Next Generation Police Gadgets You Won't Believe

May 12, 2023
•17 min read
Much more than mere handcuffs, here are some next generation police gadgets you won't believe!
We might not have reached the days of laser guns and freeze rays just yet, but police and military technology has become pretty amazing even so. In fact, some of the gadgets they use aren’t just futuristic, they’re downright unbelievable!
From a car with a built-in web shooter to an automated robot surveillance snake, let’s take a look at some of the most advanced next-generation police gadgets that you won’t believe exist.Door Blaster
If you’re trying to catch a criminal off guard, loudly breaking down their door probably isn’t your best bet. Naturally, it’s pretty much impossible to blow something up without making an absolute racket.
That’s why SWAT teams and members of the police force have started using a sneaky little gadget called the Holmatro Door Blaster. This clever device can quietly breach through doors without needing any explosives and it works in seconds. First, the magical machinery is pressed up against the door in question. Then, because the whole thing is remote operated, the operator can step back before hitting a button on the controller. As soon as they do, compressed air is released from the device, activating a system of hydraulics inside the blaster. This generates a tremendous amount of force but will break open the door without any loud explosions.Bumper
In the movies, everyone loves a good car chase. But while they make a great cinematic spectacle, they’re pretty darn dangerous in real life! Which is where the “grappler police bumper” comes in.
The ingenious device works by deploying a nylon net from the front bumper of a police vehicle. If the police are in pursuit and close enough to the back of the car they’re chasing, the net will wrap itself around the suspect’s rear tire, stopping it in its tracks:Exoskeletons
Sadly, Iron Man isn’t real. But the technology of his suit really exists. Or at least, almost; it's the Onyx Exo Skeleton, AKA the police and military uniform of the future! It won’t make you fly, but this wearable high-tech ‘outer skeleton’ will turn you into a superhuman beast.
That’s because it provides major support to the user’s knees and lower-body muscles, meaning you won’t get tired anywhere near as quickly, and any physical task is made much easier and safer too. Imagine having to jump over a tall fence while chasing a speedy suspect, or carrying heavy supplies up a mountain. Sounds exhausting, unless you have this bad boy on! But how does it actually work? The pseudo-super-suit has special sensors at the feet, knees, and hips which collect data from the user’s movements and send it to a control module on the waist. Using this info, artificial intelligence can predict the user’s next movements and react accordingly. So, if the AI detects that you’re about to raise your knee, it activates motors in that area which move the exoskeleton to automatically assist you.High-Tech Helmets
The COVID-19 pandemic brought virtually the whole globe to a standstill and police in China had a wild trick up their sleeves, or rather, on their heads to help prevent the virus from spreading. They were equipped with high-tech helmets capable of reading the body temperatures of anybody up to 16 feet away!
Made by a manufacturer in Shenzhen, the helmet was originally designed for facial and numberplate recognition. Yet, its most useful feature ended up being its temperature gauge. Using an infrared camera in combination with augmented reality software, it gives the wearer an audible and visual signal when someone within range has an unusually high temperature. And it can scan huge crowds at the rapid rate of up to 200 people a minute! So, it's pretty useful in a pandemic! When technology is this snazzy though, it always comes with a pretty hefty price tag. These helmets cost a whopping $6,680 each, meaning you might want to think twice before promising your COVID-conscious grandmother one for Christmas.Robot Dog
Robots can be really creepy if The Terminator is anything to go by. So many people became suspicious when a four-legged canine robot was being trialed by the New York Police Department.
Bulletproof Origami Shield
If you had to list the coolest gadgets on the planet, you probably wouldn’t jump straight to shields. They might seem pretty basic but there’s a new shield in town, and it’s nothing short of amazing! The Swift Shield is a bulletproof guard designed to resolve all of the shortfalls of a traditional shield.
It’s lightweight, compact, and easily transportable, all down to an innovative foldable origami design known as the Yoshimura crease pattern. This allows the shield to fold down small enough to pop straight into the trunk of a police car, where it can be whipped out at a moment’s notice.Security Robots
Step aside Paul Blart, there’s a new Mall Cop in town. Only, this one’s significantly less human. Meet NIMBO, the world’s first A.I. powered security robot! This little fella will patrol a building scanning for potential threats and security breaches all by itself.
