American Things Europeans Can't Understand

August 6, 2023
•10 min read
There are lots of strange cultural differences between America and Europe, but some American customs are so strange, Europeans can't even understand them.
While the culture of the United States is exported all over the world in films and on TV, it also abides by some laws and practices that many consider unusual. Europeans in particular seem to have a hard time wrapping their heads around some of them. From child beauty pageants to gun laws, let’s explore some American things that Europeans can’t understand.
Too Many Commercials
If you’re a European enjoying a cozy night in on the couch in America, some of the stuff on TV may shock and surprise you. And no, I’m not talking about Keeping Up with the Kardashians. I’m talking about commercials, which arrive so frequently it makes watching TV feel almost unbearable to anyone unaccustomed to it.
Especially pharmaceutical commercials, which usually show grumpy men and women turned into smiling, happy people by the product being sold. These are usually followed by an almost comically-long list of potential side effects, spoken at double speed. Like this Ambien ad:Homeowners Association Fee
Let’s say you’re a European who’s just moved over to America. You’ve found a house in a nice residential neighborhood, and you’re going through your bills. Rent, water, gas, and electricity all seem to be in order, but what’s a Homeowners Association Fee?

Vacation Days
The USA has one of the largest economies in the world. But Europeans looking to get into the American world of work are often shocked when it comes to vacation time. US workers are not entitled to mandatory paid vacation at all. Usually, the issue of paid leave is left at the discretion of employers; and that does include national holidays.
According to research from the US Bureau of Labour Statistics, in 2017 only 77% of American workers had access to paid vacation. And the reason that might leave Europeans slack-jawed is that mandatory paid vacation time in Europe starts at 4 weeks! In fact, America is one of the only Western countries where the law doesn’t enforce companies to give their employees mandatory paid vacation time. Take a look at the map below breaking down mandatory paid vacation time by country; only the grey countries are known not to give paid time off. It’s a working culture that undoubtedly favors employers over employees.Florida Man
If the American States could be looked at as a dysfunctional family, then Florida would be the weird uncle who once ran away with the circus and wrestled a tiger.

Police: Man robs bank, then gets naked and throws money -
In Europe, like most of the world, tax is built into the price of items in-store and online; so, what you see on the tag is what you pay. But Europeans visiting an American store might be left doing a double take at their bill when they reach the register.

A meal at a restaurant can be a real treat, but Europeans visiting America sometimes stress about the tip! Although tipping anywhere up to 20% seems normal to most Americans, there’s no such obligation in Europe. Indeed, it’s mostly seen as a bonus reward for good service, and in some European countries, it’s even considered rude and excessive to leave a tip.

Child Beauty Pageants
If you’ve ever been unfortunate enough to have watched an episode of "Toddlers and Tiaras" on TLC, you might side with the Europeans on the next matter. Child Beauty Pageants are common across America and usually consist of dolled-up little girls being thrust onto a stage to entertain a crowd of screaming moms. It’s truly bizarre.
But what’s equally strange is how the craze got started! Child pageants originated from American "Better Baby Contests" in the early 20th century. Babies would be scored on characteristics like weight, quality of skin, and face shape, supposedly in the name of helping to educate mothers on best practices for healthy babies. But of course, it wasn’t just for education purposes; there were also cash rewards and trophies for top-ranking toddlers. This has slowly devolved into the bedazzled tradition of pushing a child on stage in full make-up and styled hair to do a dance routine for prize money. Although some European countries host similar but smaller events, others like France have gone as far as to ban all such pageants, claiming they’re an unhealthy way to treat young girls. If you ask me, their general creepiness alone should be enough to slam the brakes on child beauty pageants. Honey Boo Boo? No thanks.Size is Everything
According to an old saying, Everything’s Bigger in Texas. But if you’re a European you’ll probably think that about all of America, right down to its people. It’s no secret that America has a little bit of a weight problem. Two-thirds of American adults classify as overweight and it’s estimated that almost 40% of adults in the US aged 20 and over are obese.
Ordering a large with @Cookie_133 may have been a mistake... #nypizza #americanportions
Living in America can really give you a taste of the sweet life, but your teeth won’t thank you for it. Some American foods and drinks have been found to contain huge amounts of sugar compared to their European equivalents. Some common bread brands contain up to 6g of sugar per serving; 6 times the amount found in European counterparts.

Public Bathroom Gaps
European standards of building a public restroom involve plenty of privacy, mainly in the form of cubicles with doors that are more door than gap. Seems obvious, but it’s a standard that Americans just can’t seem to adopt. With ridiculously large gaps at the top, bottom, and sides, it makes for a truly uncomfortable first visit to an American toilet for unwitting visitors.
On their first time, Europeans are left feeling particularly susceptible to unwelcome visitors and peeping toms. Some people even resort to tapping up the gap to prevent prying eyes from looking in! But as strange as the design seems, there are some theories as to why Americans build their stalls this way. For a start, high floor gaps allow for easier cleaning, and they do make it simpler to pass toilet paper from one cubicle to another. On top of that, the vertical gaps act as a deterrent for anyone thinking of doing anything naughty behind closed doors. But there’s always the chance you might accidentally get a real eyeful. Maybe just close your eyes before entering any American restrooms.Supermarkets Selling Guns
It strikes many Europeans as a bit odd that in America you can pick up your groceries from one aisle of a store, and a gun from another. Indeed, you can buy guns over the counter in places like Walmart, and ammo can be found in pharmacies.
But seeing as guns are still legal in many parts of Europe, what is it that Europeans find weird about the gun-loving, rifle-wielding, second-amendment-touting American citizen? It might have something to do with America’s gun-related death rates, seeing as – per capita – there were 12 gun-related deaths for every 100,000 people in America in 2017.Very few European countries exceed 3 gun-related deaths per 100,000 people, and none even come close to America’s 12 per 100,000. The causes of the problem are fiercely debated, but it might have something to do with how easy it is to buy a gun. Background checks are usually carried out, but a research survey from Harvard in 2015 estimated that a third of American gun owners have purchased a firearm without a background check!