Incredible Secret Spy Devices of History

July 28, 2022
•11 min read
From very dangerous weaponized umbrellas, to exploding bats, let’s see the most incredible devices and gadgets spies have used.
When you watch a spy movie, you may roll your eyes when another random gadget turns out to be a powerful laser. But not all of them are ridiculous clichés. Truth is, reality really is stranger than fiction.
From very dangerous weaponized umbrellas to exploding bats, let's explore some of the most incredible, and unbelievable tools and methods used by spies in order to complete their missions.10. Animal Instincts
When most of us think of spies, we picture sharply-dressed, pistol-holding smooth-talkers. We probably wouldn't picture pigeons but perhaps we should. As far back as the decadent times of Ancient Rome, pigeons have been used to pass secret messages between important people.
These common birds with an incredible innate homing ability directing them to places over a thousand miles away have continued to be some of our best undercover agents ever since. During the First World War, pigeons were strapped with small, rudimentary cameras and sent into enemy airspace. After a controlled time-delay, the camera would snap pictures of enemy bases from above, providing an invaluable military advantage. British intelligence services at the time even considered strapping explosives or biological weapons onto them so they could be detonated on target locations. But pigeons aren’t the only species that people have used to spy on each other. There have been countless instances of humans using animals’ innate abilities and senses to our advantage. The next agent of animal subterfuge is the common housecat.
9. Secret Tools for Survival
Being captured as a spy can leave you in dangerous circumstances. Consequently, some ingenious devices and methods have been used in the past to help spies survive tough situations. However, the solutions weren’t always pleasant. Case in point: the CIA’s Cold War concealed survival kit.
This kit was designed to be thoroughly hidden in case of searches. Would you be able to guess where? A worryingly-large pellet was kept inside the user. They will keep it there until they were able to pass it safely, at which point they would – presumably – clean it off a little, before cracking it open and retrieving the tools and weapons inside.
8. Fun and Games
Being a prisoner of war in Nazi Germany was about as far from a fun experience as possible. But, as part of the strange logic of the Nazi leadership, prisoners of war were allowed to receive games and pastimes from humanitarian groups like the Red Cross. Seizing upon this opportunity, allied forces began shipping modified versions of Monopoly to POWs.

7. All Mapped Out
Monopoly boards weren’t the only places where vital escape tools were hidden for spies in the twentieth century. Prisoners of War often received innocuous-looking decks of cards that – when wet – could be peeled apart to reveal a map of the local area.

6. Spy-tech
Spy technology has come an incredibly long way in the past 100 years, evolving from very basic, low-quality microphones and cameras, into the drones, phones and the always-listening Google homes we see today.
Modern technology can achieve incredible feats, like the cleverly-inconspicuous cellular interception rucksack, which looks like a normal backpack but has the incredible technological ability to intercept up to 30 phone calls at the same time. But even as early as the mid-twentieth century, we were achieving some phenomenal progress in the world of espionage. The microdot camera was a brilliant example of secretive genius.5. Hideaway
Sometimes, as a spy, you pull the short straw and end up on hideout duty. This isn’t usually the cop-drama, sitting in a car with coffee and donuts, waiting for the perp to arrive, type of situation. A CIA espionage guidebook, ‘The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception’ advises on a clever but rather claustrophobic method of concealing a spy in a vehicle, for surveillance of the vehicle’s owner.
This involves modifying the fuel tank so that one half is empty, allowing the unlucky spy to reserve themselves a very cozy spot in the vehicle that’s accessed through a hidden compartment in the boot. However, spying often involves concealment of a different kind. Throughout history, intelligence gatherers have fallen over each other trying to ensure the safe transport of secret messages and items. Even as far back as the regal courts of Queen Elizabeth I in England, her trusted spymaster was able to intercept coded messages transported in beer barrels. Due to his findings, and decoding abilities, Sir Francis Walsingham was able to thwart a major assassination plot against his Queen.4. Making Invisible Visible
Secret messages don’t always reach their target. Interception is something that most secretive organizations prepare for – and they do it in some pretty clever ways. Invisible ink is one such practice, and you may be surprised to find that this is not a particularly recent invention.

As demonstrated by the craftiness of Francis Walsingham, spies have always been gifted interceptors too. While developments in spying have led us to some pretty uncomfortable places (like the nosy NSA), they have also given us some very unique inventions. An interesting example is the ‘envelope x-ray spray’, which allows one to peek inside at the contents of an envelope for a moment before the transparency fades away moments later.
3. Code to Victory
Of course, one of the smartest ways to keep your message from being read by someone who isn’t supposed to read it, is to translate it into a secret code. This technique has been dated as far back as Ancient Greece and beyond, with the use of scytales.
In this era, ribbons inscribed with seemingly-random alphabetical characters were passed between military leaders. When the ribbons were wrapped around a block of a specific size and shape - of which both the sender and recipient would have safely locked away - the letters would align to spell out important messages regarding military plans and information.
2. Killer Accessories!
It’s no secret that the life of a spy can involve regular brushes with death. Sometimes, in following orders, a spy must carefully and untraceably take out a target, as popularized by 007's License to kill. Ingenious inventions such as the CIA Stinger, a 22-caliber single-bullet firing device concealed within a toothpaste tube, were designed to be able to remain undetected as part of an agent’s travel bag.
I just hope no one ever tried to squeeze this one onto their toothbrush – that’s a dentist bill no one wants to pay. Similar inventions were common in the mid-twentieth century, like the Sedgley Fist Gun, with probably the coolest weapon name ever. The glove would fire a single round when the wearer curled their hand into a fist, delivering an unexpected and lethal blow to the unfortunate target when punched.
1. Boom for improvement
One of the central principles of being a good spy is going unnoticed. Sometimes, though, history has shown that secret organizations can lack a certain subtlety, at times. Spy plots can go explosively wrong. Granted, the use of explosives in secret operations has had some success, like nineteenth-century coal torpedoes, utilized during the American Civil War.
These were designed to be mistaken for real coal and were thrown into the furnaces of Union steam transportation vehicles, which would explode, killing crewmen and passengers, and leaving the engines out of action. For the most part, however, spies and explosives don’t tend to mix too well. Through the CIA’s many attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro, poisoned and explosive cigars were used but were repeatedly met with failure. Castro was clearly up to date on his cartoons.