Deadliest Substances in the World

March 22, 2023
•18 min read
Let's explore the deadliest substances in the world!
Our bodies are such intricate machines that we aren’t even close to fully understanding them. But even absolutely miniscule amounts of some toxins, like cyanide, can grind that machine to an indefinite halt!
So, grab yourself a hazmat suit and stay behind the protective screen you’re reading this on! Because from snake venom to killer beans, we’re about to find out what the deadliest substance on this planet really is.Cyanide
Have you ever heard the phrase “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”? Sure you have, but it turns out 30 apples a day will have quite the opposite effect. That’s because apple seeds and many other organic foods actually contain traces of cyanide.
Cyanide is a chemical compound which at the right or wrong dose, can be extremely deadly. It only takes about 250 milligrams, or a quarter of a paperclip’s worth, in a 180lb human for it to be fatal. Cyanide can enter the body as either a gas called hydrogen cyanide, or as crystalized salts. Once inside, it stops your cells from using oxygen. This creates a massive problem, especially for your heart, kidneys, and brain, as they require the most oxygen to keep ticking on. And cyanide acts fast! If swallowed, you’d be a goner in a few minutes, but inhalation could take as little as a few seconds before the lack of oxygen causes your whole body to shut down!
You might have thought that the most dangerous substances would be green glowing liquids bubbling away in a secret lab. But one non-glowing, silvery metal took the lives of almost a million people in 2019 alone!
That metal is lead and it’s found in the earth’s crust itself. The fatal dose for lead is relatively high, around 36 grams. But that’s not the freaky part. If you’re exposed to it, the scary substance can absorb into your bones and stay there for a whopping 30 years!

If you have already had your temperature taken the “baby-way”, you might be terrified of thermometers. That fear gets worse once you find out that mercury, the liquid metal inside thermometers, is incredibly toxic!
And sadly, as toxic metals specialist Karen Wetterhahn found out, there's no cure once you’re sick. Back in August 1996, Wetterhahn was researching an immensely hazardous compound called dimethylmercury when a drop of the liquid fell onto her protective latex gloves.

You have probably heard about the story of the Princess and the Frog. You know, girl meets frog, girl kisses frog, frog becomes handsome prince. Luckily for the princess though, she didn’t go smooching a poison dart frog. That’s because their skin produces Batrachotoxin, a tremendously poisonous alkaloid.

Dimethyl Cadmium
Remember how toxic dimethylmercury was? Compared to its evil cousin, dimethyl cadmium, it’s nothing! Dimethyl cadmium is so volatile, it can explode with the slightest agitation. Which isn’t ideal, especially considering it’s found in mines.

When someone describes something as “fit for a king”, they’re normally describing something exquisite. In the case of arsenic though, it fits the mold for a totally different reason. Arsenic is a near-completely odorless and tasteless liquid. And it’s extremely poisonous. Which means that, throughout history, it’s been used for some pretty nefarious reasons.

Taipan Venom
One of the rules we should all live by is to stay away from snakes. Especially if that snake has a venom so deadly, just one bite’s worth could send 100 people slithering to an early grave. The name of that snake the Australian Inland Taipan.
Each bite of this rare snake delivers 45 milligrams of venomous cocktail straight into your veins, and just half-a-milligram is enough to send you six feet under. Special neurotoxins in the venom block the nerves in your body from giving and receiving signals, severely damaging your ability to do anything from walking to remembering your own name.
If you’re ever in the jungles of India or Southeast Asia and you start to feel a bit peckish, choose your snacks wisely! While the small orange berries of the Strychnos nux-vomica might look sweet, their seeds contain high levels of the toxic alkaloid strychnine.
If you consumed as little as 80mg of strychnine, which is a little more than a grain of wheat, you’d suffer wildly painful symptoms. After only 10 minutes, all your muscles would start convulsing, growing more and more violent as the seconds passed. After two or three entire hours of this excruciating experience, the muscles that control your breathing would stop working and end your suffering for good. Appallingly, the same Victorian doctors that recommended cyanide as a beauty aid thought tiny doses of strychnine could be beneficial too! You could buy strychnine pills for treating paralysis, to help you study harder, and even to assist in some late-night mattress wrestling.Sarin
Some substances are so deadly that they’re not just banned from public use, they’re banned full stop. Sarin is just such a substance. Originally developed as a man-made pesticide in 1938, the odorless, colorless liquid became internationally outlawed in 1997 after a string of horrifying attacks on civilians. Even so, sarin has been used across Syria as recently as 2018.
It’s an extremely potent nerve agent that evaporates into a toxic gas at just 71.6 degrees Fahrenheit. If you breathe it in, it’ll cause a myriad of awful symptoms from headaches to confusion, to weakness and diarrhea. And at higher doses, it quickly blocks your nerve endings, preventing your muscles from being able to relax. So, you’ll not only feel terrible, but every part of you will also be tensing and cramping up. Eventually, anyone unfortunate enough to encounter a lethal dose of sarin will fall into a coma and suffocate. So just how potent is it? If you mixed a mere sixteenth of a teaspoon of sarin with 264 gallons of water, one swig would be enough to have you pushing daisies after just 2 minutes! That’s a whopping 26 times more deadly than cyanide!Nicotine
We all know smoking cigarettes is bad for your health. But for all the dangerous manmade chemicals in cigarettes, one of the naturally occurring substances could cause you the most harm. Nicotine, the addictive chemical of the tobacco plant, is extremely deadly in its purest form.
Exactly how much you’d have to consume however is still under debate. Some estimates put it as low as 50-milligrams, but it’s more realistic to say around 500-milligrams or the weight of half a US dollar bill! It’s unlikely you’re going to overdose on nicotine from smoking cigarettes. Your body only absorbs about one-tenth of the nicotine in one, which is about a milligram. But many e-cigarettes pose a much bigger risk. Some nicotine liquids are sold at strengths of up to 36-milligrams per milliliter! Even at this strength, you’d have to vape an absolute butt-ton to overdose. But that’s not the risk, if you touch a high strength e-liquid, the nicotine can be absorbed straight through your skin and make its way to your brain. Once inside, it causes a blockade between your brain and the nerves controlling your muscles, and can lead to vomiting, seizures, and even death. Accidentally getting some on your hand will be fine, but I’d advise against getting in a bath full of the stuff. You’d go out like a puff of smoke!Anatoxin-A
Some toxins, like anatoxin-a, have badass nicknames like “Very Fast Death Factor”. This nickname makes a lot of sense because it’s the silent killer responsible for wiping out herds of cows across North America since the 1980s! After drinking contaminated water, cattle have been found lying stone cold just minutes later.

