Scariest Bridges In The World

June 1, 2023
•16 min read
Here are the most terrifying bridges in the world you don't want to cross!
You wouldn’t usually give bridges a second thought; they’re normally just a means of getting somewhere. But some bridges are so terrifying, so toweringly tall, so downright pant-wetting you’ll be surprised they’re even legal! From rickety rope walkways to thin glass-bottomed crossings, hold on tight as I take you across some of the scariest bridges in the world!
Hussaini Hanging Bridge
The Hussaini Suspension Bridge in Hunza, Pakistan, is touted by many as the most dangerous rope bridge in existence. The rickety nightmare hangs above the murky Borit river, and if you fell off, you could very easily be swept away.
Made from nothing more than planks of wood haphazardly strapped together with rope, one slip could send you plummeting into the water below. In fact, even if you stepped with the utmost precision, you could still go flying. Which is, sadly, exactly what’s happened to at least 10 people according to locals. And strong icy winds rock the nightmarish contraption back and forth all year round! If you somehow need even more convincing though, just look at the bridge it replaced in the image below, hanging in complete tatters next to it.Incredibly, tons of seemingly unhinged tourists ignore the obvious signs of danger and walk the intact one every year to test their courage. For locals though, it’s less a game and more a perilous necessity.East Taihang Glasswalk
I don’t know about you, but I’ve got a serious fear of heights. Which is why I’d never even consider walking across a glass bridge. I’d be terrified something like this in the clip below would happen:
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Kuandinsky Bridge
Some bridges don’t look like they should be legal and the ghostly Kuandinsky Bridge in Russia is one of them. Heralded by some as “the world’s most dangerous bridge” it has no railing, no grip, and no safety features to prevent drivers from plummeting straight off into the ice-cold water below!
And that’s because it was never meant to be a bridge at all! At least, not one for cars. Built back in 1982, it was originally designed to be part of a railway system. However, the project was abandoned because of bad construction methods.Bach Long Glass Bridge
The Bach Long Glass Bridge in Vietnam’s Son La Province is the world's longest glass-bottomed bridge. It looms almost 500ft above the rocky ground below, and at a stupendous 2,073ft long, you’d have no chance of running to safety if anything went wrong!
The narrow pedestrian walkway stretches across an expanse of forest then winds around the mountains, offering a heart wrenching view of the sheer drop below. So, how can people be so sure it won’t shatter and send them plunging to their demise?Rope Bridge At Tsingy De Bemaraha
No matter how perilous a rope bridge looks, if it’s built over a load of marshmallows, you’re not gonna find it scary. However, there’s certainly no marshmallows to be found beneath the rope bridge in Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park in Madagascar, just tons of massive spiky rocks!
These otherworldly limestone formations have formed from hundreds of years of monsoon rains, wind, and floods battering and carving the rock. The resulting alien-like landscape has made it a go-to place for adventurers around the globe. Its popularity doesn’t make it any less dangerous though. So, if you fancy going there, you’ll only be allowed to cross its many rickety bridges while securely hooked up to safety ropes. Which is reassuring, considering most of us wouldn’t want to slip and crash into the knife-sharp spikes below. Even so, dozens of people safely cross these bridges every day while taking in the stunning views.Kakum Canopy Walk
The bridge in the image below is of the many wire rope bridges that hang precariously between the trees some 130ft above the ground at Kakum National Park, Ghana. To cross it, you’ve got to walk a plank so narrow that you need to place one foot directly in front of the next!
The petrifying plank-bridge is part of a seven-bridge network that extends over more than 1,000 feet of walkway, allowing anyone brave enough to get a truly once-in-a-lifetime view of the beautiful park. Brave being the key word though. If the dizzying height alone isn’t enough to send shivers down your spine, the fact that the bridges rigorously shake around whenever you take a step might be!Titlis Cliff Walk
At nearly 10,000 feet above sea level, the Titlis Cliff walk is Europe’s highest suspension bridge. It hangs over a hair-raising glacier in the Swiss Alps and is prone to life-threatening snowstorms that could hit at any moment! As well as making it mega-windy, they also turn visibility so bad you’ll hardly know what’s two feet in front of you!
Eshima Ohashi Bridge
If you’re an adrenaline junkie like me, you probably love a good rollercoaster. But would you fancy driving over Japan’s Eshima Ohashi Bridge? Just look at the image below; it looks more like a thrill ride than a functional road.
However, despite looking alarmingly unsafe, that steep incline is actually a safety feature; it allows huge trade ships to harmlessly pass below it on the lake it spans across. For the cars above though, it’s significantly scarier, with the sharp rise leading into a speedy downhill dash towards either Matsue or Sakaiminato, the two cities it connects. Or at least, it looks like it’d be a speedy dash if you view it head on. Take a look from the side however and you’ll see it’s hardly that steep at all! It’s actually a relatively gradual incline towards the middle, but because the road’s a mile long, it looks near vertical when viewed from the front! That’s the power of perspective!Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge
We’ve seen a couple of rope bridges already but there’s one that really takes the term ‘hanging by a thread’ to the next level. And that is the Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge in Ireland. If you look at it from a certain angle, it’s hard to say it’s a bridge at all. Suspended some 100ft above the rocky chasm below, one slip would mean a swift bye-bye.
