When Fake Muscles Go Wrong

August 23, 2023
•16 min read
This is what happens when fake muscles go wrong!
Let’s face it, we’ve all got insecurities about our bodies. But for some people, the ways they try and fix them only make things worse much worse. Let’s not be quick to judge anyone but, hopefully, there’s a lesson or two we can learn from their mistakes. From boulder biceps to exploding butt cheeks, let’s find out what happens when fake muscles go wrong!
Synthol Rambo
When it comes to the perfect male physique, everyone has their own ideals. Whether that’s Tyler Durden, Arnold Schwarzenegger, or like one Brazilian man, your favorite 80s action hero. But he’s less Rambo and more Ramb-oh-no.
Candice Armstrong
Synthol is very dangerous but it has potentially fewer side effects than the alternative anabolic steroids. These are medicines often misused by bodybuilders to enhance their muscle growth. Unlike synthol, they do actually stimulate real growth. But their side effects can be severe, something Candice Armstrong from London, UK, knows all too well.

Kirill Tereshin, The Russian Popeye
The world of fitness influencers has become super competitive in recent years. But Russian Army veteran, Kirill Tereshin, has taken extreme measures to keep an arm in the race and you probably haven't seen an arm quite like his.
Darryn Lyons
The 2000s were a weird and unsettling time but one of the most disturbing things was the invasive and bullying paparazzi culture. So, when one of its pioneers, Darryn Lyons, was caught on the other side of the camera, people were quick to give him a taste of his own medicine.
When appearing on the British reality TV show Celebrity Big Brother in 2011, one part of Darryn’s body seemed to be disproportionately toned compared to the rest. And he certainly wasn’t keeping those architectural abdominals under wraps either. But then, if I’d coughed up almost $15,000 on them, I’d be showing off the goods, too!Jake Paul
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of YouTuber turned pro boxer, Jake Paul. His recent rampage of beating retired MMA fighters old enough to be his dad hasn’t been without its fair share of controversies.
But there’s one photo from his first amateur fight against fellow YouTuber Deji which really caught fans' attention. The self-proclaimed "problem child" seemed to have one minor problem of his own. It’s not entirely clear where his shoulder stops, and the backdrop begins.So, what’s the deal? Has Jake become one with the supernatural? I know shadowboxing is a big part of his training, but I’ve never seen a right hook thrown from another dimension. In reality, it’s just some dodgy editing. Probably some keen-to-impress intern on Jake’s team tried bulking him up a little on Photoshop to look more intimidating.In Fitness and in Health
You know the saying, “Couples who train together, remain together”? That couldn’t be truer for George and Susan Koprash. These lovebirds are Canadian Bodybuilders who’ve competed in the sport for a whopping 30 years! But it’s not always been sunshine and rainbows for this literal power couple.
In 2014, they caught a whole lot of flak online when they showed off some pretty unconvincing silicone implants on stage at a competition. George cleared the whole controversy up by later stating they’d sought out a professional who claimed to have performed the implant procedure on hundreds of bodybuilders before.Unsurprisingly, he also stated he was very unhappy with the results as was his wife. Still, they’d decided to attend the competition anyway, because their daughter was competing and it’d be the first time all three of them had competed as a family.However, the internet and people love to point fingers at someone’s flaws without knowing the full story. As such, these photos were broadcast across every fitness meme page worth shaking a dumbbell at! The 30-year veterans of the game ended up cutting a lot of hate for it.Six-Pack Tattoo
A video posted on tattoo artist Dean Gunther’s TikTok shows his client struggling with motivation in the gym. So, he tried getting the body of his dreams a different way. After two long, painful days under the needle, he got his incredible body transformation.
Edouard Gheur
Whether you like bodybuilding or not, there’s no denying that many bodybuilders push themselves to their very limits to achieve their goals. Some, however, like Belgian-born Edouard Gheur, push themselves way too far.
Gheur lived a chameleonic life, starting off as an athlete, before switching to bodybuilding, modeling and even working as a Hollywood stuntman, which is the coolest job like ever! But for a whopping 15 years, he was taking steroids to pack on the muscle mass.The problem is, as well as making you into a hulking muscle machine, steroids can also increase your blood pressure, so if you overuse them, it can put a huge strain on your heart. Sure enough, in June 1997, while cooking dinner in his kitchen, Gheur had a heart attack to the point his heart literally stopped beating!
'His life was his daughter:' Edouard 'Papa Spyk' Gheur, dead at 53 — MMA Crossfire upflow.co/l/0pq3
Photoshop Flops
It’s not just celebrities that edit their images on the internet. And some people’s attempts are far worse than others. Take the kid in the image below.
He’s ripped alright, ripped those muscly arms straight out of a magazine to pose with. Then, we have the cool dude in this image below.If you’re wondering what’s up with that odd-looking body, take a closer look at the bottom left. He bought a t-shirt with a muscly body print on it, took a pic, and then edited out the white parts of the top! Incredible skills. But in the first place for sheer audacity, you need to give the medal to the guy in the image below. That arm is twice the size of his head! So, even if anyone did believe this pic’s unedited, they’d have some serious questions about what he’s been up to with that left arm. In all seriousness, it’s sad that anyone would feel the need to do this! However, the more worrying thing is it’s often far more subtle. The point is, don’t believe everything you see on InstagramOneal Morris, the "Toxic Tush" Doctor
Women’s bodies come in all different shapes and sizes. Some are heavier on top; some are heavier on the bottom; patients of Oneal Morris are definitely heavier on the bottom. Much heavier.

