Worst Places You Can Rent

December 11, 2022
•17 min read
Let's take a look at some hilariously bad places available to rent!
Anyone who’s ever rented knows that sometimes it can totally suck. But no matter what complaints you have with your apartment, I bet it’s nowhere near as bad as these places are. Let's go on a tour of some of the tiniest, smelliest, and downright worst rentals in the world.
Dreadful Dorms
From partying hard to studying harder, life in a student dorm can be both the best and worst of times. Or, in this case, just the worst. These atrocious abodes are part of the Goce Delchev university accommodation in Skopje, North Macedonia and they’re home to 1,200 very unfortunate students.
From the outside, the building doesn’t look so different from any other. When you go inside however, you’re greeted with a long, dark hallway that looks like something straight out of my worst nightmares. Mold covers the walls, lighting is non-existent, and the whole place is crumbling into depressing disrepair. Students pay over $65 a month to live in this pseudo-Silent Hill, and that fee doesn’t even include hot water in the winter, they have to heat it themselves!It wasn’t always this way though. Back in the 1970s, when it was first built, every inch of the place was designed to give students the best possible quality of life. The architect, Georgi Konstantinovski, even won an award for his work! So, what happened? Over the decades, indifferent university officials coupled with severe understaffing eventually led to the horror show we have today. The only thing distinguishing Goce Delchev from the actual Silent Hill is the lack of monsters unless you want to count the students, of course.Worst Landlord Ever
Anyone who’s ever rented knows how frustrating landlords can be. But I bet none of yours have been as godawful as the one renting out this next abomination.

Austere In Austell
Georgia may be the Peach State, but some of its housing is anything but peachy. Costing just over $970 a month, this dingy dive in the city of Austell comes in at about $400 a month less than the local average. That average, however, is for a place four times the size, and hopefully without poop all over the floor - hopefully, the previous tenant had a dog.

Harry Potter Hideaway
Be honest, when you were a kid, you really wanted to go to Hogwarts. But although that’s never gonna happen, you can still be just like Harry Potter in a different way; by paying $475 a month for this cupboard under the stairs in London, England!

