Lies You Still Believe

March 23, 2023
•11 min read
There are lots of commonly held misconceptions that are entirely false. Let's find out about some incredible lies that you still believe.
It’s no secret that the world is full of lies. In fact, there are tonnes of so-called ‘facts’ that almost everyone still believes about anything from ancient history to the human body, Let's debunk some of the biggest fibs around!
Wolves Howling At The Moon
When you think about wolves, what springs to mind? A full moon, perhaps? It might be time to rethink that image, because wolves don’t howl at the moon at all. The nocturnal canines do howl as a way of communicating with each other, and sometimes the moon is full but they have no business directing all that racket at the moon itself.
In fact, wolves mostly howl in complete darkness, it’s just that we can’t see them doing it. There are a couple of reasons why the whole “howling at the moon” idea might’ve stuck. Firstly, howls are more easily heard on moonlit nights because these tend to be basically windless.Secondly, our ancestors usually ventured outside more when there was a full moon because they could navigate better in the moonlight, which is probably when they mostly stumbled across howling wolfpacks.
Waking A Sleepwalker
We’ve all heard this one before: you should never, ever wake a sleepwalker. Except you totally can. There’s practically no scientific or medical evidence to prove that giving your sleepwalking sibling a gentle shake is going to cause them to drop dead as a result of a heart attack or pure fright.

The Left Brain Right Brain Myth
Remember that one girl in art class who could paint flawlessly while your portraiture looked more like melting waxwork? You probably brushed it off because she was just programmed to be more ‘right-brained’ than you. Meanwhile, anyone good at math or science must have a stronger left side, simple enough. Turns out that’s all lies!
It’s true that the two separate hemispheres of our brain are responsible for different functions, but the idea that someone can excel in all things creative or analytical just because they have a more ‘dominant’ side is total nonsense.
Goldfish 3-Second Memory
Anyone who grew up with a goldfish as a pet will know one thing: they’re not the most interesting animals. You might have even used the phrase “memory of a goldfish” before, because of how apparently sieve-like their brains are.
People often cite the common goldfish as having a minuscule 3-second memory, but they actually have more brainpower than we humans give them credit for.
Tomato & Ketchup
Next time you reach for the ketchup, consider this: your favorite condiment originally had nothing to do with tomatoes. Back in the 17th century, there was no such thing as ketchup.
There were, however, plenty of Europeans rampaging through Asia and sampling all there was to eat and drink. When British invaders returned home from South Asia, there was a big sauce-bottle-shaped hole in their hearts: the distant memory of ketchup, or kê-tsiap, as it was known overseas.
Hairy Hoax
You’ve likely heard at some point in your life that shaving unwanted body or facial hair will only make it grow back 10 times thicker, but those are just the words of someone trying to sabotage you before a first date.
Shaving has no real effect on the thickness, color, or rate of hair regrowth. Although it may seem like you’ve made a grave error the day after finally deciding to shave that irksome patch of hair on your forearm, there’s really no need to panic. The reason hair might seem more visible as it starts growing back is simply that shaving gives hair a blunt tip, which feels coarser and can initially look thicker or darker. If hair is sprouting exponentially every time you shave, you might just be a werewolf.
Nailed It
On the topic of regrowth, your fingernails don’t all grow at the same rate either. If you’ve ever noticed that a couple of nails seem longer than others despite cutting them all at the same time, you’ll probably know this already. Each nail grows at its own pace, and nails on longer fingers like the index or middle grow far quicker than those on your thumbs.

Dropping A Penny From A Skyscraper
Picture this: you’ve just climbed to the top of the Empire State building. As you watch the people below scurrying around like tiny ants, you take out your wallet and wonder; if I dropped a penny right now, would it kill someone?

Swallowing Spiders In Our Sleep
There’s nothing quite as terrifying as the well-known “fact” that the average person consumes 8 spiders in their sleep each year. Not only is this statement false, but it’s also built on a total web of lies.
Firstly, logical reasoning shows that spiders are in no habit of confidently wandering into human mouths. Most people don’t even sleep with their mouths open, and if they did a wet and windy cave is hardly the first place a spider wants to be. We also sleep so restlessly that any small movement would be like an earthquake for a tiny arachnid.

Bulls And The Red Color
Here’s a familiar image: a matador waves his red cape and before you know it, steam is coming from an angry bull's ears and it’s ready to charge. Why the hate, though? Do all bulls have a vendetta against the color red?
Quite the opposite, actually. They can’t even see it, because they don’t possess the necessary red ‘cone’ in their retina like us humans do. The reason for their aggravation is simply the fact that someone is repeatedly waving a piece of fabric in their face, which frankly would be enough to irritate anyone.
The March Of Progress
Isn’t it amazing how chimpanzees gradually straightened up and progressed through various hominid forms before arriving at the modern human we know today? It would be, if that’s how the evolution happened.

Peeing On A Jellyfish Sting
If you’ve been stung by a jellyfish on vacation, everyone knows that there’s only one thing to do: unzip your pants and pee on the sucker.

Who Built the Pyramids?
If you try to cast your mind back to the construction of the great pyramids of Giza in around 2530 BC, you’ll probably conjure images of slaves working tirelessly in the hot sun and carrying more weight in stone than their backs can bear.

False Forbidden Fruit
You’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who’ll tell you that the taboo snack that caused Adam and Eve to be eternally banished from the garden of Eden was anything other than an apple. Nowhere in the Bible is the forbidden fruit officially identified, though, so how did such a humble fruit gain a reputation for bringing death and disease upon the human race?