Shortest People In The World

May 5, 2023
•19 min read
These amazing folks are the smallest people in the world!
The best things come in small packages. And while we fellas may be guilty of adding a few extra inches to our dating profiles, the truth is, size really doesn’t matter, and these little people are here to prove it. From small superhumans to petit protagonists, let's check out some of the smallest people in the world!
What Is Dwarfism?
So, before we kick things off, we need to understand what the medical term ‘dwarfism’ refers to. First and foremost, a dwarf is medically defined as a person who grows to 4 foot 10 or less.

He Pingping – 29.1 inches
Even at just 29.1 inches tall, He Pingping is actually the biggest little person in this article. But don’t let that fool you, as he’s technically only the height of an average 1-year-old. Which, up until 2010, earned him the Guinness World Record for being the world’s shortest man!
The world's tallest man, Bao Xishun with He Pingping who is shortest.
Dor Bahadur Khapangi – 28.8 inches
Even at 28.8 inches tall, almost half an inch shorter than He Pingping, 17-year-old Dor Bahadur Khapangi still isn’t the smallest person in this article. But nevertheless, he is small enough to have bagged himself one of those all-important Guinness World Records.
As of the time of this article, he is officially the world’s shortest male teenager, that is, at least for the next 3 years.Meet 17-year-old Dor Bahadur Khapangi from Nepal, our new shortest teenager record holder…
ICYMI: Nepal's Dor Bahadur Khapangi, born on 14 November 2004, is the world’s shortest living male teenager
Elif Kocaman – 28.5 inches
Measuring a miniature 28.5 inches tall, it’s no surprise that at one time Turkish born Elif Kocaman actually reigned as the world’s shortest woman! When she came into this world in 1988, Elif weighed a tiny three pounds and 10 ounces, almost half that of an average new-born, at 7 pounds and 6 ounces.
However, her mother claims she was an otherwise ‘normal’ baby. That was, until around age one when she showed a lack of growth. They say that by age 4 she’d completely stopped growing. And by age 10, they’d accepted Elif probably wouldn’t grow any further.Edward Nino Hernandez – 27.6 inches
Stacking up at just 27.6 inches tall, it probably comes as no surprise that Edward Nino Hernandez has had his 5 minutes in the Guinness World Records hall of fame. Swiping the title from He Pingping, he was officially declared the world’s shortest man back in 2010.
Bridgette Jordan – 27.1 inches
Next up we have a show-off here, Bridgette Jordan doesn’t have just one world record, but two! Besides being known as the world’s shortest woman in 2011, she and her younger brother, Brad, also held a joint world record for being the world’s shortest siblings!
Born with the same condition, the brother sister duo, from Illinois, suffered from what is known as Microcephalic Osteodysplastic Primordial Dwarfism Type 2 (MOPD). With Bridgette being only 27 inches and Brad a respective 38, the pair had a combined height of about 5-foot 4, which is roughly the height of the average American woman!What makes MOPD so rare and differentiates it from other types of dwarfism is that it causes brain and skeletal abnormalities. Due to this, the adult sized brain of those with MOPD is comparable to a 3-month-old, though intellectual development is usually normal. Other characteristics can be high-pitched voices, caused by a narrowing of the voice box, prominent noses, and even blood vessel abnormalities, which can increase the risk of suffering from a stroke.Charlotte Garside – 26.7 inches
At just 5-years-old, Charlotte Garside from the UK was already making huge headlines after becoming locally known as the world’s smallest girl, what with her once 26.7-inch stature. Born in 2007, Charlotte has what’s known as primordial dwarfism, meaning she showed signs of dwarfism right from the very first fetal stages of her life.
Happy #Birthday to Charlotte Garside, "The #Smallest Girl In The World"! See her story here:
Lucia Zarate – 26.7 inches
For this next little lady, we’re gonna have to take a journey back in time, all the way back to 1864, to explore the exceptional story of Miss Lucia Zarate! Born in Veracruz, Mexico, it’s not clear whether Lucia’s condition was fully understood at the time.
However, it’s said that she had the same condition as Bridgette Jordan and her brother, MOPD. Which, if you recall, causes brain and skeletal abnormalities. While modern scientific endeavors have established that MOPD sufferers grow at a very slow rate, an 1894 article in Strand Magazine claimed that Lucia had reached her full adult height by just age one. And while I’d like to say Lucia had a happy ending, from the age of 12 she would spend the rest of her life in a traveling circus, exploited for her disability. Cruel stage names like ‘the Marvelous Mexican Midget’ would come to define her, as she paraded from one show to the next. She even featured in the famous circus of PT Barnum, and became the highest paid little person of all time, earning some $20 an hour, that’s roughly $452 in today’s money! Ultimately, this would be her demise when her circus train got stranded in the cold, snowy Rocky mountains in 1890.At just 26 years old and 26 inches tall, Lucia would contract a fatal case of pneumonia and perish. However, during her short life she traveled the world, brought joy to many, and made money. That’s a life well lived by most standards!Lin Yu-Chih – 26.5 inches
Most of the guys in this article at some point or another have had a Guinness World Record. And Lin Yu-chih is no exception! Only, what sets him apart is that he is currently the world’s shortest mobile man!
