Random Fun Facts That Will Amaze You - Part 2

June 26, 2023
•11 min read
There are so many amazing and interesting facts you won't believe are true. Coming up are some of the most incredible facts in the world.
In the digital age, there’s a goldmine of talk-worthy trivia and mind-blowing knowledge just a few clicks away. Few people have the luxury of full-time internet surfing, but that’s where we come in. Buckle up for another installment of incredible facts you never knew you needed.
There Are More Fake Flamingos In The World Than Real Ones
Those garish plastic garden ornaments became a beloved staple of trash culture and you might even have one in your front yard, especially if you live in Florida. America’s answer to the garden gnome was first designed in 1957 by Don Featherstone and mass-produced by Union Products.
The Featherstone Flamingo came dangerously close to extinction in 2006 when Union Products went out of business, but Faster-Form Corporations purchased the copyright molds to resume production. Nowadays there are around 2 million walking, squawking flamingos in the wild, but their kitschy, plastic cousins outnumber them by the millions.A ‘Dancing Plague’ Killed Dozens of People in 16th-Century France
It’s July 1518. A woman named Frau Troffea has started dancing in the streets of Strasbourg in Alsace, France. Nobody knows why, but she dances constantly all day and night. Within a week, 34 others have started dancing too. There’s no music, and things are getting weird. By August, 400 people are now dancing feverishly.

A Man Once Ate An Entire Airplane
Everyone has guilty pleasures when it comes to food: fries with ice cream, pickles by the dozen, or an entire Cessna 150 Airplane. That might sound crazy, but it was a mere snack for Michel Lotito or ‘Mr. Eat-All’, who ate that very aircraft in 1978 seats included. He started in 1978, but it actually took Lotito two years to gobble the plane, so he wasn’t really finished until 1980.

A ‘Buttload’ Is An Actual Unit Of Measurement
Ever heard someone say they drank a buttload of beer last night? If that was really true, they wouldn’t have lived to tell the tale. A “butt” is quite a stupendous amount in the alcohol industry. It’s a pretty old term nowadays, but the measurement refers to a casket or barrel traditionally used to store whiskey or wine.

Boston Once Experienced a ‘Toffee Apple Tsunami’
On Wednesday 15th January 1919, residents of Boston’s North End neighborhood heard an ear-splitting bang followed by the almighty rumbles of what sounded like an earthquake. Before they knew it, an enormous wave was heading towards them, but this wasn’t any old tsunami, it was a surge of sickly-sweet treacle.
A 90-foot-wide cast iron tank of crude molasses had exploded in the heat 50 feet above street level, unleashing 2.3 million gallons of the stuff without warning. The wave – some 25 feet high at its peak – hit the neighborhood at 35mph, demolishing buildings, carrying cars and even knocking a railroad car off its tracks.
How Much Does a Cloud Weigh?
Clouds seem to float so effortlessly in the sky, but you should probably know that if the sky really did fall, those fluffy white blobs would be well worth running from. Forget bounding along the clouds like feather-light pillows, because scientists now estimate that the average cumulus cloud actually weighs a whopping 1.1 million pounds.