It just needs somebody to program its route! Once programmed, the bot follows a set path, and using the combination of its clever onboard A.I., cameras, sensors, and microphones, it’ll detect any potential criminal activity it comes across. Once it does, it’ll approach and blast out audio warnings to try and scare any bad guys off.Smart Slide Pistol
Turns out, Marvel films aren’t the only thing that inventors are taking inspiration from. If you’ve ever played Halo, then the Radatec Smart Slide might look familiar. It turns an ordinary handheld firearm into something straight out of science fiction.
A pistol is made out of several components. One of these is the “slide” at the top, which slides back across the gun when it’s fired. This reduces recoil and loads the next bullet. The Radatec Smart Slide replaces this with a mega high-tech version, equipped with a futuristic LED screen. Like something out of a videogame, the user can see how many rounds are left in the chamber and whether or not the magazine has been inserted. It’s all possible due to a special sensor that registers the number of cartridges in the magazine and transmits the information to the display.Remote-Control Road Spikes
Remotely deployed flying road spikes are now real, and they're being used by police across the US to stop fleeing vehicles in their tracks. They work similarly to traditional spike strips by puncturing the tires of a criminal’s car. But unlike traditional spike strips, they’re not slow and cumbersome to lay across the road.
Made by DynaSystems, these new spike strips can be flung out at the touch of a remote control! All you need to do is set the case at the side of the road and wait for the perfect moment to pull the trigger. Then, once the car is approaching- fire away! This means that not only are the spikes super-fast to set up, they’re also much harder to spot by any incoming driver. But that’s not all; the creator of the spiky boys, Eric Spencer, actually came up with the idea as a way to save lives. Laying standard road spikes is a dangerous business if you’re too slow, you could be hit. In fact, over 20 officers have been taken out like this. So, Spencer set to work coming up with a safer alternative, and thus the remote-controlled spike strip was born!Riot Control Vehicle
The Bozena Security System is a huge, 20-ton riot control system and this thing is an absolute beast. It might look like something out of the last Transformers movie, but the colossal machine is very real. Instead of transforming into a talking robot though, it’s actually designed to protect police officers from street rioters and other potential dangers.
We’ve covered some pretty massive gadgets now, but sometimes the best things come in small packages. The Recon Throwbot 2 is a micro-robot barely eight inches long, but it’s strong enough to withstand repeated drops from up to 30 feet high! In fact, as its name suggests, it was designed to be thrown!
It’s not some kind of overengineered yo-yo though. Made for the military, the Throwbot can be tossed into a potentially hazardous area, where it uses built in cameras and microphones to capture instant video and audio.Snakebot
Did you know that if some species of worm are cut in half, they don’t die? In fact, both halves can regenerate into two fully functioning worms. Scientists have created a futuristic robot with this very concept in mind: the Snakebot. Just like a worm, if you chop it in half, it’ll still function.
It’s all down to that chain-like body. The Snakebot is made up of a number of independently operating links, which form a long chain, giving it its snake-like appearance. Because these links don’t depend on one another to function, if any one part of the chain is destroyed, the robot can continue to operate!But what is it actually used for? Technically, it’s not being used in the field for anything right now. But if a camera was built into it, its design makes it perfect for covert surveillance in the future. The thin, slinky Snakebot can maneuver through tight spaces, climb over objects, and even slither up trees.
Cyborg Beetles
It’s one thing modeling a gadget off of a snake, but researchers in Singapore have taken it one step further. They’re developing actual cyborg beetles, that is, real insects that can be remotely controlled from afar.
Scientists have mounted tiny battery powered backpacks on their backs and implanted electrodes into their flight muscles. These allow small electric pulses to be administered to the corresponding muscles, making them contract and steer the bugs left or right. They can even control the speed of the bug by upping the frequency of the pulses.
Heavy Duty Vehicle Barriers
Compared to the other gadgets, you might think the next one is pretty boring. But you’d be wrong. It’s called a Modular Vehicle Barrier, and despite its humble design, it’s seriously impressive.
SubSea Craft, Real-Life Bond Boat
Although we’re still a way off inventing James Bond’s invisible surfing car, we do have the insane technology needed for the Subsea Craft Victa, the world’s first speedboat and submarine hybrid!
This amazing piece of kit allows special forces to speed along the surface of any river or ocean, before completely submerging under the water and covertly traveling to enemy shores! Complete with a diesel-powered engine and powerful waterjets, while in its boat-form it can race across the water at almost 50mph. It’s made out of super-tough carbon fiber too, so can withstand a beating, but a special foam core keeps it light. When you’re ready to submerge, all you need to do is press a button and you’ll be underwater in just two minutes.