Survival Tips That Could Save Your Life if You Get Lost In The Wilderness

October 29, 2023
•11 min read
If you get lost in the wilderness, your life may be in danger. Here are some life saving survival hacks and tips to help you survive in the wild.
The natural world can be a scary place and it’s easier than you might think to get lost in the wilderness without any means of immediate escape. If you do happen to find yourself in this sticky situation, don’t panic and try to remember these tips, because they could literally save your life!
Build A Shelter
Assuming you’ve decided to stay put for some time while you await your rescue, one thing you’ll need is a decent shelter to protect yourself from the elements. The last thing you want to do is spend your remaining daylight hours panicking and end up spending the night on the forest floor, mostly because this will significantly increase your chances of catching hypothermia.
No matter what type of shelter you create, you should ensure that your body will be elevated from the ground as you sleep, so create a padded bed using dry leaves or prop yourself up on a platform of sticks or logs to heighten your chances of survival in the long run.Wear any extra layers you have and pad your clothes out with dry leaves and foliage to insulate yourself, and if you happen to have any bubble wrap on you, grab that too. This is because bubble wrap has been proven to create an insulating shield 70% as effective as three cotton blankets, making it a miracle survival tool (if you can resist popping those oh-so-tempting bubbles, that is).Finding Drinkable Water
The human body can go three weeks without food but can only sustain about three to four days without water, so finding it is gonna need to be at the very top of your list. Contrary to popular belief, drinking your own urine is actually not advisable, and can only lead to health problems and further dehydration.
Drinking urine is basically like drinking seawater. The kidneys filter out 5% of by-product waste from the body when we urinate, so re-consuming it forces your kidneys to work twice as hard, causing gut problems and even kidney failure.
Making Fire
Fire is one of man’s greatest discoveries, and it’s classed as one of the most high-importance materials when you’re lost in the wilderness. Assuming you’ve forgotten to bring matches or a lighter with you, there are several inventive ways to get a fire going so that you can stay warm and prepare food and water.
Friction-based fires, involving bone-dry wood such as cedar or willow, a spindle, and a dry tinder nest, are the most well-known method but require a lot of patience and steely determination.Creating fire using a glass lens like a magnifying glass or eyewear is a proven and effective approach that uses sunlight to your advantage, but there are ways to achieve this feat even if you aren’t a glasses-wearer. A balloon or a condom filled with water and shaped to form a concentrated enough beam can work just as well, and if you happen to be in a colder climate ice can even be carved into a lens-like sphere.Signal for Help
Now that you have fire, it’s time to make an effective signal for help so that you don’t have to spend any more time in the wilderness than is truly necessary. First, select a prime location. A visible and elevated area like a hilltop or ridge is ideal, just make sure it’s isolated enough that you won't accidentally cause any wildfires
Staying Hydrated
With these essential survival elements under your belt, you’ll now be able to boil and purify your collected water to make sure it’s safe to drink. All you really need for this process is a regular plastic water bottle cut into two sections, which will act as your own makeshift filter and boiling container.
First, pierce a few holes in the cap, then fill the top half with layers of moss, grass, and small stones (or even better, fine sand) which will filter out various unwanted impurities and sediments as it drips into the bottom half below.
Insect Repellent
If you’re truly lost in the wilderness, the last thing you want is a horde of bloodthirsty mosquitos preying on you as you sleep. As no one plans to get quite so lost it’s likely the more absent-minded among us would’ve forgotten to bring an effective insect repellent along to ward off the annoying bugs.
Foraging for Food
With shelter, fire, and safe drinking water you should be well-equipped for survival, but it won’t be too long until you start feeling peckish.
If creating hunting materials from scratch seems beyond your abilities and there doesn’t seem to be any large game available anyway, there are plenty of easy ways to satisfy your hunger just by foraging around and knowing what to look for. It might not occur to you at first, but there’s plenty of good grub to be had by flipping over sizable logs and surveying the ecosystem beneath.Insects like ants, termites, beetles, and grubs are easy enough to catch and kill and are packed full of valuable fats and proteins. Most can be eaten raw or cooked for a few minutes if they have outer shells, just avoid spiders, ticks, and flies if you’re unsure, not that any of those sound particularly appealing to begin with. Recognizable wild berries like blackberries, gooseberries, and elderberries are great too, but any white berry is generally toxic to humans. Searching for edible mushrooms in damp, dark areas can seem like a bit of a minefield, but there are some simple rules to follow: choose mushrooms with brown or tan "gills" on their underside and white, tan, or brown caps, but never white gills or red caps, as these can be deadly! If you’re not sure, just don’t eat it.Getting Your Bearings
In case you’ve been lost for a while and rescue seems increasingly unlikely, you’re gonna have to leave camp and get on the move, but you have no idea where you are. Assuming you have no compass and your smartphone is out of battery eliminating any hope of using its GPS system, there are still a couple of clever ways to figure out your location.
Unfortunately, moss doesn’t always grow on the north side of trees, and waiting for the sun to set in the west can be a big waste of time. But fear not, if you happen to be wearing an analog watch, you can easily turn it into a compass using just the sun and a bit of quick-thinking ingenuity.
Smartphone Hacks
If you don’t have a watch, but you do have a dead smartphone and you’re in a desperate situation, you can dismantle it to create your very own survival kit. Besides a mirror you can use for signaling and circuit boards which can be sharpened into a makeshift knife, there is a tiny magnet behind the speaker system which has big potential.
You’ll need a small metal pin like a needle, a watch pin, or a hair grip that can be rubbed against the magnet for several minutes to magnetize it, and a puddle or pond with a still surface.
Escaping Quicksand
Quicksand isn’t always found in barren deserts as the movies would have you believe. In fact, you could be hiking near a riverbank, lake, or marshland and before you know it, you’re trapped in the deadly stuff and sinking fast.
It’s important to act quickly and to know what to do to escape your impending muddy fate, and your first move should be to make yourself as light as possible, so lose any backpacks, shoes, or heavy clothing before sinking any further.The human body is less dense than quicksand, so it's impossible to drown, but you’ll still want to stay calm because frantic movements can dislodge the sand and suck you further in. Instead, breathe deeply and move slowly, wiggling your legs slightly to create pockets of air for the liquid to trickle down and loosen the sand's grip.