Satisfying Times Good Karma Came For Good People


December 11, 2022

10 min read

Instant Karma can be good as well as bad. Coming up are amazingly satisfying cases of good karma that happened to some good and wonderful people.

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We usually associate “Karma” with bad people meeting some satisfying justice. But every now and then, the universe rewards the wonderful people who deserve it the most, and it’s just as satisfying as the bad equivalent.

From rags-to-riches tales to fearless rescues, let’s explore some incredible, heartwarming tales of good karma coming for good people.

Master Of Resisting

The tale of Glen James is one of impressive honesty and suitable reward. Glen had been homeless for 12 years when he found a backpack in a Boston shopping mall in 2013. Inside was over $42,000 worth of cash and travelers' checks, a passport, and personal papers.

He promptly handed it over to the police, and it was returned to its owner, a Chinese student who’d misplaced it while shopping.


News of Glen’s good deed spread, and people were so inspired and amazed by his honesty, that an online fundraiser was set up. It raised $150,000 in 3 weeks, surpassing all goals and expectations, and changed Glen’s life forever.

In a statement, Glen explained his decision to hand over the bag, saying: "Even if I were desperate for money, I wouldn’t have kept even a penny. I’m extremely religious, and God has always very well looked after me”.

Thanks to his honesty, he can now afford to start a new life outside of poverty. Whether through Karma or God, Glen deservingly reaped the kindness he sewed.

Sea of Fortune

In 1965, at a beach in Salem, Massachusetts, Alice Blaise selflessly dived into the sea to save a drowning 4-year-old boy who’d swum out too far. She brought him back to shore, and he walked away shaken, but alive.


9 years later, the then-teenage boy revisited the beach where he’d had his near-death experience. Upon arrival, he spotted a man struggling against the current in the same stretch of ocean where he’d once narrowly avoided death.

The boy, now a strong swimmer, dived into the waves and rescued the drowning man, much to the relief of the man’s wife. But the woman, it turned out, was no stranger: it was Alice Blaise, whose heroic actions had indirectly saved her own husband’s life!


A Refreshing Act of Kindness

Good karma isn’t always the result of a life-or-death situation. Sometimes even the smallest kind act can have a positive effect on your life. A biker in Hungary stopped his journey to pick up a loose plastic trash bag from the road, for no reason other than looking out for the environment.

He secured the bag near a bin for the convenience of the city’s cleaners, who’d presumably dropped it by mistake. In a heartwarming twist, the biker was instantly rewarded as a passerby handed him a cool drink as a thank you. Well, that’s assuming he wasn’t secretly a drinks company promoter. But in the spirit of positivity, let’s assume he wasn’t.

Diamond in the Rough

Billy Ray Harris was begging for coins in Kansas City when a passerby donated more than they intended to: her $4,000 diamond engagement ring, which fell off her finger into his donation pot.


Rather than sell the ring for a small fortune, Harris chose to carefully protect the ring, hoping its owner would return to collect it. She did, just 2 days later, and, touched by Ray’s actions, she started an online fund to replace the $4,000 he could’ve gained from selling the ring.

Amazingly, the buzz created by the story allowed the fundraiser to reach over $200,000. But money wasn’t Harris’ only reward. The online buzz also allowed him to reconnect with long lost family after 16 years apart, find stable housing, and receive multiple job offers. Thanks to his honesty despite having so little, Harris’ life has been transformed by his good karma.

Roadside Karma

In 2011, a good Samaritan named Victor Giesbrecht stopped his pickup alongside a road to help 2 stranded women change their flat tires. Victor offered to help the 2 strangers when countless other drivers had passed by them, then went on his way without expecting anything in return.


When the 2 ladies saw his truck pulled over again just down the road, curiosity and a sense of duty compelled them to check it out. They were shocked to find Victor mid-heart attack.

Luckily, one of the ladies was a qualified nurse and immediately began CPR, saving his life. Victor’s story proves that kindness repays itself many times over – and, sometimes, it can even save your life.

Take Notes

In 2013, when Dr. Hollie Black returned to her car after a family meal at a restaurant in Tulsa, Oklahoma, she was devastated to discover it had been broken into. Her doctor’s bag full of personal items and irreplaceable research had been taken, presumably never to be seen again.


But a few days later, Dr. Black was astonished to receive a call from a stranger who’d found some of her research after the thieves discarded it. This stranger, a homeless man named Rayburn West, gathered up her papers and returned them safely to her.

Touched, Dr. Black’s husband posted about the events on Reddit and soon donations started pouring in to help the homeless shelter Rayburn frequented. Hundreds of dollars and donated items later, the power of an online community selflessly uniting for the good of strangers became undeniably clear.

Rabbit Rescue

Karma doesn’t just reward those who help other humans, it works for the saviors of animals too! John Byrne, a homeless man from Dubli, had a pet rabbit called Barney to keep him company on the streets.

But in a cruel, random attack in 2012, while John was begging on Dublin’s O’Connell Bridge, a stranger snatched Barney and threw him into the river below. John jumped into action, diving into the river after his long-time animal companion.

Once he’d retrieved Barney, John performed CPR, reviving the rabbit who John had presumed dead. Eventually, help arrived, bringing them both back to safety.

Within days of the daring rescue, John received a Compassionate Citizen Award for going above and beyond to help an animal in need. His story touched the hearts of thousands of people nationwide, with many offering donations and food for both him and Barney.

