Luckiest People Who Survived the Impossible

April 9, 2023
•11 min read
Lots of lucky people have survived the most crazy scenarios. Let's find out about the luckiest people who survived the impossible.
Sometimes it seems like luck just isn’t on our side, but when the unthinkable happens you’d be amazed to discover just how fortunate some people can be. From nauseating freefalls to freak weather accidents, here are some of the luckiest people who survived the impossible.
10. Natalya Pasternak
One summer afternoon in June 2015, 55-year-old Natalya Pasternak and her 80-year-old friend Valentina Gorodetskaya were walking through the Siberian forest collecting birch saps unaware that this was a trip they might never have returned from.
The pair had unknowingly crossed into the path of a huge brown bear which made an initial beeline for Valentina’s dog before turning its attention to mother-of-two Natalya. After attempting to separate the wild animal from her friend by hitting it with a stick, Valentina ran to find help, leaving Natalya to face the jaws of death.During the hour-long ordeal, the bear assumed that its now-mauled prey was finally dead and began burying Natalya with earth and leaves in order to eat her later.

9. Phineas Gage
On September 13th, 1848, then-25-year-old Phineas Gage was working as the foreman of a crew preparing a railroad near Cavendish, Vermont when disaster struck. He was using an iron tamping rod to pack explosive powder into a hole when the powder suddenly detonated sending the 43-inch-long 1.25-inch-in-diameter rod hurtling upward.

8. Casey Wagner
They say lightning never strikes twice, but one man learned the hard way that famous phrases shouldn’t always be taken as fact. In October 2013, 31-year-old Casey Wagner was attending an annual off-road event in Saint Jo, Texas called ‘Rednecks with Paychecks’ when storm clouds began rolling in above. While waiting for a friend to return from the toilet, Wagner sought shelter under a tree – a mistake that would cost him dearly.

7. Sum Bora
In August 2018 one man beat all odds by surviving four days in the Cambodian jungle with no food, water or means of escape because he was wedged between two giant rocks.
A Cambodian man who became wedged between rocks while collecting bat droppings for sale has been rescued after being trapped for almost four days. Sum Bora slipped Sunday while trying to retrieve his flashlight, which he had accidentally dropped in the small rocky hollow.

6. Christine McKenzie
Skydiving is a thrill for some, but for many others, the idea of falling through the sky is a total nightmare, even when there’s a parachute involved. When then-23-year-old Christine McKenzie prepared for her 112th skydive in August 2004, she had no idea that it would be any different from her other successful attempts.

5. Greg Rasmussen
Greg Rasmussen is an animal conservationist who came a little too close for comfort with some of the fiercest predators in the African bush back in 2003. Rasmussen had boarded his single-engine plane over Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe in search of endangered rhinos when he lost control during intense winds and crashed into the plains below.
After quickly realizing that he’d broken both legs, Rasmussen was able to drag himself to a nearby tree to seek shelter. However, his nightmare was far from over. The impact had de-tuned his radio so any mayday calls went unheard, and he soon realized he would have to wait it out in the wilderness.

4. Truman Duncan
Becoming known as ‘the miracle man’ is no easy feat, but 40-year-old Truman Duncan definitely deserves such a title after surviving being cut clean in half. In June 2006, Truman was working at Greenbrier Rail Services in Cleburne, Texas when he fell between a pair of moving railroad freight cars and found himself fighting for his life.
After hanging onto the car for 20 seconds Truman was caught beneath the wheels supporting 20,000lbs of deadweight which dragged him along for 50 feet before severing him through the pelvis bone. Miraculously, Truman stayed conscious and even contacted 911 before waiting 45 minutes for paramedics to locate him at the huge railyard.
3. Anna Bågenholm
In 1999 Swedish orthopedic surgeon Anna Bågenholm made medical history when she was shockingly revived after freezing to death some 24 hours earlier. Then-29-year-old Bågenholm had been skiing with colleagues in the Kjølen mountain range in Norway when she lost control during a steep descent and fell onto a frozen stream below.
A hole then opened up beneath her body, swallowing her head-first and trapping her under 8 inches of ice with no means of escape. When her friends found her and attempted to pull her out only her feet and skis were above the ice.

2. Ron Hunt
It may seem unlikely that the subject of an X-ray like the one in the image below could make it out alive but one incredibly lucky man has lived to tell the tale.
On 15th August 2003 construction worker Ron Hunt was working in the Tahoe Donner Subdivision in Truckee, California when one mishap almost cost him his life. Hunt was drilling above his head while standing on a 6-foot ladder when he pushed a little too hard trying to bore a hole causing the ladder to wobble. Realizing what was about to happen, Hunt followed standard safety procedure by tossing the drill aside, but the power tool didn’t fall far enough away, and he landed face-first on the 18-inch-long, 1.5-inch diameter drill bit.
1. Real Life Final Destination Log Scene
If you’ve ever seen Final Destination 2, you’ll definitely remember the terrifying scene that involves a truck full of logs. But your fear of freak logging-truck-related catastrophes may not be so irrational after seeing the photo below.
In October 2019, one motorist in Georgia had an incredibly lucky escape after his 2003 Nissan Xterra was impaled by logs from front to back. The unnamed driver was bending down to collect a dropped coffee cup when he rear-ended a logging truck in front which sent as many as 40 felled trees smashing through the windshield and out the other end.The scene may look like a definite death trap, but thankfully the driver emerged with only minor injuries because his seat was not in an upright position at the time of impact.