Khagendra Thapa Magar – 26.3 inches
As we’ve already discussed, back in 2010 Edward Nino Hernandez was the Guinness World Record holder for shortest man, that was, until 2011, when Khagendra Thapa Magar swiped the accolade from him! However, it would be short-lived, as that same year an even shorter man hit the scene and swiped the title from him, but more on that later!
Born in the Baglung District of Nepal, Khagendra weighed an extraordinary 21 ounces when born which, for context, is roughly the weight of a medium cheddar cheese block. Khagendra was affected by primordial dwarfism, which interestingly, is typically caused by a mutant gene inherited from both parents, aka, an autosomal recessive condition. For Khagendra, fame found him at just age 14, when a traveling salesman discovered him and took him to fairs, where he’d apparently charge children to have their photos taken with him. After gaining traction, smalltown Khagendra hit the bigtime, as he would go on European and US tours.Madge Bester – 25.5 inches
With no more than 25.5 inches to her name, South African woman, Madge Bester, was at one time the world’s shortest woman. Also a sufferer of Osteogenesis Imperfecta, it was a condition Madge had inherited from her mother.
However, her mom grew to an average height of 5 feet 8. Osteogenesis doesn’t always result in dwarfism, but certain genetic mutations can be passed down to babies of parents that carry the genes. Similar to Lin Yu-chih, Madge used her disability to spread awareness and became an activist for disability rights. In fact, in 1998, she and Lin actually joined forces; the pair organized a conference and discussed the challenges and inequity that disabled people face. Sadly, in 2018 at age 54, Madge passed away. Still, having dedicated much of her life to activism, her legacy lives on and will inspire many people for generations to come!Tweet not found
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Jyoti Amge – 24.7 inches
We’re in top 5 territory now, and coming in at number 5 is none other than Jyoti Amge, a 28-year-old Indian woman who proudly stands 24.7 inches tall. Which officially makes her the shortest living woman, according to the Guinness World Records!
Pauline Musters – 24 inches
Once again, we’re gonna have to hop in the time machine and take a trip back to the 1800s, to pay miss Pauline Musters a visit, a Dutch woman who stood a remarkable 24 inches tall!
Junrey Balawing – 23.5 inches
Claiming the Guinness World Record back in 2015, the then 22-year-old Junrey Balawing was officially the world’s smallest man! Not to be confused with Lin Yu-chih, who is the world’s smallest mobile man, as Junrey was unable to stand or walk without being assisted. Either way, at just 23.5 inches, this guy is all but a little bit taller than a chicken!
Gul Mohammed – 22.4 inches
Coming in at 2nd place, we have another former world record holder, Mr Gul Mohammed! But just how short is 22.4 inches? Well, imagine about 4 and a half cans of coke stacked on top of one another!
Born in 1957 in India’s capital, New Delhi, Gul Mohammed is the 2nd smallest person in recorded history. There’s little information about his early life and upbringing, however it’s said that he sadly spent his adult life on the streets. In attempts to make money, he tried to run a roadside candy and biscuit stall, but it was often looted due to his size. He would apparently try to make ends meet with help from friends and voluntary organizations.Honorable Mentions
So before we investigate the shortest person in the world, let’s take a look at a few honorable mentions!
First up, we have some of the world’s smallest babies! Born in Singapore, 2020, Kwek Yu Xuan weighed a meager 7.4 ounces, roughly the weight of a single apple! Now, Kwek wasn’t a full-term pregnancy. In fact, she was born at 25 weeks, almost half the full gestation period! Due to this, Kwek had a string of ailments which she needed to be kept in hospital for. But unlike everyone else in this article, she isn’t affected by dwarfism. So, all being well, she should grow into an average sized adult!Another miniature baby was Emilia Grabarczyk, who was also born at just 25 weeks and weighed in at a featherlight 8 ounces! The German born girl was initially assumed to have no chance of survival. However, against all odds, she is now said to be thriving and healthy! Next up we have some of the world’s smallest families! In America, we have the Johnston family, every single one of which has a type of dwarfism.Paulo Gabriel da Silva Barros and Katyucia Lie Hoshino from Brazil are the shortest married couple, measuring a combined height of 181.41 cm.
Chandra Bahadur Dangi – 21.5 inches
Born in Nepal way back in 1939, Chandra was born with primordial dwarfism, which, as we know, is a condition that rarely sees sufferers live past age 30. So, with that in mind, it’s amazing that Chandra lived to the grand old age of 75! Not least considering the average life expectancy in Nepal is just over 70 years!
According to Guinness World Records, before becoming known as the world’s shortest man, Chandra had never left his hometown of Rhimkholi in Nepal. He would instead make a living by weaving traditional Nepalese garments. It wasn’t until one day a forest contractor was chopping timber in the village and was stunned by Chandra’s size. He spread the word to the media and before long Chandra was being declared the world’s shortest man in 2012!The world's shortest man Chandra Bahadur Dangi poses with the tallest man Sultan Kosen in London. (Photo via Reuters)