As for the rabbit’s attacker, he got his dose of Karma too: a 4-month jail sentence for cruelty to an animal.

Fair Judgment

In 2019, 96-year-old Victor Coella found himself in front of a judge, accused of speeding. In truth, Coella’s barely-notable breaking of the speed limit had a heartbreaking explanation. Due to his age, Victor only drove when absolutely necessary, and for him, this covered taking his disabled, 63-year-old son for cancer treatment.

When Judge Frank Caprio learned the reason for the speed, he overturned the charge, publicly praising Coella’s incredible dedication to his child. What a heartwarming story!

Four-Wheel Karma

An incredible stroke of good karma fell upon one Alabama teacher in 2018. Teacher Amanda spent hours on busses every day to get to her job, as she could not afford her own vehicle on her salary. Never complaining, she continued to journey to work every day with undying enthusiasm for the learning of her young students.

Knowing her students valued her incredible teaching was enough repayment for her. But when one student’s wealthy parents noticed their daughter’s adoration of her teacher and heard about the arduous journey she took every day, they decided to help.

They bought Amanda a brand-new car, as a thank you for her dedication, and for the exceptional care and attentiveness she’d shown to their daughter. The video below shows the genuine, heartwarming surprise of someone who expects nothing in return for her passion and kindness.

The Organ Trail

When Kalem Millard died in an ATV accident, his devastated family chose to donate his organs, turning their loss into something positive that could save lives. Among those to benefit from this decision was Jake MacKinnon, a 19-year-old type-1 diabetic.


The disease's impact on his pancreas meant he couldn't survive long-term without a new one. Receiving Kalem’s pancreas meant Jake could finally live life to the fullest, and the two affected families became close friends following the incident.

A decade after Kalem’s death, his father became critically ill with his own case of diabetes, desperately needing a new kidney. Without hesitation, Jake MacKinnon’s mother, Janice, selflessly donated her kidney to Kalem’s father. In death, through an unusual union of friendship and fate, Kalem inadvertently saved his father’s life.


The Game of Life

Wisconsin resident Jim Becker had been a fan of the Green Bay Packers since 1952. But seeing as he was a hard-working father of 11 and always put family first, he couldn’t afford tickets to see the Packers play.

In an attempt to save some pocket money for tickets, Becker regularly donated blood for over 20 years at a clinic that paid $15 a pint.


After years of generous donations, Becker’s doctor discovered that he had an undiagnosed case of hemochromatosis. The rare genetic blood disorder causes toxic buildup of iron in the gut and can be fatal if untreated.

The only known treatment is to regularly donate blood to regularize iron levels - something which Becker had been doing for decades to afford his football tickets. As a reward for his regular donations and devotion to his family, Becker had unknowingly saved his own life.


Quick Learner

In 2017, karma rewarded retired nurse David Knowles almost instantly. David, who offers voluntary medical assistance at public events, was teaching a CPR class to a local church group. When he went red and fell to the floor, the confused group assumed he was acting out a scenario like the ones they’d discussed in class.


Luckily, Karol Chew, one of his students, had been paying close attention to David’s teachings and realized something was amiss. The 77-year-old went into cardiac arrest and abruptly stopped breathing, prompting Karol to perform emergency CPR and resuscitation.

In an incredible turn of fate, Karol saved David’s life with the very procedures he’d just taught her. Knowles dedicated his free time to helping others learn how to save lives, and karma ensured that his invaluable teaching was rewarded in the most fitting way.


Gifts Of Generosity

In 2015, a New Jersey waitress overheard 2 firefighters talking about their tough night shift, and decided to use her own money to buy their breakfast. Grateful for her gift, they were determined to pay it forward.


They soon discovered that, despite her generous gift, she was the one in need. She’d previously set up a GoFundMe campaign to buy a wheelchair-accessible van for her disabled father, which she couldn’t afford.

The firefighters shared the post, which gained traction, eventually blasting the original $17,000 target out of the water and amassing a $40,000 total. A small gesture on her part changed both her and her father’s lives for the better.

Second Chances

In March 2011, California doctor Michael Shannon was driving along a familiar route when he was unexpectedly cut off by a semi-truck. The two vehicles collided at speed, and Dr. Shannon found himself barely conscious and unable to escape, his legs trapped in the crumpled wreckage.


Luckily, emergency responders were on the scene within minutes, led by paramedic Chris Trokey. As the flames started to spread through the car, melting Michael’s shoes, Chris’ team helped free him, and he was taken to a nearby hospital. Thanks to Chris, Dr. Shannon survived the ordeal.

But this was not the first time that the 2 men had met in a life-or-death situation. More than 30 years previously, Chris was born dangerously premature. Weighing just 3 pounds, he was cared for in a local neonatal intensive care unit. With just a 50% chance of survival, baby Chris was devotedly tended to by an exceptional doctor who spent nights at his bedside.


The doctor even saved Chris’ life when he was overcome by a fever. That attentive and loving doctor was Michael Shannon - the very man Chris would later rescue from a near-fatal car wreck. That dying baby Dr. Shannon gave a second chance at life to returned the favor in the most incredible way; by growing into the man who saved his life.

©Be Amazed

I hope the selfless acts of these amazing people encouraged you to rack up some good karma of your own. If you were amazed at these good karma stories, you might want to read part 2. Thanks for reading.

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