Unbelievable Tactics Police Actually Use

April 2, 2023
•17 min read
Here's why cops touch your taillight, plus more secret tactics police don't want you to know!
The cops play a big part in keeping our streets safe, and sometimes that means playing dirty. From slyly tracking your car to telling outright lies to your face, let’s investigate some of the shadiest, sneakiest, and downright most unbelievable tricks police officers actually use!
Taillight Touch
If you drive, you might’ve found yourself pulled over by the police before. Cops can do this for whatever reason they choose, but if they’re particularly suspicious of you, they’re likely to do something a bit weird, tap the taillight of your vehicle with their hand. But why?
Never Drink Cop Water
If you ever end up in the interrogation room, you should remember one simple thing: if the interrogator offers you a cup of water, don’t, under any circumstances, accept it. If that means being thirsty, you deal with it.
This is because the cops probably aren’t worrying about your hydration levels! This seemingly innocent gesture is actually a great way of stealing your DNA and fingerprints! By simply picking up a cup of water and taking a sip from it, you’ve left both your prints and saliva all over the cup. In other words, a veritable feast of data they can identify you with! Typically, the police can’t collect a DNA sample from you unless they have a warrant. But if you leave your water cup behind after using it, it’s considered abandoned. Therefore, the police don’t need a warrant to take it and collect the sample. And water isn’t the only thing you need to watch out for, either. The cops can legally collect your DNA from pretty much anything you use, a discarded tissue, an old cigarette butt, you name it! You might be thinking “Why should I worry about this if I’ve done nothing wrong?” Well, it’s not common by any means, but corrupt coppers could take your DNA or fingerprints and use them to frame you for any manner of crime later down the line. So, by refusing water, you’re ensuring this can’t happen.The Police Can Legally Lie To You
It’s definitely very illegal to lie to the police. In fact, it’s a great way to get yourself locked up if you’re caught! However, this rule doesn’t work both ways as the police are allowed to downright lie to your face if they think it will help them.

The Lie Detection Myth
Lie detectors, or polygraph tests, are a common trope in detective movies. You know, those devices an interrogator straps onto a suspect before asking them a load of increasingly awkward questions. They’re supposed to tell when you’re lying and draw it all out in a neat little line graph.
The devices are real, but they’re not proven to detect lies, they just measure heartrate and breathing patterns, which change when you’re anxious. But even an honest person can get nervous when under interrogation, so the tests aren’t actually reliable.
If you couldn’t already tell, the police are willing to go to some pretty great lengths in order to catch criminals. But none of those lengths are as ridiculous as the story below.
Malky McEwan, a now-retired policeman from Scotland, was on duty with his partner Dan when they received a report that someone had broken into the local rugby club. Malky and Dan rushed to the scene, but the door to the building was closed, and the two coppers had no idea where the burglars were. They’d have to think fast. Luckily though, Dan had an idea! He turned to Malky and told him that on his signal, he needed to start barking like a dog. How on earth was that supposed to help?

Good Cop Bad Cop
The ‘good cop, bad cop’ interrogation method is the oldest trick in the book because it works. A so-called ‘bad cop’ takes an aggressive, hostile stance towards a suspect, then a ‘good cop’ comes in and takes the opposite approach. It’s used by police forces all over the world and it’s so effective because of basic human psychology.
The ‘bad cop’ acts so overtly terrible that when the good cop comes in and acts nice, they seem way nicer than they would normally. The good cop can then exploit this and gain the trust of the suspect. Then, when it’s the bad cop’s turn to pick up the interrogation again, they act so threatening that it drives the suspect further into the good cop’s influence.
The Meanings Behind Siren Sounds
Police sirens might seem like they’ve been solely designed to burst your eardrums, but their painfully high volume is essential for police to get around quickly and safely. Have you ever noticed there are actually a few different sirens sounds though? That’s not just random. Each one has its own specific use!
Most people don’t know, but there are three main sounds. First off, there’s “yelp mode”, which sounds like the clip below:Cryptic Codewords
If you’ve ever tried speaking pig Latin or writing letters in invisible ink, you’ll know how fun it can be to communicate in a secret language. But, of course, codes aren’t just for fun, US law enforcement actually use one to covertly talk to each other over their radios.
In fact, they use a lot. They’re called the ‘ten codes’. Each code starts with the number ‘ten’ to indicate something important is following, before a second number is spoken, which signals the specific phrase. For example, ‘10-4’ translates as ‘understood’, but ‘10-54’ means livestock on the highway. You wouldn’t want to get those two confused then!When they were first established back in 1937, police codes had two primary uses. Firstly, they helped ensure communication was clear and easy to understand. Back then, radio technology wasn’t nearly as sophisticated as it is today, so radios were often disrupted by extreme static or other noise, making proper conversation difficult. The codes also helped disguise police reports from the public. That way, operations could be kept a secret, and if a civilian accidentally tuned in, they’d just hear “10-98” rather than “jail break” and be saved the panic.
One user on the question-and-answer website Quora described a conversation he’d had with a Californian cop. They’d been discussing a particular tactic the cop used to catch speeding cars. And, spoiler alert, it’s both sneaky and illegal.
Range-R Radar
The police have got some crazy new technology that lets them see through the walls of your house. They probably won’t be using it to see into your house, but it’s still a scary concept. The sly device is a high-tech radar called a Range-R, and law enforcement can use it to detect motion through walls, floors and ceilings!

