Insane Security Features Of The White House

January 22, 2025
•18 min read
Let's check out the most insane security features of the White House!
Since 1800, every single president of The United States has lived and worked in the White House. It’s a big job that puts a big target on their backs so over the years, security features of the White House have been constantly upgraded. The exact details are kept pretty confidential, but from past biographies, public construction records, and well-timed photos, we do actually have an idea of what’s going on behind the front door! From roof-top missiles, to hidden snipers, and even underground bunkers, let's investigate what makes the White House a formidable fortress.
Bulletproof Windows
You already know the White House is huge but how huge? Well, the largest building of the complex the Executive Residence sits on 18 acres of land, is six-stories tall, and has a floor space of 55,000 square feet; that’s around 25 times the size of a standard American house! And that means it also has a lot of windows! Around 147, in fact.
Great for natural light, but they also present 147 opportunities for anyone with a gun and a vendetta! But it isn’t that easy! Just ask Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez. He believed the federal government was trying to control him through things like GPS chips, fluoride and aspartame, the conspiracy theory trifecta!So in November 2011, he drove across the country from Idaho, parked his car and then without warning opened fire on the White House with a semi-automatic assault rifle. Despite firing at least 8 rounds, only one hit a window on the second floor but it didn’t penetrate the glass! Because every last one of the White House’s windows are made of bulletproof glass!
If you’ve ever visited the White House and looked up, you may have noticed something strange on the roof of the Executive Residence. A Reddit user was taking a picture when they spotted what looks like a tripod on the roof and then something else way scarier below the tripod: a sniper rifle! Yes, there are snipers on the White House roof!
The Counter Sniper Team is a branch of the Secret Service, responsible for providing long-range observation and real-time information on any threats to the building. It’s unknown how many snipers are on the roof at any one time. Anyone up there has a pretty clear shot over all 18 acres of the compound! It’s reported that each member of the Counter Sniper Team must qualify for the job every month by hitting targets as far as 3,000 feet away! That’s more than half a mile!No-Fly Zone
Very few security measures go over the White House Sniper’s heads literally. Because the airspace above the White House is classed as a special restricted zone. The Washington DC Special Flight Rules Area, or SFRA, is a circular area with a 33 mile radius around Washington.

Missile Battery
That Cessna crashed of its own accord, but how would an aircraft that somehow entered the no-fly zone be destroyed? We got a glimpse of the White House’s anti-aircraft force when Shepherd Johnson posted a series of screenshots from Google Earth on the website Cryptome. The images show what appears to be a missile battery.
Spotted during the lockdown: a missile battery in position atop a building across the street from the White House
White House Dogs
Dogs are a man’s best friend and also a man’s best bodyguard, if you live in the White House. Since 1976, the Secret Service have been using guard dogs to protect the White House’s grounds. The dog of choice tends to be the Belgian Malinois, as they’ve been selectively bred over the centuries to be good workers, effective at detecting explosives, and agile capable of clearing 6 ft fences with ease, and can run at speeds of up to 30 mph!
Border Patrol is planning to release Robot Attack Dogs. So I am attaching a guide on how to F***** deactivate and destroy them. Please share and add any knowledge you have.…
Drones, they’re everywhere these days! But those devices can also be used for destruction if fitted with an explosive. With that in mind, you might be surprised to know that in 2015, a drone was spotted flying around the gardens of the White House. Despite a secret service officer hearing and seeing the drone, they were unable to bring it down.
Luckily on that occasion, the drone belonged to a government employee who was just a drone hobbyist using the toy after his shift. The incident, though harmless, did raise concerns about how easily drones could get close to the White House.Fence Security
Not all the White House defense features are high-tech, though. In fact, this next security feature goes all the way back to the start of the 19th century, just a year after the building was first opened. Thomas Jefferson was the first president to erect a simple wooden post and rail fence around the building in 1801.
Over time, the fences became taller and more robust, but they haven’t been impenetrable. In 2014, Omar Gonzalez scaled the fence carrying a knife, before sprinting across the north lawn and actually made it inside the White House. He was hauled down and arrested by security officers before doing any damage, but after finding a hatchet machete and more than 800 rounds of ammunition in his car nearby, the White House took it as a warning.
Uniformed Division
If you have ever been to the White House, you might remember the guards dressed in black. They are part of the United States Secret Service Uniformed Division. In other words, those are the security guards of the White House, ensuring no external threats get near the building. It’s not known how many are patrolling the White House at any given time. However, the Secret Service employs around 1,300 of those guys.
We couldn't be prouder of our personnel as they stand dedicated to ensuring the safety and security of everyone during this year's 60th Presidential Inauguration.
