Reviewing Useless Life Hacks From The Internet

May 30, 2023
•9 min read
Lots of life hacks from the internet aren't that useful. Let's take a look at some life hacks and find out why they are pointless.
The internet has become flooded with so-called life hacks. These are tricks and tips that help you cut corners and save time on a daily basis. But as more and more helpful life hacks surface across the web, so do the really unnecessary ones. So, let’s try out some of the most pointless life hacks, and review them.
Phone Jack Cleaner
One video from CELIMA teaches how to make a budget phone-port cleaner with nothing more than cotton wool, hot glue, and a thumbtack. Shoving a homemade stick into your phone made from three things you never want anywhere near expensive technology seems like a foolproof plan, right?
Well, I tested it. As you can see in the footage below, the hot glue sticks to the cotton well, but the cotton quickly starts to shred. So, as you’re jamming your glorified Q-tip into vital ports and jacks, the fluff starts to get stuck in them.
Fresh Orange Juice Hack
Ever thought that buying a bottle of orange juice was a waste of time and money? CELIMA might have just come up with another bizarre life hack for you. Instead of splitting the orange and juicing it like a normal person, why not hot glue a bottle lid onto the top of an orange, roll the orange around a bit and pour out the liquid to produce a minuscule amount of juice?
Naturally, I wanted to see just how fruitful this life hack really is. First, start off by emptying your perfectly good bottle of orange juice. After carving the top off the bottle, hot glueing it intensively to an orange, and rolling it around, you can see there is a little bit of juice ready for pouring.
Master Key Card
A life of crime isn’t easy, but another life hack from CELIMA may have found a way to get past all those pesky locks in your life. Simply cut an unmeasured rectangle out of an old plastic card, slide it down the lock of any door, and open it with ease.

Balloon Phone Case
One of the simplest life hacks ever to grace the internet is the ‘balloon phone case’. Just place your phone on a deflating balloon, and you'll have a phone case that looks as strange as it is ineffective.
So, let’s see if this really is the hassle-free solution to the eternal ‘I can’t find a phone case’ problem. I followed the method and it was pretty successful, or so it would seem. If by successful you mean unable to use the camera, or any charging and headphone ports you may need on a daily basis.
Shoebox Projector
Projectors are expensive pieces of equipment, so a life hack that shows you how to make one with nothing but hot glue, a shoebox, a cheap magnifying lens and your phone should be an obvious trap. But I tried it out anyway! Using a cardboard box, I cut out a hole for a magnifying lens and hot-glued it into place. Then I balanced my phone inside.

Flip Flop Wet Wipes
Why carry wet wipes around in your bag or pocket like a chump when you could put them on your feet? According to this next life hack, you can just replace the top of a sandal with a packet of wipes with nothing more than hot glue.

Pizza With Hairdryer And Hot Iron
Ever bought a frozen pizza knowing you have no way to cook it? Such a classic dilemma and to solve a pointless problem, you need a pointless life hack! According to the internet, by placing several heavy blocks into a plastic tub and using them to balance a hot iron upside down, you can make a pizza-specific hot plate. Not cooking fast enough? Just use a hairdryer!
I decided to test this non-existent problem-solving hack out. Firstly, why do you need a whole plastic tub? You can balance your iron upside down easily by placing a heavy object on either side, and putting the whole set up on a heat-resistant surface. Then you cover your iron in foil, apply the pizza and get out your hairdryers. This is guaranteed to send your toppings flying.

Popping Popcorn With A Flat Iron
Don’t you just love popcorn? According to this next hack, all you need to make it is raw corn kernels and a flat iron. This is great if you have time to kill and don’t mind spending a while popping each individual kernel. Unless you just pop one kernel before putting it into a bowl of the store-bought variety. Maybe I’m being pessimistic, so I decided to try this one out.

Power Drill Brush Cleaner
Has cleaning the insides of things like disposable coffee cups and jars full of water ever posed a serious problem for you? According to ViralNova365 you can build yourself a power drill cleaning tool specifically for this purpose!
Simply burn a hole through two plastic bottle lids, attach a drill-compatible screw, and hot glue them down along with 4 toothbrush heads to create your own drill brush! Seems dumb enough, so let’s give it a whirl!You need a drill with an open tip so that you can use any screw to make this. I didn’t have one of these. But like most life hacks I showed, with enough hot glue, you can fix anything. After forming the base, I destroyed a perfectly good set of toothbrushes and fired up the glue gun again. The last step is attaching the drill piece.

Robotic Arm From Cardboard
Have you ever needed an extra hand? Yuri Ostr showed the world his genius life hack by building a robotic arm made from cardboard, straws and string. In a seemingly simple breakdown, he shows us all you need to do is cut out a rough map of your own hand and base for a handle, cut up and hot glue some pieces of straw.
Then, you need to run each straw through with string secured by a piece of popsicle stick. Finally, you wrap the strings around your fingers, strap them in your arm and voila! But what can it actually be used for?
Watermelon Chicken
This is a life hack that you can really take a bite of; the infamous watermelon chicken. According to this life hack, you just get a chicken, put way too much glaze on it, then cut through two sides of a watermelon and scoop it out. After that, simply put the chicken in and ‘cook for two hours’; no oven temperature included.
The reasoning for this weird abomination is never mentioned. Is it to make your chicken taste like watermelon? My first problem was the bird-to-melon ratio. I could not find a bird small enough, nor a melon large enough, to comfortably fit one inside the other. So, after using enough glaze to smother this chicken, I crushed it in as best I could and sealed it up with foil.