Random Fun Facts That Will Amaze You - Part 13

October 22, 2024
•12 min read
There are lots of strange facts about the world. Lets find out about the most mind blowing facts.
Did you know that a man already counted all the way to 1 million? But why did he do that? And more importantly, how long did it take him? Let's find out the answer to those questions, as well as a whole host of other mind-blowing facts you never knew you needed to learn.
Snakes Can Belch Fire
Plenty of people are afraid of snakes, and what I’m about to inform you now probably won’t ease that fear: they can burp fire. Let’s be clear, it's not being suggested that all snakes are secretly fire-breathing dragons, nor that this occurs under everyday conditions. In fact, you’ll probably never see this terrifying talent in action, but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen.
To create fire, you need three things: a flammable material, a spark, and oxygen. As you may know, a naturally-occurring flammable gas known as hydrogen is produced at the tail-end of the human digestive system and is passed by flatulence. When most mammals die, a layer of mucus that protects the stomach lining disappears and the stomach acids begin to digest the stomach itself alongside other internal organs. This results in a build-up of hydrogen inside the body, which can sometimes cause it to burst. Let’s say a decomposing deer body bursts inside a python; the gases would be released all at once into the snake’s stomach, causing it to belch out a burse of concentrated hydrogen. All you’d need is a lone spark from some nearby campfire to drift into the path of this burp and voila! You’ve got yourself a wingless, fire-breathing-dragon.
What Is Belly Button Fluff?
The average man is home to about 1.8-mg of belly button fluff at any time, but what exactly is it, and how does it get there? Dr. Georg Steinhauser spent three years of his life examining this strange phenomena, so that you don’t have to.
Steinhauser discovered that the main culprit for this build-up of fluff is a previously unknown type of hair which is unusually fine with little barbed hooks on it. As these barbs rub against clothing and dislodge bits of cotton and lint, the hairs’ concentric formation acts as a funnel which brings the bits of fluff inwards to collect in the naval. This lint is also joined by a delightful cocktail of house dust, flakes of dead skin, fat, proteins and sweat.
Too Many Carrots Will Actually Turn You Orange
This definitely sounds like one of those "old wives tales", but it’s totally true: if you eat too many carrots, you will eventually turn orange. However, this is not a transformation that will happen overnight, so don’t worry about waking up to find an Oompa-Loompa staring back at you from the bathroom mirror just yet.

Cows Can’t Walk Downstairs
Here’s something you’ve probably never pondered, unless you happen to live with a bunch of farmyard animals, you’d have great difficulty leading a cow, or a horse for that matter, down a set of stairs. You probably wouldn’t have much trouble guiding them up, but it would take more than a few kind words of encouragement to head back down.

19th-Century Women Were Afraid of a Made-up Condition Called Bicycle Face
Let’s wind the clock back a moment to the late-19th-century: a time when the bicycle was a novel invention that had women quivering in their boots. Doctors had announced that this new-fangled contraption could actually cause a terrifying medical condition known as bicycle face.
The long-and-short was that any woman who dared to cycle risked getting stuck with an ugly expression on her face forever. Why it affected only women remains to be seen, but a quote from the Literary Digest in 1895 described those afflicted with ‘bicycle face’ as: “unusually flushed, but sometimes pale, often with lips more or less drawn, and with the beginning of dark shadows under the eyes, always with an expression of weariness”. Others said it was characterized by “a hard, clenched jaw and bulging eyes”.
There’s an American Town With a Population of One
It’s no secret that some people prefer to be alone, but one woman enjoys her own company so much that she is literally the only resident in her town of Monowi in Nebraska. 86-year-old Elsie Eiler is currently employed as the town’s mayor, librarian, bartender, secretary, clerk, and tavern owner.
Население американской деревни Монови составляет всего один человек - Элси Эйлер. Она является мэром, платит себе же налоги, и сама же выдаёт себе лицензию на продажу алкоголя.
Why Do Men Have Adam’s Apples?
For men, having an Adam’s apple, that weird, hard lump that bobs up and down the neck, is just a fact of life, but why don’t women have them too? It’s nickname refers to the part in the Bible where Adam eats the forbidden fruit and gets part of it stuck in his throat. However, the Adam’s apple is also known as the ‘thyroid cartilage’ because, well, it’s a piece of cartilage that sits atop the thyroid gland.

Why Are Donut Boxes Always Pink in Movies?
Dunkin’ Donuts houses its sweet-treats in neon orange and pink, while Krispy Kreme favors the polka-dot pattern instead, but come to LA and the no-frills pink donut box is what you’ll find. In fact, it’s been said that any time you see a movie or sitcom set in New York and a pink donut box appears, you’ll know that filming actually took place in LA.

Iceland Has a Designated Elf Whisperer
You probably believed in all sorts of magical creatures as a kid, but in Iceland the existence of little Elves is pretty much an undisputed fact of life. In fact, they take Elf rights so seriously that one woman, Ragnhildur ‘Ragga’ Jónsdóttir, has taken on a role as an unofficial "elf whisperer".
It may sound crazy, but ever since she was a little girl Ragga has had the ability to see and speak with elves or "huldufólk" which live in invisible communities throughout Iceland. She’s not alone in her beliefs, though, in a survey in 1998 conducted by the Dagblaðið Vísir, 54.4% of all Icelanders interviewed said they believed in Elves. As the official spokesperson for these invisible people, Ragga has been entrusted to survey potential building sites in case they destroy Elf communities.Concern for elves ("hidden people") is stalling construction projects in Iceland. fastcodesign.com/3044304/exposu… #bbcinbrief
What Is the Highest Anyone Has Ever Counted to?
Believe it or not, there is actually a verified record for the highest number anyone has counted to in one sitting. Back in 2007 on June 18th, 31-year-old Jeremy Harper from Birmingham, Alabama locked himself in his home and proceeding to count aloud to one million, a landmark which eventually achieved 89 days later on September 14th.
Lobsters Communicate By Peeing In Each-Other’s Faces
If case you need reminding that lobsters are some of the most bizarre creatures on Earth, get this: they pee out of their faces into each other’s faces, as their own unique way of communicating.