Embarrassingly Dumb Ways People Died - Darwin Awards Winners (Part 4)
![Embarrassingly Dumb Ways People Died - Darwin Awards Winners [Part 12]](https://beamazed.b-cdn.net/dekfncxo8/image/upload/v1717909879/embarrassingly-dumb-ways-people-died-darwin-awards-winners-part-4/27CzoCbBYD6rZUyXGoOuXF.jpg)
April 17, 2023
•18 min read
Coming up are some Darwin Award winners!
People can be so dumb, that many accidentally remove themselves from the gene pool in the most idiotic ways possible! Let's take a look at even more Darwin Award winners and people who ended themselves in the dumbest ways imaginable.
Permanent Bed Head
Moving a mattress is no easy task. With the average mattress weighing up to 150 lbs, and being pretty bulky, they need to be well strapped down when being transported on top of a van or car. This is obviously to stop the wind from catching them and tearing them off.
Although, this is some pretty basic thinking that didn’t occur to a certain 20-year-old woman back in 2016. She and her friend were trying to transport a mattress, but the thing was too big to fit in their van. Their solution? One would ride on top of the mattress, pinning it to the roof of the van, while the other drove. What could possibly go wrong? A lot, it turned out. Unaware of how the laws of motion worked, and massively overestimating the mattress surfer’s strength, the whole thing flipped off as soon as the driver put their foot on the gas. The mattress hit the road, and so did our unlucky lady. The mattress bounced back but our mattress surfer, on the other hand, didn’t.
Struck Speechless
Road rage ain’t no joke, but it can have some pretty funny consequences if the events of September 12th, 2021, are anything to go by. At 1:30am on this Sunday morning, two drivers collided on the I-80 in California. Instead of taking their argument off to the side of the road, the drivers decided to commence arguing in the middle of the traffic lanes.
In the early morning, they must have idiotically assumed that no-one but them would be using the road and they were dead wrong. A few minutes later, both men were struck by an oncoming car and were found unresponsive at the scene. That’s certainly one way to park an argument.
Scrap Idea
There are plenty of safe things you can source scrap metal from; cars, old equipment, recycled cans, the list goes on. You know what isn’t safe to source scrap metal from, though? Grenades. Specifically, Rocket Propelled Grenades or RPGs, for short.
But this didn’t occur to a man in Rio De Janeiro back in 2006, who was so hell bent on getting his hands on some scrap metal, he’d do anything to crack open an old disused RPG he’d found.
The Flying Lawyer
There are smart people, there are intelligent people, and then there are lawyers. Studying for a law degree and passing the bar exam are two of the hardest academic achievements anyone can accomplish, so you assume they’re the brightest of the bunch. But not always.
Back in 1984, a young lawyer was attending an early 4th of July party at his office in Chicago. Apparently, he got into a heated debate with one of his colleagues about the Olympics and, to settle their dispute, they agreed to have a race down a corridor of their building.

Dodging Debts
Nobody likes getting to the end of the night in their local bar and realizing they have to pay their tab. Ordering drinks for everybody seemed like such a good idea 4 hours ago!
While most people just swallow their pride and pay up, back in 2001 it was reported that two gentlemen at a bar in Cairo decided not to do this. Instead, they skipped out on their $180 whiskey tab and tried to escape by diving into the River Nile nearby.

High on Life
In the US, you don’t need a license to drive a ride on law mower, providing you’re not taking it down a public road. You do need a license to operate a plane however. Seeing how complicated flying can be, you can all see why.

A Real Firecracker
Here’s a question for you. If you wanted some firecrackers, the little explosives that make a real loud banging noise, how would you go about acquiring some? You’d most likely just buy some like a normal person.
However, according to an unconfirmed report from 2002, one man over in Croatia thought the idea of paying for firecrackers was far too safe and decided to make his own for some New Year’s celebrations. How? By using whatever he had to hand, which turned out to be a chainsaw and a hand grenade.
Gone Fishing
Have you ever heard of ‘blast fishing’? Like the name suggests, it’s where people use explosives to stun or kill entire schools of fish out in open water for easy pickings. It’s a very dangerous, and largely illegal practice.