Infrared Protection
While some of you may think the cover of night might provide the best opportunity to try and break into the White House, you might not have considered the secret sensors! Although it’s never officially been disclosed, multiple news outlets have claimed that infrared sensors surround the perimeter of the building.
Those sensors are apparently able to detect heat signatures, so can detect human-shaped movement around the building even at night, and trigger alarms. While any spy movie fan might conjure up images of an intruder being detected by a swarm of lasers, it’s more likely that the infrared sensors are instead surveilled by a member of the White House security team.So, why wouldn’t the Secret Service officially confirm that? If they revealed the location of the sensors, anyone dumb enough to try making a move could potentially plot out a route over the grounds to avoid them? Or try taking them out? Regardless, not knowing where they are, or even if they are, is more scary.
Food Tasters
Being the president of the United States, you can eat whatever you want, whenever you want it. Cool as it sounds, what the president eats is actually a security concern. As someone at risk of assassination, the president is always in danger of being poisoned.
As such, off White House Food Tasters are believed to be employed to test meals and foods for poison. While the Secret Service has never officially confirmed that, the Service itself is known to go to great lengths to ensure the food being served to the President isn’t tampered with when they’re out in restaurants or on the go.Should the president go out for a meal even just to grab a burger a secret service agent who is also a trained chef watches over all the staff in the kitchen! In that regard, it’d make sense an official taster is among their ranks. What’s more, there was a job advert put out for the role back in 2020 on the White House’s official LinkedIn!Oval Office Security
From a variety of photos and documentaries, we know the Secret Service aren’t always in direct contact with the President, sometimes they just need to conduct business alone in the oval Office. While that gives the president some privacy, how can the agents guarantee the president’s protection when they’re not in the same room?
Political researcher and author Brad Meltzer claims there are weight-sensitive pressure pads under the carpet of the Oval Office, allowing agents to track his movements. The only problem with that is the Oval office isn’t completely covered by carpet, so do agents burst in if the president stands and stares out the window?Seems unlikely. Though that’s not the only unconfirmed claim. For decades, there’ve been rumors of a secret door, allowing the president to escape in case of an emergency. Many think it’s found under the desk in the Oval Office, and at 6 feet wide and 4 feet deep, it’s certainly big enough to hide a big hole! Although the desk does have a panel at the front which opens up like a hidden door, chances are it doesn’t house some hidden stairway to safety.However, another potential Oval Office escape point is found on the wall.Secret Tunnels
Big as the White House is, did you know that building is actually much larger than it looks? Believe it or not, underneath that building are a whole host of secret tunnels! Work first began on an underground tunnel system there in the early 19th century, but it’s not the James Bond escape route you’re thinking of.
The White House’s first tunnel was constructed to flush out water and waste from the house. In 1941 during World War 2, plans were made to dig another big burrow, due to fears an enemy bombardment would bury President Franklin D. Roosevelt underneath a pile of rubble.
Underground Bunker
Back in the 1950’s, the Truman reconstruction of the White House showed the world that there would be a new subterranean level to that fortress! Today, that basement houses areas like the president’s own bowling alley and a private dentist’s office! Cool as that is, if you go deeper, you’ll find something more impressive, an underground bunker! It was built around the time one of those previously mentioned tunnels was dug during World War 2!
Formally known as the Presidential Emergency Operations Center, or PEOC, it’s located underneath the East Wing. The space is used in case of emergencies, like the fateful day of September 11th 2001, when President Bush met with his National Security Council in that bunker, in case of another attack.Background Checks For Visitors
When you think of a secure location, it’s not normally a place that is visited by over 1.2 million people per year! Yet, that’s exactly what happens at the White House. Visitors enter through the East Wing, before walking through the Residence and exploring places like the State Dining Room and Family Theater.
But normally when you visit a museum or art gallery, you can just rock up on the day. That isn’t going to happen at the White House, though. Anyone that wants to visit the presidential palace for a tour, has to book it at least 21 days in advance because of background checks. You need to submit a bunch of personal information, and bring identification with you on the day before stepping foot inside the place. But if you thought that sounded strict, wait till you learn what items are prohibited from being brought inside the building! There are a whole host of seemingly innocent everyday items, including pointed objects at all like pens and pencils, flags, bags of any kind, food, etc. that you cannot take inside.Marine One
While bringing a prohibited pen into the White House is forgivable, it’d be far less sympathetic of someone trying to fly a helicopter around the building’s perimeter. Yet, crazy as it sounds, that’s exactly what happened back in 1974. Robert Preston was a U.S Army private, so you’d presume he’d be a fairly responsible fella.