Insane Addictions You Won’t Believe Are Real

December 27, 2024
•17 min read
Let's check out some truly insane addictions!
From smoking to smartphones, caffeine to casinos, people around the world are addicted to all kinds of substances and activities. While you may know about some of the most obvious obsessions, there are some people out there with some seriously freaky fixations. Whether it’s chewing on glass, pulling hair from shower drains, or even eating their late partner’s ashes, let's uncover some of the most insane and extreme addictions people claim they have!
Eating Cat Hair
Cats can be so cute you could be forgiven for getting addicted to petting them, but what about eating them? I don’t mean actually eating them, instead, there’s the case of a woman called Lisa, from Michigan, who’s apparently developed an insatiable appetite for her cat’s fur!
The woman featured on the utterly insane TLC network show, My Strange Addiction. On the show, Lisa said the cravings for fur started over 15 years ago. At that point she’d spontaneously pick the hairs off her cat, before rolling them into balls and sucking on them! And somehow, Lisa’s addiction has gotten even worse over the years.

Eating Bricks
Whether it’s the smell, mess, or fear of getting sick, us humans aren’t great fans of mud. Clearly the muddy memo hasn’t reached our next case, Pakkirappa from India. Because he loves the stuff. But he’s not into rolling or playing in mud! No, instead, he eats it! But it’s not just mud he loves to eat. Pakkirappa also pigs out on bricks and gravel!
First documented on the ‘Truly’ YouTube channel, Pakkirappa. He first started eating bricks when he was as young as 10, and has continued the horrifying habit into his adult life. Nowadays, Pakkirappa will eat up to one brick per day, along with over 6 pounds of mud and gravel to satisfy his stomach.
Addicted To Bee Stings
Being stung by a bee is the worst! In most cases, you can expect severe pain and burning around the sting site for 1 to 2 hours, as well as some swelling that’ll last for a couple of days. Our next case: Margaret from Kentucky. Surprising as it sounds, she claims to sting herself for pleasure!
It all started as a way to cure her arthritis. And in fairness, there have been scientific studies demonstrating that bee venom does help to relieve the inflammation caused by arthritis. While Margaret’s initial intentions may’ve been to cure her pain, she quickly became dependent on the stinging sensation, so much so that she started to sting herself 15 times per day!
Eating Glass
If you thought Pakkirappa’s teeth were made of stern stuff, then strap in, because he’s not the only one with a hideous habit of eating inedible objects. Over in China, our next case is an elderly man called Liu, who’s been given the nickname, ‘Iron Teeth’, after his story went viral online back in 2017.
As you can imagine, that isn’t because he’s a mega-marshmallow eater. Nope, instead, Liu got his name due to the fact he’s addicted to eating glass! I’m not too sure how you first realize you’ve got a taste for glass, but Liu’s been chowing down on it for most of his adult life. He’ll often whip out a tumbler in front of friends, before taking a chunk out of the rim and crunching on the glass like an apple.
Leech Addiction
If you thought getting stung by a bee was bad, then what about getting your blood sucked by a leech? For most of us, just the thought of a cold, squishy leech feeding on our blood is enough to fuel our nightmares! But for our next case, a man by the name of Vladimir, that’s an idea that fills him with joy.
That heinous habit, which left ‘My Strange Addiction’ viewers in a frenzy, apparently started after he was involved in a car accident. For some unknown reason, he became utterly convinced the bloodthirsty bugs would help with his recovery, so he placed some on his body. Vladimir eventually made a full recovery, which fueled his conviction that the leeches had healed him and not the doctors who worked around the clock to keep him alive, but Vlad became convinced that those critters cleanse and purify his blood, preserving his youth.
Funeral Fan
Back in 1983, Brazilian man, Luis Squarisi, received the unfortunate news that his father had passed away. So naturally he attended the funeral a few weeks later. All pretty normal so far. However, according to Brazilian TV network, EPTV, Luis got a bug for the mournful occasion, after attending his father’s funeral.
Possibly the most depressing place a human could be, and that guy discovered he had a thing for them! Luis got so hooked that he’d turn on the radio first thing, and listen out for anyone that passed in his hometown of Batatais, and then turn up ready to attend.
Dangerous Drink
Our next case of an extreme addiction comes from Heather, in Alabama. Sadly, a few years back, Heather’s mom passed away. And everyone deals with grief differently. Some people meditate, others talk to a therapist, but Heather took a slightly stranger approach. I’m not one to judge, but for legal reasons we have to say you absolutely should not do that at home, or anywhere else for that matter!