Hanging Bridge Of Ghasa
You might find the idea of crossing a steep, 440ft high bridge with nothing but a rope to stop you plunging into oblivion pretty damn horrifying. Donkeys and cows however don’t seem to share that same fear. Over in Ghasa, Nepal, shepherds herd their cattle over just such a bridge all the time!
Aptly named the hanging bridge of Ghasa, the death-defying walkway doesn’t look capable of holding my aunt, let alone a whole bunch of animals! It doesn’t help that the whole thing’s at a seriously nauseating angle either, which makes it look more like a sadistic children’s slide than a walkable platform. And it has a steep drop. Fortunately, this bridge isn’t the only way to get to the other side of the ravine, so if you’re ever in Ghasa you don’t need to panic. It was only built so animals could cross over without causing congestion on the actual roads.Ruyi Bridge
Even if you close your eyes and imagine the freakiest, most adrenaline-boosting bridge you can possibly imagine, I bet whatever you imagined wasn’t as insane as the Ruyi Bridge in Taizhou, Zhejiang, China!
Unlike many of the bridges we’ve seen, this one was specifically designed to be scary! The spine-tingling structure hangs 460ft above a gigantic ravine and consists of three winding platforms!Shaking Suspension Bridges
This dauntingly long 5-mile structure sways menacingly in the wind as you drive across it, and it is supposed to sway though. Because of its flexible design, Big Mac can tolerate up to 150mph winds ripping into it!
Considering the oversea road can swing up to 35ft from side-to-side though, it’s no surprise motorists find crossing it so scary! Especially after what happened to the Galloping Gertie.
Q'eswachaka Rope Bridge
These days, bridges are generally made of tough stuff, but there’s one bridge over a gorge in Peru that’s made of no more than grass and tree trunks! And if you think that sounds flimsy, you’d be right! In fact, the woven grass fibers fray so easily that the bridge needs to be rebuilt every year or two!
The Q'eswachaka bridge is suspended 30 feet above the Apurimac River and is the last remaining Incan suspension bridge. These bridges were popular in the time of the Incan empire some five centuries ago, and back then there were almost 200 of them! Over the years though, most of them gave way and have been replaced with more modern equivalents, except for one, of course.Alam Bridge
If you thought Pakistan’s Hussaini Bridge was bad, you’ve seen nothing yet. The nearby Alam Bridge is so dangerous that police are stationed on each side to make sure nothing too heavy tries to get across!
At almost 1,000ft in length, this bridge is one of the longest in the Gilgit-Baltistan Province, which wouldn’t be an issue if it was safe; but it isn't. The unsteady structure was originally built back in 1978 to allow the small amount of traffic in the area to cross the Gilgit River. At that time, iron rods and wooden planks were deemed sufficient to hold the weight of the vehicles. However, by 2014 the local population had increased massively to over 300,000 people, and the flimsy design started to struggle under all the extra traffic. This came to a head when part of the bridge actually collapsed after a heavily loaded truck tried to pass over it! Thankfully, the two men inside managed to jump from the stuck vehicle and flee to the end of the bridge with their lives, but I can’t imagine how terrifying that run must’ve been!
Jiaozhou Bay Bridge
If you’re a nervous driver, driving across even a normal bridge can be pretty damn scary. So, one that’s almost 17 miles long and stretches out over a vast expanse of empty ocean is like something out of your worst nightmares! This is the Jiaozhou Bay Bridge in eastern China, one of the longest sea bridges in the world.
On foggy days, ominous misty waters surround the lengthy road and make a trip across it feel more like you’re heading to Silent Hill than Qingdao or Huangdao, the two districts it actually connects. And though the bridge is supposedly safe now, it wasn’t always that way. Back in 2011, when it first opened, there were reports of incomplete crash-barriers, missing lights, and loose nuts on the guard railings. Doesn’t exactly fill you with confidence.Wansheng Ordovician
Theme parks are a great way to conquer your fears. But if something goes wrong, they can have quite the opposite effect. Chinese theme park Wansheng Ordovician had a popular attraction inviting daredevils to jump across a series of planks some 500 feet above the ground.
Normally, there’s no real danger because you’re strapped into a harness. But back in 2018, one visitor got the shock of his life:Coiling Dragon Cliff Skywalk
As you might’ve guessed by now, Asia seriously loves its glass-bottomed bridges. And apparently, the more pant-wettingly horrifying the better! Which explains the insane popularity of China’s Coiling Dragon Cliff skywalk in the Tiananmen Mountains.
This bold project is built nearly a mile high and winds around the edges of one of the bloodcurdling, near-vertical mountains. To get to the top, you need to traverse a harrowing 99 hairpin bends while trying not to throw your dinner over the side.Despite being reinforced with concrete supports though, 43 pieces of the walkway have already had to be replaced due to wear and tear! If that’s not reason enough to be worried about a wander on this thing, the short glass railings are suspicious; they’re short enough for anyone to fall right over them! If you were amazed at the scariest bridges ever you might want to read our article about incredible bridges you have to see to believe. Thanks for reading!