Researchers Once Turned a Cat into a Telephone
It’s 1929, Princeton University. Professor Ernest Glen Wever and his research assistant Charles William Brayare kicking about in the lab when they have a lightbulb moment: “Hey, do you reckon we could turn a cat into a telephone?”. This was no throw-away hypothesis, and before you know it Chuck and Ernie got their hands on everything they needed to find out.
Enter one sedated, but very-much-alive feline. First, the men opened the cat's skull and attached one end of a telephone wire to its right auditory nerve, then attached the other end of the wire to a telephone transmitter. Ernie then took the receiver into a soundproof room 50 feet away and had Chuck speak into the cat's ears, and to their surprise, it worked!
What Does ‘OK’ Stand For?
According to author Alan Metcalf, ‘OK’ is the most frequently spoken word in the world, but what does it actually stand for? Historically speaking, ‘OK’ is an abbreviation for the phrase "All Correct" but how could that be when there’s not even a ‘K’ in sight?
Well, it turns out millennials aren’t the only ones who like to butcher words for the fun of it, that trend actually started back in the 19th century. The word first appeared in a Boston newspaper in 1839, when an editor clearly trying to get down with the kids decided that the new, hip way to spell "all correct" was "oll korrect".This was apparently pretty frequent at the time – with "No Go" becoming "Know Go" and "All Right" becoming "All Write". But how did OK survive for nearly 200 years? During the 1840 election campaign of America’s 8th President Martin Van Buren, supporters formed a club that was affectionately named after his nickname "Old Kinderhook". They called themselves the ‘OK’ club, and the phrase was so inescapable that it stuck forever.
Butterflies Taste With Their Feet
Could you imagine anything worse than having the soles of your feet lined with taste buds? Re-wearing a pair of socks from the laundry basket or accidentally stepping in a suspicious stain on the carpet would probably spell disaster. For butterflies, this is daily life. These flying insects have receptors on their legs that are similar to human taste buds, but 200 times stronger.
The craziest part is that adult butterflies don’t even eat, they only drink; so why the weird tongue-feet? While butterflies don’t need solid foods, caterpillars do eat a lot. In fact, as soon as they arrive they chow down on the leaf they're born on.King Charles III Owns Every Swan in England
Being a part of the royal family comes with its own perks, and if you happen to be the King of England one of these is the immediate ownership of every unclaimed swan in the country. This bizarre custom goes right back to medieval times when the majestic creatures were considered a delicacy only bona fide bluebloods could expect to dine out on.
The only other people allowed to hunt and eat unmarked swans are the fellows of St Johns College in Cambridge. Fortunately for the swans, though, there’s no record of anyone at the college tucking into roast swan since 1896.Still, the kings' monopoly over the winged creatures reigns on. During the third week of July each year, there’s even a centuries-old ceremony called ‘Swan Upping’ which involves having people count and mark every swan in the River Thames while the king watches.
What Would Happen if You Didn’t Bathe for 65 Years?
There’s no need to be hypothetical here, just look at the now-deceased Amou Haji, aka the world’s dirtiest man. Haji, who lived in isolation in the Iranian village of Dezhgah, was bestowed with this glowing title after he proudly announced that he hasn’t bathed in 65 years.
The 'World's dirtiest man' Amou Haji who last showered 65 years ago and lived on a diet of raw animal meat and a pack of cigarettes a day. passed away at 94. He believed soap & water would make him sick. 🙏🏾🕊
The Inventor Of The Pringles Can Is Buried In One
In 1966, Frederic Baur had a revolutionary idea: “What if you stacked chips neatly in a can rather than just tossing them into a bag all willy-nilly?”
It took years for people to appreciate the uniformity of Pringles after Procter & Gamble bought the idea to supermarket shelves; it was the 60’s after all, and identical chips clashed with the whole ‘individualism’ thing they had going on. Eventually, consumers came around and the Pringles can have earned its place in the junk-food hall of fame.Baur was so proud of his creation that he approached his family with a special request, that he be buried inside one. Baur’s kids took this just as anyone might after discovering that their father's dying wish is to be buried in a discarded snack packet; they laughed it off. That is, until 2008 when Baur died from Alzheimer’s, aged 89.On the way to the funeral, the Baur family stopped at a local Walgreens and headed straight for the snack aisle. They picked out the only reasonable flavor – original – and sure enough Frederic Baur’s ashes were buried inside his pride and joy.
You Produce Enough Saliva In Your Lifetime To Fill A Small Swimming Pool
Our bodies create all sorts of secretions we try not to dwell on in daily life. One of these is salvia, which you probably don’t notice until you suddenly become aware of just how much of the stuff constantly coats your tongue and mouth.