Do you like eating beans? Just make sure that you’re not eating the beans of a castor plant, because they contain a deadly toxin called ricin. If you squeeze the oil from castor beans, you’re left with a mushy pulp from which the toxin can be extracted. But it’s also released just from chewing on them!
And only 80mg, or about 8 beans, is enough to make you a "has-bean". But the amount can be as little as 22 millionths of a gram if injected directly into your bloodstream. Ricin is a ribosome-inactivating protein or RIP, a fairly appropriate name.
I love sushi! But it blows my mind how fish and rice can be so expensive. That said, it’s not worth cheaping out. Badly prepared seafood is the leading cause of intoxication from tetrodotoxin, a poison you really don’t want to mess with!
It’s found in a wide range of seafood, but most famously in pufferfish. And as little as 1-2mg, the weight of half a mosquito, is enough for an average human to become worm food. That’s because tetrodotoxin attacks the channels between nerves and prevents them from passing messages, rendering the tissues within your muscles practically useless. Symptoms start showing up in just 10 minutes. The first sign is a tingling sensation in the lips, which rapidly spreads to the arms and legs. This doesn’t last long.
Bacterium Clostridium Botulinum
At the beginning of the 20th century, canned food production was becoming a nearly billion-dollar industry. But little did these early tin-novators know, their products were a breeding ground for one of the world’s deadliest toxins, the bacterium clostridium botulinum.
Unlike most organisms, it thrives in places devoid of oxygen, so a sealed can of food provides the perfect conditions. Once inside, it creates spores, which are miniscule reproductive units capable of multiplying incredibly quickly. So, the deadly bacterium just grows and grows. And the lethal dose is incomprehensibly miniscule. Only 2 nanograms, that’s two-billionths of a gram, will have an unlucky eater kicking the bucket. That’s the same size as a single grain of rice cut into a staggering 12.5-million little pieces! Ingesting this bacterium causes botulism, and you don’t want to get this sucker. Starting from your face down, all your muscles will go weak, before becoming completely paralyzed! At this point, unless you get speedy help, it’ll all be over. Luckily, because of better food safety standards, cases nowadays are very rare.
Remember back at the beginning of this article I mentioned about cyanide? If you thought that sounded dangerous, it's nearly irrelevant when compared to Polonium-210. This is a rare, highly radioactive metal used in the production of nuclear bombs and it’s pretty deadly.
By weight alone, it’s around 250,000 times as toxic as hydrogen cyanide, the lethal dose can be as little as 0.089 micrograms! That’s like taking a single grain of table salt and breaking it into 674 pieces. Indeed, just one gram is enough to make 50-million people incredibly sick, and another 50 million into worm food! That’s the population of New York six times over, all gone, from one tiny gram. Thankfully, getting a whole gram is near impossible. Polonium-210 exists in such minute amounts in nature that it’s often undetectable! What makes it so unbelievably deadly then? Polonium-210 atoms have an excess of energy inside their nuclei. Unable to contain this energy, they fire out heavy, highly energized alpha particles.