One In A Million Coincidences

June 14, 2022
•12 min read
You won't believe these incredibly lucky people that experienced one in a million coincidences. Here are some incredibly lucky people who beat all odds.
The world is full of spooky coincidences and sometimes these uncanny happenings are so unexplainable it seems like the world we live in is just one big simulation. Without further ado, here are some one in a million coincidences you’ll have to see to believe.
20. The Ultimate Photobomb
There are plenty of cool photobombs out there, but this story of fate accidentally captured on film has got to be the craziest yet. A woman named Xeu posed in front of the May Fourth sculpture in the town of Qiangao in China during a trip with her mother in the year 2000 but this buried memory didn’t seem too significant.

Married couple in China discover they appeared in same photograph as teenagers: Report
19. What the puck?
88-year-old Minnesota resident Ray Ulvi was out for a stroll in a local park one day searching for the perfect branch for his cane-making business when he stumbled across an unusual object.

18. Freaky Fingers
We can inherit all kinds of weird things from our parents but who knew it could go quite as far as this horror story. An anonymous poster took to reddit to share a freaky coincidence which began when their father had the tip of his index finger cut off as a child. To the posters distress the very same finger on their hand stopped growing at the same length, resulting in an abnormally stubby finger smaller than a pinky… thanks dad!
17. A Message from the Matrix
Who said coincidences couldn’t be self-aware? In this image, someone shares the uncanny way newspapers had been stacked at work so that the only visible sentence reads “this is not a coincidence” over and over.
This meta one-in-a-million chance quickly became a concern to commenters, though, who instantly saw the dark side and warned the poster that the strange occurrence could be a matrix-style message alerting them to wake up from a dream, or worse – a coma.16. Lucky Numbers
Coincidences don’t always have to be creepy as this incredibly lucky couple from Canada have learned after becoming third-time lottery winners. Barbara and Douglas Fink from Edmonton first won big in 1989 when they split C$128,000 between themselves and four friends, and to their surprise, they repeated this feat in 2010 scoring another C$100,000.

15. The Unsinkable Woman
Whether this woman is extremely lucky, or a walking bad omen is totally up to you. Violet Jessop had survived a nasty case of tuberculosis as a baby, but little did she know she was about to become one of the most seemingly indestructible women of all time.

14. Lucky Escape
Luck and coincidences often go hand-in-hand, but just how often is good fortune really at play? There’s definitely some force at work in this image, which shows a car narrowly avoiding being crushed by not one but two fallen trees in the wake of a storm. As onlookers stand by in amazement, no doubt the owner is claiming it was all in the strategic parking.
Повезло, так повезло 😮✊
13. A Historic Moment
A true coincidence makes you think “what are the odds?” and the following image definitely encapsulates that feeling as two cars with personalized license plates are photographed at a red-light joining forces to convey an age-old classic: “peekaboo” & “I see U”.
A truly momentous occasion like this one should go down in the history books, but perhaps the saddest part is that the owners may not have even been aware of the incredible match-up.
12. Bathroom Renovation
Moving can be tiresome and renovating can be a truly momentous task, but all that stress was worth it for some new homeowners who made a hilarious discovery.

11. Who Wore it Best?
Spontaneous coincidences like the following one are often the craziest and immortalizing the moment on camera can produce a timeless gem. This guy must have been maintaining his physique all year round just to prepare for this legendary vacation snap.
And doesn’t that distant island look suspiciously like the human-shaped Te Fiti from Disney’s Moana?10. Professor Marvel’s Coat
You may recognize actor Frank Morgan as the great wizard from the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz, but Morgan actually played five different roles throughout the film, including a cab driver, the guard at the gates to Oz, a soldier and the fraudulent fortune-teller Professor Marvel.

9. Christmas Crash
This unbelievably spooky coincidence happened at the jolliest time of year as sisters Levinia and Lorriane from Norfolk, England were driving home on Christmas eve of 1994 when they were involved in a crash.
This wasn’t any old car accident, though, as the sisters had crashed into each other – and they hadn’t even been aware of each other’s separate journeys.

8. Identical Lives
Coincidences involving family members are so common that it's hard to deny the inexplainable connection between close relatives. These twin brothers have proved this so much that they had a big part to play in the age-old nature vs nurture debate which questions the impact of learning from our environment versus the influence of biological traits.

7. An Ancient Fossil
Fossils can teach us a lot about the past, but what about this insane discovery? In the most meta twist, one lucky person stumbled upon an infamous Nokia brick fossilised inside an actual brick, as if we needed any more proof that these things are actually indestructible.
The best part is that the battery probably still isn’t dead – just switch it on and that baby is good to go.6. The Simpsons Prophecy
It’s no secret that The Simpsons has been accused of prophesizing all sorts of current affairs in vintage episodes. Most notably, Twitter users noticed that the show predicted the rise of Trump as president in some pretty uncanny ways.
Not only did the Simpson predicted Trump winning, they even "predicted" the electoral map and they got it right.
Greta Thunberg anger and distress, Trump president of the USA, Fox acquisition by Disney ... #TheSimpsons has predicted the future again! Amazing TV show!
5. True Job Satisfaction
When a new member of staff joined the Packard Children’s Hospital in Stanford USA, experienced nurse Vilma Wong felt an uncanny sense of familiarity.
Wong looked up the man’s name and discovered that he had been a premature baby she cared for at the very same unit some 30 years earlier.
4. Soulmates
Sometimes it just seems like two people are destined to be together, and with coincidences like this one around it's hard not to believe it. An engaged couple were rummaging through old photos in preparation for their wedding when everything they knew about their relationship changed.

3. The Money Shot
On 3rd March 2017, New England-based photographer Ron Risman snapped an incredible image of some huge waves striking a local lighthouse during a storm.
2. A Crappy Self-Portrait
Koda Inman-Ahlstrom was out for an afternoon stroll with his girlfriend in a California park when he noticed something unusual among the autumn leaves. Stopping to pick up the discovery, Inman-Ahlstrom almost couldn’t believe his eyes – an artistic pigeon had pooped a perfect self-portrait on a leaf.
After snapping a photo and saying his goodbyes, Inman-Ahlstrom posted his find on reddit and was met with accusations of suspicious photoshop. Determined to clear his name, he returned to the park and sure enough discovered the leaf once again. Redditors suggested it be sent to a museum, while one even offered $1000 for it, but sadly mother nature got in the way and the portrait turned moldy and misshapen. The feathered Banksy is probably still at large today.1. Bill Morgan
At first, Bill Morgan might seem like an incredibly unlucky guy. This Australian truck driver was involved in a brutal collision which almost killed him, declaring him clinically dead for 14 minutes. Morgan cheated death by miraculously reviving, but quickly entered into a coma from which he may never return.