Insane Megaprojects That Were Never Built

November 2, 2023
•20 min read
They say bigger is better, so why were these megastructures never built? Let's explore a series of rejected plans!
For as long as societies have existed, we humans have constantly pushed the limits on designing and creating newer, bigger, and better buildings. But, for all the jaw-dropping structures that we’ve actually erected, there are some megaprojects that, for better or worse, never made it off the drawing board.
From colossal pyramids containing entire cemeteries to a skyscraper that literally hangs from space, let's explore the most insane megaprojects that were never built.Metropolitan Sepulchre
The Great Pyramids of Giza are, arguably, the most famous pyramid-shaped constructs in the world. However, 200 years ago, another prodigious pyramid was almost erected that would’ve rivaled their fame. By the 1820s, London was the most populated city in the world, so, unsurprisingly space was tight.
So tight in fact, that even those in the city’s burial grounds felt the squeeze, with coffins often being laid on top of one another in graves some 20 ft deep! Eventually, it got so bad that old cadavers were being discarded from their resting places just to make room for fresh ones.So, in the 1820s, architect Thomas Willson proposed a sizeable solution to solve London’s corpse conundrum. He wanted to build the Metropolitan Sepulcher, better known as the London Death Pyramid; a 94-story high granite pyramid burial structure on Primrose Hill in North London.In all, the bizarre building would’ve stretched almost 1,000 feet into the London skyline, making it around the same height as The Shard, one of the tallest buildings in the UK today. Ugly as that stony cemetery would’ve looked, it definitely would have provided some respite to London’s burial issue, because that thing would’ve housed up to 5 million bodies.
Westminster City Airport
Back in the day, there was a craze for designing questionable megaprojects. In 1934, around 100 years after Willson’s pyramid proposal, "The Popular Science Monthly" publication made designs for a megaproject that would’ve changed the face of England’s capital city forever.
The plan was to build an airport. But, no ordinary airport. One that was situated right next to Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament. The structure would’ve stretched along the width of the River Thames, and run from Westminster Bridge to Lambeth Bridge, making it about 1,000 feet wide and over 2,600 feet long.According to the project specifications, the airport would’ve also been high enough to accommodate the tallest ships’ masts, making it roughly 75 feet tall or about 5 ½ stories! Propping up that megastructure were 8 pillars, which also contained elevators to transport passengers from the ground to terminals.While it’s not documented exactly why Westminster City Airport didn’t become a reality, it doesn’t take a genius to see some serious problems with the proposal. First and foremost, having an airport literally feet away from Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament sounds like an expensive accident waiting to happen.
Phare du Monde
Turns out that the creative juices were really flowing in 1930s Europe. One year before the wacky Westminster City Airport idea, Frenchman Eugène Freyssinet proposed a building that would’ve dominated the Parisian skyline. Picture a screw, flip it upside down and you’ve got Freyssinet’s creation, known as the Phare du Monde.
It was also gigantic. The Phare du Monde would’ve been some 2,300 feet tall, making it over double the size of the Eiffel Tower. You’re probably wondering what the artistic explanation for the spiraling screw design is. Turns out that the swirling shape of the Phare du Monde was simply designed to provide cars with drivable access up the tower. Suitably, at the top of the structure, there would be parking space for 500 cars, along with a restaurant. So essentially, that place was just a half-mile-high diner with one heck of a view of Paris! And if you were driving back, you could forget about washing your food down with a nice cocktail. Steering down a swirling 2,300-foot descent probably isn’t the best idea if your head’s already in a spin! If the devilish design wasn’t enough to put people off the Phare du Monde, the price certainly was. In all, it’s believed that the tower would’ve cost about $2.5 million to build. By today’s values, that rises to a more eye-watering $56 million.Freedom Ship
Cruise ships offer people the perfect chance to relax in the sun, all while visiting some must-see destinations around the world. It sounds like heaven, but what about boarding a cruise ship, not for a quick getaway, but for life?
NOAH: New Orleans Arcology Habitat
Considering that water covers 71% of the Earth’s surface, it’s no wonder that aqua-based megaprojects have inspired designers. One such ambitious architect, by the name of Kevin Schopfer, made grand plans for a soaring structure to be built off the banks of New Orleans back in 2009.
The thinking was that, because most of New Orleans is built below sea level, and right next to the Mississippi River, something needed to be done to stop the city’s flooding issues. The problem was so severe that after Hurricane Katrina, around 80% of the city was flooded.But, instead of building on higher ground, or improving the city’s flood defenses, Schopfer had a rather more flamboyant solution. He designed The New Orleans Arcology Habitat or NOAH. It’s a 1,200-foot-tall triangular framed megastructure, designed to fuse architecture with sustainability.He planned the space to fit 40,000 inhabitants, who’d reside in one of NOAH’s 20,000 residential units or 3 hotels. Alongside that, there’d be space for a school system, health care facility, and even casinos. The building was also designed as a pedestrianized environment, with some horizontal areas being fitted with electric train carriers, while vertical commuters would travel up and down via a series of elevators.But the most impressive thing about NOAH, isn’t its fancy transportation, shops or schools. It’s the fact that the place was intended to be a floating city! A water-filled basin around 1,200 feet in diameter and 50 feet deep, would be constructed on the banks of the Mississippi River.Tatlin Tower
Not every never-built megaproject has looked sleek, stylish, and futuristic, though. Just under 100 years before the inception of Schopfer’s idea, plans were being hatched to create a marvelously savage, soaring structure that would become a Russian skyline staple. Back in 1919, Communism was a fresh and exciting ideology.