"Room comes with a bed" WHAT IS THIS TRASH? Is the target flatmate Harry Potter? This is a disgrace (via @alex_lomax )
Nano New York
New York City may be the city that never sleeps, but sleeping is just about all you’ll have space to do if you live in some of its smallest rentals. Coming in at $1,650 a month, this apartment comes with a mini fridge, a closet, and nothing else. It doesn’t even have a bathroom.
When real estate agent Cameron Knowlton tried to rent the puny place out on Facebook, he got absolutely torn apart by the internet. So much so, that he changed tac and made it part of a series on TikTok about worst rentals! As well as being tiny, the prospective tenant has to share their toilet, shower and even soap with every other apartment in the building. I’m sure that was super popular during the height of the COVID pandemic.South Korea’s Smallest Spaces
When you think of South Korea, you might imagine Korean barbecue, K-pop, and, more recently, Squid Game. But I’m here to introduce you to another uniquely Korean thing: goshiwon.
These depressing, windowless cubes in Seoul are part of a building originally designed as temporary student accommodation. Because of their affordability though, the tiny boxlike rooms, called goshiwon, attract lots of other, more permanent, residents.Kilburn Killjoy
Picture a fully furnished studio apartment with an open-plan kitchen, high ceilings, and bright décor throughout. Got that image in your mind? I bet it’s nothing like this apartment, in Kilburn, London.
Unbelievably though, it was given that exact description by the landlord advertising it! It’s got a grand total of two rooms, although the bathroom can only be accessed after clambering over a grubby fold-out bed.Toilet Troubles
If I were to ask you where the absolute worst place you could put a toilet was, where would you say? I think right next to your bed would be pretty high up the list, like in this grim apartment somewhere in China.
You’d better hope that flush works, or you’ll be trying to sleep mere feet from your stinky, poopy payload.San Fran Sham
San Francisco is a fun place to visit, not least for its vibrant culture and famous landmarks. But if you were a resident of 1751 Market Street back in 2014, there was nothing fun about the place. That’s because you’d have been living in some of the most abhorred conditions imaginable.
The mold-covered ceilings were falling apart, bed bug nests covered one of the door hinges, and, worst of all, bloodstains splattered the walls and staircases. What’s more, the people living in this waking nightmare paid up to $2,000 a month for it!Claustrophobic Closet
London, the home of fish ‘n’ chips, the King, and you; if you want to pay $220 a month to live in a cupboard, that is. Or a “cute little loft conversion” as the advert puts it.
The floor space can barely fit a twin-sized mattress, and you can forget about headroom, this glorified storage shelf is hardly two feet tall! You’ll need to climb a ladder to even get to the door, if you can call it a door, and once inside well, at least it has its own “freshly washed bedding”, according to the description. Craziest of all, it looks like someone actually did live here before the advert was posted and apparently, they survived on a nourishing diet of ketchup and oats. So, if you’re “less than 5ft 4in tall and with no history of claustrophobia” you could be this closet’s perfect tenant. The only problem is that the ad was posted on the British online marketplace Gumtree over 7 years ago.One Doller Doozy
So, we’ve seen a lot of terrible overpriced hell holes now but how about something half-livable? Japan’s capital, Tokyo, is known for its teeny-tiny apartments, but rarely do they come as stylish as this.
Canada’s largest city, Toronto, has some incredible places you can rent but with rent prices on the rise, you’re more likely to find yourself looking at somewhere a little less grand. Even so, you’d hope not to be stuck with anything quite as bad as this.
Despite publishing an advert claiming that the house came fully furnished, the landlord couldn’t even be bothered to provide a bedframe. So, going to sleep in this dive would mean being real close to the rats that probably scamper all about inside it. And looking at the other rooms, you wouldn’t be any better off in those either. The one in the image below has the bedframe at least! So, any guesses on how much this bad boy was priced at when it went on the market back in 2015? It went for a ginormous $3,100 a month!Treehouse of Horror
Everybody loves a house with a unique defining feature such as a marble fireplace, wooden beams, a tree ripping through the walls. Indeed, this London property was on the rental market for over $500 a month back in 2014, despite having a whopping great tree growing through it!
Petite In Paris
If you’ve watched the Netflix show, Emily in Paris, you might remember the chambres de bonne, French for “maid’s room”. The spacious apartment depicted in the show is nothing like the real ones though.
More cramped than cozy, these miniature abodes can be found on the top floor of mega-expensive Paris townhouses, and back in the nineteenth century were occupied by live-in maids. Nowadays however, landlords rent them out to people looking for cheap accommodation. This one, for example, went up a few years ago for about $225 a month, and it includes a bathroom-kitchen combo. Because we all get cravings to make pancakes while we’re sat on the pooper, right? Hygiene obviously wasn’t top of the designer’s list here. Even so, some chambres de bonne were a whole 10 square feet smaller than this, but in 2002 these were banned from being rented.Boxy Bedroom
When you think about an English countryside mansion, you probably picture the interior to be full of grand chandeliers, rich carpets, and silky curtains. I bet you don’t picture this.
Called Foley Hall, it’s basically the Dollar Tree version of Downton Abbey, complete with overgrown, neglected gardens! The once-fancy manor house was converted into a home for international students in the 1940s and has since been split into loads of tiny apartments. Like the image below, where someone has taken an already pitiful kitchen and shoved a bed straight into it. The barely believable bedroom is on the market for a whopping $800 a month, way too much for a glorified pantry. But I guess its proximity to the University of Reading might make it hot property for some undergrads who really dont want a roommate.Squashed in St Petersburg
Russia has a reputation for being a pretty crazy place and trying to find somewhere decent to live there can drive you just as crazy.
In the bustling city of St Petersburg, the suspiciously low sum of $120 a month can net you a whole “studio apartment”! If your definition of a studio apartment is a windowless cubbyhole in an old warehouse.Cramped Cube
This $1,000 a month studio in London has taken the cabin bed concept to a whole new level. You’ve still got the raised bed, but underneath it, there’s a whole lot more than a children’s den.
In fact, almost all the utilities in the room are under there! That squashed kitchen has just enough space to open the oven door, and there’s a fridge and washing machine crammed in too.
Compact Capsules
If you’re ever in Tokyo’s Shinbashi district, in Japan, you might come across a supremely strange building. It may look like a 13-story pile of washing machines, but it’s actually a mega weird housing block called the Nakagin Capsule Tower.