100 Years of Breeding Changed These Popular Dog Breeds

April 25, 2023
•11 min read
Dogs have changed a lot over time. Let's take a look at how 100 years of dog breeding has changed the features of popular dog breeds.
Dogs might be man’s best friend, but just 100 years ago your prized pooch probably looked totally different. Let's find out how human influence and selective breeding have drastically altered some of the world’s most popular dog breeds over time!
This loyal breed is a descendant of the now-extinct German Bullenbeisser, which was a mix of mastiff, bulldog and possibly even Great Dane or Terrier. Earliest boxers were initially used for bullbaiting until the practice became illegal in 1835, when they became butchers' helpers by controlling cattle in slaughterhouses.
The modern boxer was also developed as an attempt to revive the Bullenbeisser when dog shows became popular in the 1800s, as people favored its distinct features. Early boxers had pointed ears and longer snouts, compared to the shorter face, more upturned muzzle and floppier ears we’re familiar with today.One possible explanation is known as ‘domestication syndrome’, which refers to the way dogs have lost their wolf-like primal features like pointed ears and elongated snout simply through lack of necessity in domestic environments.
The Bull Terrier
The Bull Terrier isn’t the most conventionally attractive breed, but once upon a time, this stocky dog looked almost unrecognizable. The bull terrier was first created in the 1800s as a mix of the English Terrier and the Bulldog, and was described by the American Kennel Club in 1885 as ‘the embodiment of agility, grace, elegance and determination’.
Sounds anything like the dog we know today? Check out the shocking comparison below.
Better known as the sausage dog due to their elongated bodies, this breed can be traced back to 15th century Germany where they were first created to sniff out badgers and other burrow-dwelling animals with their short-legged build.
The photograph below shows just how different the Dachshund looked in 1915, with legs and a neck which were more proportionate to their overall size, compared to the deliberately stunted legs of today’s Dachshunds.As their population dwindled during WW1, they were also bred with dogs imported to the USA, and as a result, their chests became more jutted and their backs more flattened, setting a new standard for generally lower abdomens. Despite making them more attractive to buyers, this more compact build also puts the Dachshund at risk of intervertebral disk disease, which can sometimes lead to paralysis.Basset Hound
The Basset Hound is one of the most recognizable breeds for its droopy eyes and long ears, but these features didn’t occur as naturally as you might think. The breed is a direct descendent of the bloodhound and was first used for fox hunting due to its adept sense of smell and short legs, but after being presented at a Paris dog show in 1863 there was a shift to focus more on its appearance.

The Saluki is a refined breed known for its elegance and speed, and research suggests it might be one of the oldest domesticated dogs known to man. Originating in the Middle East, legend has it that Egyptian Pharaohs hunted gazelles and hares with Salukis in tandem with falcons, and archeologists have even uncovered mummified Salukis in ancient tombs.
The breed was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1929, and as seen below, they have always been slender dogs with a distinctly long-haired tails.As dog show standards began to demand more pronounced features among breeds, the Saluki was selectively bred to have even taller legs and long, luxurious ears compared to earlier depictions showing a more proportionate length. Thankfully, the Saluki hasn’t suffered too much as a result of human intervention, but they are predisposed to certain eye problems like progressive retinal atrophy.Saint Bernard
The gentle yet strong Saint Bernard has adventurous origins. After being founded in 980 AD by St. Bernard de Menthon, they were first bred by monks by crossing the ancient Tibetan mastiff with the Great Dane.

West Highland Terrier
The modern ‘Westie’ is an incredibly popular family dog, but its original purpose was very different. The West Highland was originally accidentally bred from the Cairn Terrier in Scotland in the mid-19th century and was selected to help control the population of rats, foxes, badgers, otters and other vermin.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Named after King Charles II, this breed is descended from the former King Charles Spaniel, which was a favorite of the late king and appeared in many contemporary paintings.
In the late 1600s, this popular dog, with long ears and a defined snout, was interbred with the pug, which produced a smaller variation with flatter noses, upturned faces, rounder heads and more protruding eyes.This new ‘Cavalier’ King Charles Spaniel became so popular that by the 1920s an American named Roswell Eldridge offered prize money during a London Cruft’s Dog Show to anyone exhibiting King Charles Spaniels with long noses. This was an attempt to find dogs which resembled those depicted in Van Dyck’s paintings of young Charles II and his Spaniels.Due to a drop in population during WW2, today’s Cavalier King Charles Spaniels have been heavily inbred, and now suffer from a multitude of health problems. The most threatening is known as ‘syringomyelia’ which occurs because their brains are too large for their shrinking skulls.Chow Chow
Although their exact origin is unknown, the Chow Chow is thought to date back to ancient China due to similar likeness being found in Chinese pottery as far back as 206BC. Experts believe these dogs served many working purposes for the nobility, including hunting, herding and pulling sleighs.
The Chow Chow arrived in England and America at the end of the 1700s, and early depictions show them as a medium-sized dog with a long, curled tail and slightly shaggy coat.Poodles
Poodles are often thought of as the ultimate accessory dog, but their origins are very different. The American Kennel Club attributes the earliest poodles to 17th Century Germany, and they are depicted in the image below in an almost unrecognizable fashion.
The poodle was originally considered a water retriever, meaning they were excellent duck hunters, mostly because their dense coat is moisture resistant. Although the standard poodle commonly had a long, corded coat like the one pictured below, owners likely started breeding and shaving poodles to make it easier for them to move in water, leaving fur around the ankles for warmth and to protect joints from rheumatism.During the reign of King Louis XVI in the 18th century, imported poodles were also extravagantly trimmed to match the coifs of the French nobility, and the trend continued in America and the UK as the standard poodle made its way to dog shows. It’s hard to envision today’s flashy poodles as the working dogs they once were…English Bulldog
This robust breed originated in the British Isles and was named because of its use in bull baiting, as their short build made them a good match for full-grown bulls. Even in early artistic depictions, the bulldog was already a stocky and muscular dog, but after bullbaiting was banned in the 19th century more effort was made to enhance its distinct appearance.

German Shepherd
Famed for its obedient nature and intelligence, the German Shepherd is one of the world’s most common breeds. But subtle changes over time have distorted it from what it once was. After originating in Germany in the 1800s as efficient sheep herders, the breed was later welcomed in America and the UK and was first recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1908.
The standard German Shepherd, like the one pictured below, was considered a medium-sized dog weighing around 55lb with a deep chest, straight back and strong legs.Today, the typical German shepherd is some 30lb heavier, weighing around 85lb, with a barrel chest and a worryingly sloped back. Experts suggest this feature was wrongly introduced by governing breed authorities as a standard in dog shows, and soon became the norm.This, combined with significantly less physical exercise within a domesticated setting, is now cause for concern as their permanently angular stance can often lead to hip dysplasia, meaning the leg bones don’t fit properly into the hip socket.Pug
The pug is one of the most instantly recognizable dogs around, and it might be one of the oldest, too. Researchers speculate that the pug originated before 400 BC, descending either from the Asian Shorthaired Pekingese or as another crossbreed. Early depictions in art like the 1745 portrait by William Hogarth barely resemble the dog we know today.