Big on Bandages
If you’ve ever broken a bone, you might know what it’s like to be stuck in a cast. Those hard bandages, typically made from fiberglass or plaster, are designed to keep the injured part of your body from moving so it can heal. A lot of people don’t like them because of how limiting they can be, but not our next case.
When Kevin, from Chicago, was only 6, he’d wrap himself in toilet paper, pretending to be a mummy. Something about the experience stuck with him. Then, a few years later, when Kevin broke his arm rollerblading, he was fitted with a cast. Yet, despite the immobility and itchiness issues, Kevin loved his cast, as concerned classmates asked him if he was okay. And, ever since that high-school high, Kev became hooked on having a cast.Nowadays, he’s a full-blown cast-wearing addict, spending an eye watering $50,000 on the habit! And that’s despite him having no broken bones or injuries. Don’t believe me? Take a look at this video below!Addiction to Hair From Shower Drains
There aren’t many things worse in life than taking a shower and suddenly realizing the drain is clogged. After all, that means you’re gonna have to unclog that drain, pulling out muck, hair and whatever else finds its way down there. While that thought is enough to make most people’s skin crawl, there’s at least one man out there who relishes the terrifying task.
Evan from Seattle’s shower drain is always squeaky clean. Not because he hates the feel of an overflowing shower, but because he’s addicted to pulling out hair from shower drains. In fact, he loves it so much that he does it up to 3 times a week.
Tan Obsession
For some people, the main joy of vacationing in the sun is getting back home to show off their golden glow to their friends. Others take it a step further by going to tanning salons to top up their tan. And then there’s Hannah Tittensor who, according to news outlet, The Belfast Telegraph, ‘can’t live without a tan’. However, coming from Northern Ireland, where summer temperatures often reach a measly 65°F high, Hannah doesn’t often get a chance to tan at home. To compensate she uses sunbeds three times a week.
Considering that people who use sunbeds before the age of 35 are 87% more likely to develop skin cancer, that’s not the wisest move. Yet, sunbeds aren’t the only thing Hannah uses to top up her tan. Horrifyingly, each month she also injects herself with an online-obtained synthetic hormone, known as melanotan. That substance stimulates pigment cells in the skin to produce more melanin, giving people a darker tone.
Eating Masks
Speaking on beauty regimes, that brings us to clay masks. For centuries, they’ve been used to help detoxify the skin by drawing out impurities and oils. Sounds a lot safer than all that fake tanning, right? Well not for one woman from California. Our next case, Natasha, can’t get enough of clay masks.

Eating Matresses
You might need a nice, long nap on your comfy mattress to process some of those horrifying addictions. But sadly our next case doesn’t have that luxury. Why? Because she ate hers! It all started when American woman Jennifer was just 5 years old, and began to pick at the sponge from her seat in the family car and eat it.
Since then, her addiction only spiraled, to the point where she’s now munching on mattresses. I’m not entirely sure how someone chews their way through a mattress, although Jennifer claims to be able to eat through a square foot of the stuff per day. That’d mean in just over a month, she’d have chowed through a king sized bed mattress!
Addicted To Dirty Diapers
From constant crying, to sleepless nights, raising a kid can be a pretty daunting task. But undoubtedly the most harrowing aspect is dealing with dirty diapers. Yes, that smell alone is enough to have you hunched over a toilet! Yet for our next case, Keyshia from New York, the smell of dirty diapers isn’t a problem.
In fact, that New Yorker can’t get enough of them. Somehow Keyshia discovered that she liked the smell of dirty diapers. But that’s not all. Keyshia hoards, sniffs and she chews on soiled diapers. And, if things couldn’t get any more barbaric, she claimed the more soiled it is, the better.
Eating Ashes
Grieving is never easy, especially when it concerns someone close to you. Sadly, Casie, from ‘My Strange Addiction’ knows that feeling all too well. Casie met her husband Sean in 2009. The couple from Tennessee were virtually inseparable until tragically, Sean lost his life following a lethal asthma attack in 2011. After being stricken with grief, Casie refused to let Sean leave her side, carrying his ashes in an urn everywhere she went, from the grocery store, to the movies.
However, one day Casie’s comforting practice led to her spilling some of Sean’s ashes. Devastating as that’d be, you’d expect her to sweep them up. But thinking it’d be disrespectful to wipe her ‘husband’ away, she instead decided to lick him off her fingers!
Drinking Urine
While we’re on the topic of disgusting dependencies, that brings us to the story of Carrie. If you’ve watched survival shows, you’ll know one of the rules of the wilderness is that drinking your own pee can save you from succumbing to dehydration.
In reality, drinking your own pee means your re-consuming toxins that your body’s already tried to remove, potentially leading to more harm than good. Yet, despite the risks and sharp stench, our next case, Carrie, is supposedly addicted to drinking her own urine! She’s been indulging in that peculiar practice for many years, swallowing around 80 ounces, or around 10 glasses per day, drinking almost all the urine that comes out of her body.
Balloon Obsession
Balloons! Perfect for everything from birthdays to weddings. And that’s exactly what one mother was going for when she brought a blue balloon to cheer up her son while he was admitted to hospital. And fair to say it worked in brightening his mood.

Inflatable Toy Obsession
Shocking as it may sound, Julius isn’t the only person to have fallen head over heels for an air-filled item. Our next case, Mark, grew up in California, but he didn’t receive much love. According to him, even his own mother didn’t show him much affection. So, Mark decided to look for love in other places, non-people places.
Around the age of 14, he purchased an inflatable whale for his swimming pool. You can see where that is going, can’t you? Yes, before long Mark was getting all the attention he needed from his blow-up whale. As time progressed, his eerie infatuation only grew. Over the next 6 years, he accumulated 15 inflatable toys.