Bird Drones
Drones have been the subject of some controversy over the years. However, they can be equipped with all manner of shady surveillance devices and used for more nefarious reasons too.
In fact, the Pentagon has poured millions of dollars into developing a new, far sneakier way of spying on people. It’s called a nano hummingbird, and it’s a tiny, bird-shaped drone that’s so discreet that even if you saw it, you’d think nothing of it!
StarChase System
There’s no doubt that car chases make great movie scenes. But when the cops are trying to catch criminals in real-life, high-speed chases pose a serious risk to both police officers and civilians. The solution? StarChase, of course!
This nifty little contraption might not look like much, but it has an in-built GPS tracker and can be fired at a fleeing vehicle from a launcher hidden behind the grille of a police car. While mid-chase, police can use a laser pointer to target the suspect’s vehicle. Once in position, hitting a button releases a build-up of compressed air, sending the dart flying forwards. Then, when it hits its target, a layer of industrial strength glue makes sure it’s not going anywhere.BolaWrap
Batman isn’t the only Superhero movie that police have apparently taken inspiration from. Another super-sneaky invention in their arsenal is the Bola-wrap, a device that is more in the realms of Spiderman than the Caped Crusader.
The handheld device has a built-in laser to help the officer aim and shoots a powerful Kevlar tether at a suspect’s arms or legs at a blindingly fast 513 feet a second. Once it hits somebody, the Kevlar snaps right around them, restraining them without any force necessary!The Sting Operation
Cops aren’t the only ones that can be sneaky, criminals can be even sneakier! So sometimes, the police have to get real inventive to catch them, such as the sting operation. Typically, stings involve a cop going undercover and deceiving a suspect, often by posing as a partner in crime.
That way, they can gain the suspect’s trust and gather evidence right under their noses. And when enough evidence has been collected to put the criminal behind bars, away they go! In a particularly wild sting from back in 2012, a young police officer called Alex Salinas posed as a student in a Californian high school. Police knew a group of pupils were selling illegal contraband in the school, and it was Alex’s job to find out who.

Phoney Phrasing
If I was told to do something by a police officer, you can be damn sure I’d do it; I’d rather avoid jail! But it turns out, sometimes you don’t need to comply with their demands. The police use language very carefully to trick you into doing what they say, even if you don’t have to!
Playing Dumb
Everyone is unique and special in their own way, or at least, that’s what our mothers tells us. But undeniably, some people are a little less “switched on” than others. And the police know this all too well. So, sometimes, they’ll employ a tricksy little interrogation tactic where they pretend to be less intelligent than they actually are. But what could that possibly achieve?
If a suspect thinks the officer questioning them is shrewd, professional, and on the ball, they’ll have their guard up the whole time. But let’s say the interrogator seems a little on the slow side, well, in that case, the suspect is far more likely to let their guard down and be more careless than they otherwise would have. And they might let slip an important piece of information! According to retired New Jersey cop David Ambrose, this trick works even better on affluent, successful people who are quick to turn their noses up at someone they see as inferior.