Incredible Animal Transformations

September 18, 2023
•17 min read
Here are some truly amazing animal transformations and glow ups!
Some animals undergo physical changes that are truly incredible and, unfortunately, getting older isn’t the only reason for this. From an orangutan that was abandoned as a baby to a tiny pink blob-like panda baby, let’s find out some animals that went through truly amazing transformations!
Damascus Goats
Damascus goats are native to the Middle East and known for their long, flowing ears. They look kind of mystical, and wouldn’t be out of place wandering around Skyrim! However, the adorable visage doesn’t last. However, there are folks out there who think Damascus goats only get cuter as they age.
So, they’re selectively bred to accentuate their weird features as much as possible. In some cases, owners even remove their ears. Back in 2008 there was a goat festival in Saudi Arabia where those guys were judged to find the most “beautiful.” After the winners were chosen, they were sold at auction for a whopping $67,000!Neglected Pony Hooves
Horses need a lot of attention, including having their hooves trimmed every few weeks, kind of like our fingernails. In 2017, a Shetland pony named Poly was found over in Belgium living in abject squalor, covered in lice and with her hooves wildly overgrown into painful spirals.
It turns out, they hadn’t been trimmed for 10 years. In a terrible case of neglect, her owner had kept her hidden away from public view in a makeshift shack far from any roads. The owner was nowhere to be seen when Poly was found, but it seemed the poor pony had been completely abandoned. Amazingly though, Poly held on. And as soon as she was discovered, she got some much-deserved TLC, with her hooves finally being cut down and tended to.Pony kept indoors 10 years gets the most magical transformation 💖 @animauxenperil
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Atlas Moth Transformation
Caterpillars go through a magnificent transformation. It’s called metamorphosis, and the frosty-looking Attacus atlas caterpillar experiences one of the wildest metamorphoses of them all. Because caterpillars can’t reproduce, they’re not born with the bodies for it!
So, they have to become butterflies or moths, which do have the right tools for the trade. The thing is, completely transforming into a different creature is pretty tough, and requires a lot of energy. To get this energy, caterpillars need to eat a lot.In fact, they do basically nothing but eat! The Attacus atlas caterpillar is no different, feeding voraciously on foliage until it reaches about 4.5 inches long. Then, it’s time for the magic to happen.
From Fat Vincent To Skinny Vinnie
Vincent, the dachshund, wasn’t in a great place in 2015 when he was picked up by a county animal shelter in Houston, Texas. His owner had passed away, and he was suffering from depression, causing him to overeat. Fat Vincent was a whopping 38lbs when he was brought in! That’s the same weight as 2 and a half bowling balls!
The extra heft gave the curvy canine dangerously high cholesterol, put him at risk of nerve damage, and made it almost impossible for him to walk. But when non profit organization K-9 Angels Rescue heard about the poor dog’s condition, they vowed to help our big buddy lose some of his extra weight. His comprehensive exercise regime began with water aerobics, and once he started seeing results, he was taken out for daily walks. It didn’t take very long for Fat Vincent to become Skinny Vinnie! Now happy and healthy, Vincent has been adopted by a loving family. Don’t get it twisted, our guy still loves food, but he loves exercise too now. Everything in moderation!From Fat Vincent to Skinny Vinnie — this dog 🐶 lost over 20 pounds: #NationalPetDay
Dirty Dogs Contest
The Wahl Clipper Corporation is known for clippers, trimmers, and other tools to make any hair fabulous. But Wahl doesn’t just focus on hunks like you and me though, they’re in the business of grooming man’s best friend too! To that end, the company works with nonprofits to host the Dirty Dogs contest, a canine makeover competition!
The best canine do-ups from across the USA are shown off in an effort to win prize money for select animal charities. Take a look at the transformation of Flynn, a contestant from 2022’s contest, in the image below,Heartbreakingly, Flynn was discovered abandoned in a soaking cardboard box outside a shelter in Texas. He was cared for by S.A.V.E. Rescue, who realized that as well as his overgrown fur he had a broken leg, ulcers in his eyes, and was dangerously underweight. But don’t worry, after months of care and grooming, Flynn made a radical recovery! He’s since been adopted into a loving home, and though he didn’t win the makeover contest, he’s a winner in my eyes.Heidi Recovered By "Here 4 Horses"
Back in April 2018, a concerned citizen called equine charity named 'Here 4 Horses' to a building site in Durham, England. When a volunteer arrived, she peered through the fence and was horrified to see what looked like a deceased horse lying in the mud. Thankfully, things weren’t quite as they seemed, after approaching the animal, she realized it was still breathing.
Flamingo Transformation
Flamingos are known best for one thing, their striking pink color, right? Well, get ready to have your mind blown. Flamingos are not pink. Not naturally anyway. In the image below is a baby flamingo and it’s dull, grey, and frankly, unremarkable.
So do they all secretly dye their feathers? Amazingly, kind of. But flamingos aren’t buying box dyes from their local Wal-Mart; the color change occurs 100% naturally. Many plants produce colored pigments called carotenoids. Carrots, for example, are orange thanks to the carotenoids they produce, but tomatoes are red because of carotenoids! And carotenoids are also found in microscopic algae, specifically the same algae that brine shrimp love to chow down on.Baarack The Overgrown Sheep
Baarack, the wild sheep, was found wandering alone in a state forest in Victoria, Australia, with his wool painfully overgrown and matted. At one point the ram had an owner, but either escaped or was abandoned. We know he’s a domestic sheep because they’re bred to produce far more wool than wild ones.
While wild sheep naturally shed with the seasons and can rub against trees to remove their wool, thousands of years of selective breeding have left domesticated sheep incapable of doing so without human help. It was clear that Baarack hadn’t been shorn in years.A wild sheep in Australia was found with an enormous fleece weighing 78 lbs. The wool was so thick he could barely see. Rescuers named him "Baarack" and gave him a much needed haircut. 🐑
The Ocean Sunfish (Mola Mola)
Baby mola, also known as sunfish, are absolutely miniscule, but they don’t stay that way. Let’s just say that mola have a slight growth spurt. We know of 3 different species, and they all become completely colossal as they age!
The biggest, the giant sunfish, reaches staggering lengths of 11 feet, making the strange-looking behemoth the largest bony fish in existence. And they can weigh, up to 6,050 lbs, which is as heavy as the full starting lineup of an American football team. Hard to believe they start life able to sit in the palm of your hand!Something in sunfishes’ genes makes the astounding growth possible, as despite living off a nutritionally sparse diet of mostly jellyfish, sunfish grow around 2 lbs a day. That’s four times faster than most other fish! So, in just a few months, the puny little babies become hulking giants.
The Incredible Rescue Of Augustus
In 2015, Debbie Rappuhn came across a stray dog in the streets of Alabama. As head of the charity Heart of Alabama Save Rescue Adopt, she was no stranger to difficult situations. But this one would prove tough even for her. We’re not sure how or why, but Augustus had suffered some severe neglect and was fearful of humans.

