Terrible Promotions That Lost Companies Millions Of Dollars

October 23, 2022
•10 min read
Lots of marketing promotions fail, but none more than these top 10 terrible marketing promotions that lost companies a fortune!
If you're a small business owner, you might get angry that the Facebook ad you paid 5 dollars for didn’t work all that well. But imagine some chief marketing officer out there when he realized that, short of making the company money, his marketing mistake cost his company millions. Here are the 10 worst promotions that lost companies millions.
10. The Apple U2 Giveaway
You've all probably heard of this one, the story that made U2 into a meme for years to come. But for those who don’t know, let’s explain it a bit (apologies in advance to U2 fans). Back in 2014, some genius at Apple came up with the idea that people would love to have their new products come prepackaged with an album that no one really cared about.
9. Walkers Weather Promotion
When you think about British weather, what comes to your mind first? If you answered “Rain”, then you're probably smarter than the guys running marketing for Walkers crisps. Some genius decided that people would have fun predicting the weather if they could win a prize for it.

8. Balloonfest of 86
For some people, the word 'balloon' will cause them to have a flashback to the time United Way decided to release 1.5 million balloons over Cleveland and screwed up very badly. The whole stunt had a neat little idea behind it.
Basically, they just wanted to do a little fundraiser and grab the town’s attention for a while. They built a giant box the size of one city block and had 2500 students do the balloon filling while they waited for the crowds to gather. Once the launch started, it was one of the most beautiful things you could see. At least, for about a few minutes.
7. Jägermeister’s Pool of Death
This case goes to show that marketers sometimes don’t know the basics. In this edition, we go over chemistry. Some genius in the marketing department decided that they'll make a giant pool party for all of Jägermeister’s drunken fans, which is a brilliant start.
But then, they wanted to have a lot of fog above the pool for that added effect which, is also quite nice. However, what was not really nice was the liquid nitrogen they used to create the fog by pouring it into the water. Here's the bad part, however: the liquid nitrogen basically made an unbreathable fog above the whole area when it came into contact with the water, and the marketing team must have been shocked upon realizing that humans need air to survive. This whole event was a mess and actually left one partygoer in a coma while hospitalizing 8 others.6. The Energizer Bunny
How could a cute little bunny screw up a company that much? Well, can you remember the brand of batteries you have in your remote? Haven’t got a clue? That’s perfectly normal. And that’s what the marketing team at Energizer realized after it was a bit too late.While the bunny is actually a cute little mascot and became widely known, you can’t really pull off that kind of marketing for something like a battery. The campaign was successful, but the problem is that they actually managed to advertise their competitor in the battery field.Duracell released a report after the Energizer Bunny first aired showing that their profits had actually doubled at that time because people thought that the bunny was advertising Duracell. In fact, it worked so well that Duracell uses a bunny as their mascot now, which you may have seen.
5. Tesco and Math
Tesco is praised for being a fairly cheap place to shop in the UK, but after this marketing failure, you might think that it's because they're just really bad at math. Back in 2011Tesco decided to do a special little promotion to outdo their competitor, Asda.

4. Oprah and KFC
We all know that Oprah is the omnipotent master of our destinies so when she offered people a free KFC two piece meal, we all jumped. So why was it such a catastrophe? Well, you can imagine that KFC was not all that pleased when people managed to print out over 10 million free food coupons from Oprah’s website.

3. Bananas for Stereo
This one didn’t cost a lot of money, but it was really stupid on the marketing side. It was the same old formula: savvy customer + dumb exchange = prize. Silo, a chain of electronics stores, decided that the dumb exchange item would be bananas and the prize would be a stereo.

2. Mcdonald's Olympics
Naturally, pairing Mcdonald's and something that requires you to be physically fit is a bit weird, but it gets even weirder. During the Summer Olympics of ’84, Mcdonald's had a catchy slogan “If the US wins, you win”.
They included a ticket you could scratch on every meal. Customers would win A Big Mac for gold, French fries for silver and a Coca-Cola for a bronze medal in the event that was on the ticket.
1. Number Fever
In 1992, Pepsi had its Number Fever promotion and promised to give away 1 million pesos, the equivalent of 40,000 US dollars, to one lucky person with the right number on their bottle cap.
Trouble is they had accidentally printed the winning number, 349, on 800,000 caps due to an oversight in the manufacturing process. Consequently, they accidentally promised to give away a total of $55 billion in today's dollars. Naturally, people did not calmly understand the mistake. Thousands of Filipinos began rioting on the streets demanding that Pepsi pay them their rightful prize which now totaled in the millions.