Natty O’Neil
Here's a guy who shares more than just a name with Oneal Morris. But Canadian bodybuilder Kenny O’Neil isn’t putting anything weird in or around his bottom, at least publicly. Instead, he prefers to keep things above the belt.
Kenny’s never been quite clear about what was going on with his muscles in the photos from the 2016 Vancouver bodybuilding championship. It could be a less severe version of our Brazilian Rambo from earlier in the article. However, Kenny was insistent he’d never even seen synthol before, nor had implants.Ronny Rono
As we’ve already learned, synthol is not something to be messed with. And while some people who dabble in it are lucky enough not to suffer a great deal of harm, others aren’t so fortunate. Ronny Rono was a Kenyan bodybuilder who sadly lost his life as a direct result of synthol use.
In early 2017, he noticed a small swelling in his right arm, which by April had spread to his left hand. After an MRI scan at the local hospital, the severity of Ronny’s problems was exposed. The synthol had reacted badly with his muscles, disfiguring them and causing some of them to lose all function.A former body-building enthusiast requires life-saving surgery after developing strange swelling in his arms and torso in what is suspected to be Synthol injection. The 30yrs old Ronny Rono,lies almost motionless in his bed at his aunt's house on the outskirts of Kericho town.
Sajad Gharibi, The Iranian Hulk
Ever wondered how to get that hulking superhero physique without having to eat chicken and rice 14 times a day? Take a few tips from Sajad Gharibi. You may be familiar with the mammoth guy, he’s known as the Iranian Hulk and has racked up over a million Instagram followers in awe of his impossible size.
Rumored to weigh around 400 lbs and standing about 13 feet tall, Sajad looked like a behemoth of a man. So, when a fight was booked between him and 6’6” British giant Martyn Ford, fans were pretty hyped to see which of these Herculean Heavyweights would come out on top.However, things didn’t exactly go as expected. It turns out, Gharibi had been tweaking his proportions on Photoshop to look much bigger than he was. He was actually 6’2” and weighed about 300lbs. He’s certainly a big boy but the fans wanted Sajad Smash, and all he really smashed was his reputation.As the fight drew closer, it became pretty obvious that Gharibi’s biggest fight wasn’t in the ring, but with himself. After a press conference to build hype, he was seen crying inconsolably.Valdir Segato
If you don’t have them already, you’d better get your tissues out as you'll get all teary-eyed just reading up on Brazilian Bodybuilder, Valdir Segato. He gained internet notoriety for his heavily artificial synthol physique. But, in Valdir’s case, a picture doesn’t always tell a thousand words.
He’d grown up around Sao Paolo in the 1970s and ’80s and had a tough adolescence, slipping into bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle that left him worryingly underweight. In an attempt to turn his life around, Valdir joined a gym, hoping the structure and exercise would pull him out of this rut. And it did, for a time.But then, in 2013, someone at his gym introduced him to synthol, and Valdir was immediately hooked on the way it made him look. He began pumping his chest, shoulders, and arms full of the stuff, to the point his biceps swelled to a gargantuan 23 inches. That’s almost as big as a soccer ball!By 2016, his doctors warned him that the risk of nerve damage or worse was alarmingly high. But none of that mattered to Valdir, he enjoyed the attention it brought him too much. He even changed his Instagram name to Valdir Synthol! It turns out however, the doctors were right.Mia Maffia
Social media bombards us with images of unattainable beauty standards that can have a massively negative impact on how we see ourselves. For 23-year-old Mia Maffia, from Leeds, England, that was especially true.