We can all agree echidnas are cute and that their most defining feature is the many sharp, defensive spines that cover their backs. However, baby echidnas, also known as puggles, are weird, squishy blobs that look more like they belong on Mars than on Earth.
They are mammals, but they lay eggs. A baby echidna is called a puggle. Sounds cute, but looks like a tiny alien. #Roswell #Iwanttobelieve

Miraculous Kev the Cat Recovery
When Kev the cat was found abandoned outside in Blackwood, Wales in 2019, he was in really bad shape. The 2-year-old moggy had a serious neck injury and only weighed a little over 3 lbs. That’s the kind of weight you’d expect from a 4-month-old kitten. On top of that, the poor puss had a wounded leg from catching it in a plastic collar.
How he managed to get his leg trapped we don’t know, but it cut deep. Luckily, feline welfare charity Cats Protection took Kev in, but they weren’t sure he’d make it. After rushing him to a vet though, volunteers were relieved when he responded well to treatment. After a whole load of cuddles, food, and copious attention, Kev made an incredible recovery and was transformed back into a normal, feisty feline. If he hasn’t been already, it’s only a matter of time before the brave boy is adopted into a loving home! After all, cats always land on their feet!Giant Panda Cubs
The little guy in the image below looks kind of cute but you would have probably never guessed that it's a baby giant panda! Giant pandas start out tiny, pink, hairless, and blind, then become absolute brutuses!
They’re also born without genitals. Pandas develop for so little time in the womb that when they first emerge they’re literally sexless. In fact, they’re born a minuscule 900th of their mother’s size, for comparison, humans are born just 20 times smaller than our moms. Pandas are so helpless when they’re first born that if a mother has twins, she’ll often only have enough time and energy to take care of one and be forced to abandon the other! Either way, they don’t stay so helpless for long. Within three or four months, giant panda cubs are furry, can see, and they even grow their own bits!Amazing Transformation of a Baby Orangutan
Back in 2015, volunteers at International Animal Rescue were walking through a village in Borneo when they came across a cardboard box that’d been left out in the sun. After looking inside, they were shocked at what they saw. Tucked in there, lying almost lifeless was a tiny baby orangutan. He looked seriously weak.
Pit Bulls
Is there anything cuter than a widdle puppy? No, there isn’t; just take a look at the lovely American pit bull terrier in the image below! But dogs are for life, not just for Christmas. Dogs of all ages are adorable, but they definitely get bigger.

The Transformation of Frodo, the "World's Ugliest Dog"
Back in 2018, some volunteers at the charity Good Samaritans found Frodo wandering the streets of Croatia. Despite his looks, Frodo is a dog, but at some point, he’d been abandoned and left to fend for himself. So, he looked a lot more like Gollum by the time he was discovered.
The sorry-looking pup was covered in fleas and ticks, severely underweight, and had an infected eye. Out of their depth, the Samaritans called experienced animal rescuer Klaudija Sigurnjak, who promptly arrived on the scene.
Violeta: Dancing Bear Rescue
Unfortunately, as long as humankind has interacted with Mother Nature we’ve found ways to abuse her. Dancing bears are a particularly shocking example of this and were a common phenomenon from the Middle Ages all the way to the 19th century.
Bear cubs would be snatched from the wild and have their teeth removed, before being forced into a life of slavery for human entertainment. And though the horrific practice isn’t popular anymore, it still survives in some parts of the world. Violeta was a dancing bear who was captured in Bulgaria as recently as the 80s.After being captured, her nose was pierced and re-pierced without anesthesia, before a large metal ring was put through it. Then, a chain was attached to the ring and used to lead her around. All this did was injure her further, to the point she never fully healed. That’s all completely awful, but I’m afraid it gets worse.