Genius People Who Beat The System

April 4, 2023
•10 min read
Lots of smart people have figured out genius ways to beat the system. Let's find out about the smartest people who beat the system in the most genius ways.
Sometimes, rules are made to be broken. But for some people, stepping around the rules with top-tier finesse comes so naturally to them, it almost becomes an art form. From the passive-aggressive to the utterly brilliant, let’s check out some creative thinkers who beat the system in ingenious ways.
Action Fan
In the excitement of a match, sports fanatics have been known to sneak their way onto the pitch. Usually, it ends with them being rough-handled by security and escorted away. However, one fan became the exception to the rule during a 2015 soccer match between Lokomotiv Moscow and Besiktas.
The avid Lokomotiv Moscow supporter, immortalized in video form, doesn’t feel like being thrown out after a successful pitch-invasion. Instead, with the help of a fellow fan, he goes full-blown Indiana Jones.How Lokomotiv Moscow’s pitch invader escaped from security. Legendary #fans #superfans #pitchinvader #JazaStadi
Dorm Room Hack
The annoying rules in certain colleges make it so that students are only allowed to hang out in the dorms of their own gender. While some would just ignore a dumb rule like that, the clever couple in the image below found a way to technically obey the rules while still getting some downtime together.
Reverse Psychology
This next student deserves an honorary degree in reverse psychology. When he received an 89.41% grade, he did the opposite of what a student would normally do when coming so close to the next grade up at 90%.
Instead of asking the teacher to bump his grade up, he asked her to drop his grade by a couple of percent. By his reasoning, his parents wouldn’t see how close he was to getting an A-, and would give him less hassle.
First Class Idea
A man in China took playing the system to new heights when he came up with this next brilliant idea. He bought a refundable first-class ticket from Eastern China Airlines, not to see the world, but to get free meals for a whole year. First-class ticket holders have access to the airport’s VIP lounge where VIP travelers eat for free.

The Cycle Of Justice
What do you do when someone steals something from you? Steal it right back. At least that’s what one Vancouver woman did when she spotted her stolen bike up for sale on Craigslist. As the police told her they couldn’t handle her case that day, this brave woman decided to take justice into her own hands.

Sweden’s Day Off
Have you run out of excuses for skipping work? Have you considered telling your boss you’re too gay to work? As ridiculous as it sounds, this was a legitimate excuse in mid-20th century Sweden, when homosexuality used to be classified as a mental illness.
In 1979, some Swedes turned this discriminatory practice to their benefit, while simultaneously protesting it. Gay Swedish folk began calling in sick en-masse, claiming to be bed-bound with a terrible case of homosexuality. Some even went as far as to claim social security benefits for the so-called ‘illness’.
Fruit Loophole
When Halloween season came around in 2019, the University of Akron decided to put a ban on carved pumpkins in the dorms. This didn’t stop student Alex Schwartz from finding an innovative loophole. Specifically, a fruit loop-hole. Schwartz tweeted a picture of his rule-bending invention: a jack-o-lantern carved from a pineapple.
But the dorm’s college official threw away his pineapple, as the University feared Halloween-inspired carved fruit might rot and attract bugs and rodents. For Schwartz, this meant war. He retaliated by carving an army of mini-jack-o-lanterns from apples.The RA on duty threw my pineapple away. This means war.
Nutty Rules
Some rules are so stupid, they’re just asking to be broken. Like when MusicFest Northwest in Portland, Oregon banned festival shops from selling bottled water in an attempt to grant exclusive hydration rights to only a few drinks stalls. The idea was especially dumb, considering the temperature was 90F, but one shop found a crafty way around the ban.
The Grilled Cheese Grill staff put up one sign admitting they weren’t allowed to sell drinks, and another sign announcing a very special sale: 1 peanut for $1, with a free bottle of water on the side! Genius.Permit, Schmermit
When a Belgian man wanted to add a garage to his home for his BMW, the city required him to get a permit. Unfortunately, his request was denied, but instead of giving up on his garage door dreams, he saw a window of opportunity. Instead of installing a door, he installed a giant window, so technically he wasn’t breaking the law.
Drunk At A Distance
On vacation, nothing gets between a dude and his beer. When a group of pals found out they weren’t allowed to take drinks into the pool area, the rule sounded more like a challenge to them.
They connected a chain of straws to siphon their beer from about 20 feet above them. Their beer-support friend on the balcony proves long-distance relationships can work, after all.Don’t Step Foot Outside
When this little boy’s mom told him not to “step foot outside”, he did his best to obey. In his defense, both feet are inside. Clearly aware of the fact that technically correct is the best kind of correct, this kid is destined to be a lawyer.
Brains Over Beauty
In 2017, Instagrammer ‘Aidilhzq’ decided to play his fellow gram-users to make himself seem like a social-media-certified hottie. In the caption to a picture of himself, he asked his followers to comment either an 8, 9, or 10 on the pic if they’d like to see a magic trick.
Intrigued, several did so. He then changed his caption to read “Rate me on how sexy I am, out of 10”. Forget cosmetic surgery: this is the new way to guarantee hotness in the public eye.The Calming Chair
It’s not surprising that airport staff have to deal with some pretty unpleasant, stressed-out customers on a regular basis. But Reddit user ‘greyham0707’ beat the system in a hilarious way while he worked in the luggage department for a major airline.
On shift, he’d borrow an airport wheelchair and sit on it behind his desk. His apparent “disability” turned angry, aggressive customers into nice, sympathetic people, who were reluctant to berate a wheelchair-bound individual.
Intentional Ignorance
When Kimberley Oakley left a post-it note for her son Jason on a recently-washed shirt, asking ‘can you hang this out please’, the task seemed simple. But Jason took his mom’s choice of words, which didn’t technically specify what ‘this’ referred to, more interpretatively than she’d expected.
Jason sent the above pic to his mom showing he’d done as she’d asked. Her hilarious response, complete with countless exclamation marks and the excellent insult, ‘gimp boy’, was almost as good as the cheeky act itself.Respecting Boundaries
For one kid, his mom’s rules were simple: no food in the living room and no smart tablets in the kitchen. Seems like a reasonable way to make sure he’s sociable at the dinner table, but this smarty-pants found a way to beat the system. His mom is right to be fearful of what’ll happen once he hits the rebellious teenage stage. Evil genius inbound.
At An Impasse
Parents have had a love-hate relationship with Lego since it was invented. While they help improve children’s creative and problem-solving abilities, they hurt like the mighty horns of Satan when you step on them barefoot.
One boy decided he could use this to his advantage and covered his bedroom floor with Lego to keep his parents out of his room.Going to spank me? GOODLUCK! For more LEGO fun stuffs, visit #lego #legofunny #toys #humor
Next time I step on Lego, I will simply get taller. I'm a bloody genius.
Picture Perfect
When a Twitter user’s dad went to Las Vegas weekend, he set up a live-feed camera in the living room to make sure his son didn’t throw any parties. He could breathe a sigh of relief upon checking the camera footage, seeing everything remained quiet, calm and in place for the whole time away. But of course, it would, because the quick-witted son had placed the camera in front of a screenshotted picture of the living room!
My dad went to Vegas for 5 days and put a camera in the house but that aint stoping me 🤷🏽♂️💡