t show up until the morning, when she was found freezing and semi-conscious.
15. Tiger Toy
Playing with your food is an unattractive habit, but some creatures just can’t help it. A mugger in South Africa found this out the hard way after robbing a couple at knifepoint. The mugger fled the scene and clambered over a nearby fence.

14. A Head for Chemistry
In the age of pipe blockages and fatbergs, we should know by now not to mess with the sewers. In 2008, a biology teacher from Sofia, Bulgaria, was driving home with two friends. Bystanders saw her car come to a sudden stop, and all three passengers got out and started pouring leftover jars of chemicals down a manhole.

13. Flaming Rodeo
In Washington in 2010, during the American Sprint Car Series, two crew members dreamt up an insane thrill ride. They poured 4 gallons of methanol into a 55-gallon barrel, sat on the barrel, and then lit the bunghole. These two bright sparks thought the barrel would shoot across the parking lot like a rocket, in some kind of fiery rodeo.

12. Suddenly Sluggish
Most people wouldn’t have the guts to eat a slug, turns out this guy didn’t either. A young rugby player called Sam from Sydney, Australia was at a party in 2010 when the slug sped across the table. His friends dared him to eat it, and he did.

11. Headless Chickens
In 1997, a group of co-workers in Holland were on a tour bus, and some of the bolder employees stuck their heads out of the windows to enjoy the air. You think you’d notice a tunnel approaching down the road, but two men kept their heads out as the bus entered a viaduct, and by this point, it was too late.

10. Fatal Footsie
We’ve all heard stories of idiots playing Russian Roulette, but this one tops them all. In 1999, Cambodia was littered with all kinds of discarded weaponry after decades of armed conflict.
In a place called Svay Rieng, three friends had spent the evening drinking. After hours of arguing, one of the men pulled out a 25-year-old unexploded anti-tank mine he’d found in his backyard.

9. Domestic Disturbance
Arguing with your partner can be an emotional rollercoaster, but this man’s reaction was shocking. In Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1998, a man decided that the best way to win an argument with his wife was to pick her up and throw her off the balcony.
They were eight floors up, but bizarrely the woman became entangled in the power lines below.

8. Gaso-Clean
Keeping boxfresh trainers clean is a must, but this method might be going too far. In 1998, 67-year-old Texan Reiva Nix was washing her tennis shoes with gasoline, when the shoes were ignited by a nearby candle. Reiva had to run with flaming feet to her neighbor’s house, who quickly doused her feet with a hose.

7. Considerate Car Thief
Some people have pretty twisted moral codes, but this car thief from Pittsburgh had a bit of logic to his larceny. Randy Nestor stole plenty of cars, and whenever a stolen vehicle became “hot”, he’d torch it, reasoning that the fire damage would help the owners collect on the insurance. Pretty thoughtful, right?

6. Floridian Pigeon
It seems that idiots are drawn to powerlines like moths to a flame. Here, the infamous “Florida Man” returns with a tale that would have Thomas Edison facepalming in his grave.
When Elian Garcia-Rivera’s pet pigeon decided to perch on a powerline, he thought the best way to dislodge his feathered friend would be to retrieve a 20-foot-long aluminum pool pole and jab it into the high-voltage wires.
5. Time Zone Terrorists
Daylight savings time causes a lot of confusion but in this instance, it proved fatal. In 1999, Israel turned the clocks back a day early, but Palestinians refused to accept this “Zionist Time” – except for four terrorists who’d planned a bombing that day.
Their bombs were set to go off at 6.30 pm, but poor communication meant the would-be bombers were an hour behind schedule. The explosives detonated while the terrorists were en route, preventing any further disasters.
4. Faithful Flotation
Anyone who says they haven’t taken a run at a pool with hopes of making it across is probably lying. So, when in 2016 a Zimbabwean pastor promised he would walk out into a river and rise above the water, his congregation were intrigued. After fasting for a week, the pastor waded 30 meters into a river known as the “Crocodile River”.
You think the name might have put him off, but no. Pastor Jonathan was devoured by three hungry crocodiles before he even had the chance to perform his miracle. So much for divine intervention.
3. Peeping Tom
People love to catch a glimpse of something they’re not supposed to see, like the following Calgary man who died in a shopping mall. Though his motives were unknown, it’s pretty obvious what this guy was up to when he climbed through a vent in order to access the area behind a wall in the women’s bathrooms.

2. Just Buy a Ticket
There are smart ways to save money, and there are dumb ways to save money. And then there’s this guy. Mr Zhang was visiting Ningbo Younger Zoo in China with his family when he realized he couldn’t afford the $20 to buy a ticket for himself.
So he doubled back and decided to scale the fence in order to access the zoo. After a successful climb, Mr Zhang landed in the tiger enclosure, and was set up by a trio of tigers, who quickly ripped him to pieces. I guess he paid the price after all.
1. Stings in the Tail
The Asian giant hornet is the world’s biggest hornet, and it’s the stuff of nightmares. Large, aggressive, and venomous, a swarm of these insects can kill a human – and they do: around 40 people are killed in Japan each year by hornet stings.
So the last thing you should do is bug them. In a hilarious-yet-shocking video, a Chinese man is shown dancing with a hornet’s nest and throwing it about after removing it. If you want to elicit stings from dangerous flying creatures, tearing their house down and juggling with them is a sure way to do it. Even with his protective suit, the man suffers multiple stings, and is later shown being carried off on a stretcher, his body stiff and full of venom. He probably needed a better suit.