One architect named Vladimir Tatlin wanted to create something to commemorate the new dawn of Communism in the heart of modern-day St. Petersburg. He set out plans to design the modestly named Tatlin Tower, a 1,300-foot tall structure, that would’ve acted as the headquarters and monument of the Comintern; a Soviet-controlled international organization that advocated for world communism.
Mount Athos Monument
If you thought Tatlin Tower was an ambitious project, then get ready because things only scale up from here! Back in 400 BCE, a Greek architect devised a plan to create a structure so big, that it would’ve been the largest monument ever made.
Dinocrates, the technical adviser and acquaintance of Alexander the Great, wanted to create something to recognize the stellar achievements of his great leader. His plan was to form a monument of Alexander the Great into Mount Athos. In his left hand would lie a city of 10,000 inhabitants, and in his right, a cup, which received all the water that rolled down the mountain.
Cenotaph Of Newton
Fast forward to the slightly more modern year of 1784, and an equally elaborate monument was being planned for an influential figure. This time, it wasn’t for a war hero, but a revolutionary thinker. Architect Étienne Louis Boullée was determined to honor the late Isaac Newton, the world-changing mathematician, physicist, and astronomer, with a grand cenotaph.
But that wasn’t any old cenotaph. Boullée made plans for a super-sized sphere, in which Newton’s sarcophagus would be placed at the base. The spherical shrine was so big that its 500 feet height would’ve made it the loftiest structure in the world at the time, eclipsing the Strasbourg Cathedral and the Great Pyramids of Giza.From diagrams, you can tell just how mega that thing would’ve been. On the layer of the building are cypress trees. And what might look like ants scuttling around the base of the structure are actually humans! But other than its supersize, you might be wondering what’s so impressive about that spherical structure.Manhattan Dome
Anyone who’s seen The Simpson’s Movie or read Steven King’s Under the Dome will already be familiar with the prospect of a whole town becoming entrapped by a giant dome. But those plans weren’t just confined to the world of fiction!
Back in 1959, Architect Buckminster Fuller proposed the utterly mystifying and aptly named Manhattan Dome. His plan was to place a giant 1.8-mile wide dome, made of wire-reinforced shatterproof glass, from New York’s 62nd Street all the way to 22nd Street.But the main question is, why entrap part of a city in a gigantic dome? And, surprisingly, the answer wasn’t because Fuller had completely lost the plot. Instead, he wanted to create a structure that could regulate the weather in Manhattan.Illinois Sky City
Around the same time that Buckminster Fuller’s Manhattan Dome idea was being formulated, another architect was making plans to transform a different American city. This time Chicago was the lucky location. There, American architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, wanted to create the Illinois Sky City!
If built, that megaproject would’ve contained some 528 floors, and been a whopping 5,680 feet high, making it over one mile tall! At the time of its proposal in the 1950s, the Empire State Building was the world’s tallest construct at 1,472 feet, and yet, Wright’s beastly building would’ve been about 4 times higher. And that’s just above ground!Underground, it would’ve used a taproot foundation structure with a reinforced concrete core some 500 ft deep to keep the building above steady. Just imagine having to climb one vertical mile’s worth of stairs, which is roughly 3,700.X-Seed 4,000
Introducing the X-Seed 4,000, a stupendous skyscraper, proposed by the Taisei Corporation in 1995. Their daring design was for a sea-based skyscraper to be built off the coast of Tokyo, Japan.
But that wasn’t any old building, far from it. The size of the X-Seed 4,000 was so giant that it would even eclipse Mount Fuji in size. In all the skyscraper would extend an insane 2.5 miles high and 3.7 miles wide. For some reference, that makes it almost 5 times the height of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the entire world!Unsurprisingly, such a mammoth-sized building would need a lot of construction materials. In total, the X-Seed 4,000 would’ve used up 3 million tons of steel, more than 428 times the amount of metal that went into the Eiffel Tower! For all that, it’s estimated that the X-Seed 4,000 would fit up to 1 million people inside.
Analemma Tower
Imposing as the X-Seed 4,000 looks, there’s one megaproject that makes the 2.5-mile-high super pyramid look as big as a chunk of Toblerone! The Analemma Tower, as it’s called, was the concept of a 20-mile-high skyscraper that would hang suspended from a hair-raising height of more than 31,000 miles.
You may be wondering what exactly you can hang a skyscraper from. Clouds Architecture Office, the company behind that idea, planned to suspend a skyscraper from an asteroid orbiting the earth via super-strong cables, leaving it floating over 11,000 feet above ground.If that wasn’t ridiculous enough, the asteroid would then be placed in an eccentric geosynchronous orbit, essentially meaning that it would be constantly orbiting around the Earth. As a result, the building would travel in a figure-8 route, moving from New York to Peru and back every day.