There are a few things you need to go skiing: protective wear, the right equipment, and good visibility. And, as you probably guessed, the next guy who earned himself a Darwin Award had none of these.
Back in 2002, a 22-year-old idiot and a few of his friends decided to hike up Mammoth Mountain in Nevada at 3 am for a little out-of-hours skiing session. Being a spur-of-the-moment decision, our spontaneous skier hadn’t brought anything to ski down on. So, he decided to improvise, by ripping some of the safety padding off one of the ski lift towers, which usually protects skiers that accidently hit the big metal poles on their way down the slope.
Czech What You’re Taking
If you’re really going to steal something, you should probably double check what you’re stealing first. Otherwise, you’ll end up like the five idiots from the Czech-Republic who joined the Darwin Awards back in 2008.
These five dumb dumbs decided to break into an abandoned factory in the town of Kladno to steal some scrap metal. They quickly got to work breaking down a couple of upright steel girders they found. What they hadn’t realized is that these girders were the only thing supporting the factory’s roof above them. Once dismantled, the roof, obviously, collapsed, crushing two of the thieves and injuring the three others. So, if, after that story, you’re still set on a life of scrap metal crime, remember; gravity doesn’t care if it’s an accident, or if you’re just an idiot!
Bad Bungee
Have you ever been bungee jumping? It’s an exhilarating experience! But jumping off a bridge or a cliff with nothing but a big, elastic cord attached to your ankles to stop you from hitting the ground is pretty dangerous. Which is why you should always do it with professionals that have all the right gear, licenses and insurance; the exact opposite of what one thrill seeker did back in 1997.
This 22-year-old fast-food worker from Fairfax County, Virginia, decided to seek some cheap thrills by bungee-ing off a 70 ft railroad trestle bridge. The only problem was that he didn’t have access to a professionally made, super-thick bungee cord, so he made one himself. Can you guess what he made it out of, though? Bungee cords, the little elastic straps you use to keep car trunks closed or hook a sleeping back to a backpack.

A Tough Act To Swallow
Back in 1999, the most amazing Darwin Award of all time was given out to an unnamed performer from Bonn, Germany. The performer was apparently a professional sword swallower and was able to swallow a wide range of long, ridiculous objects, like swords, balloons, and even large umbrellas.
Except, one day, while he was showing off his skills with an umbrella, he apparently hit the automatic release button on the umbrella’s handle! The umbrella opened while still lodged in his throat, and the avid entertainer didn’t live to perform an encore.
Zipadee doo dah
Brits abroad don’t have the greatest reputation. Stereotypically, they can be loud, obnoxious, and, on occasion, so stupid that they end up earning themselves a Darwin Award. At least, that’s what one Brit did up in the Italian Alps back in 2002.
The 49-year-old climber was with his family, enjoying the incredible views from the mountains near Belluno in northern Italy. And then, in what can only be described as an utterly insane move, he snapped his mountain climbing clasp onto a disused cable car cable and tried to slide down it using his hands.

Jailbird Learns to Fly
Jailbreaks look really cool in films and are almost always pulled off without a hitch. But in reality, they’re much more dangerous, and foolish, than they appear on the big screen, as proven by an Allegheny County Jail inmate back in 1997.
He decided that instead of staying to face the music, he needed to make a speedy exit. So, he tied together a couple of bedsheets he’d pilfered from other inmates, broke the supposedly shatterproof window of his cell, and then used the bedsheet-rope to rappel down the outer jail wall. But there were just 2 problems with his plan. The first, was that his makeshift rope was about 60 ft long, but his cell was on the 17th story, so his rope was roughly 90 ft short of the ground.
Slide Of His Life
So, we’ve established that people can be pretty dumb. But they can get even dumber with alcohol and it was this devil juice that saw a 25-year-old man, from Calgary, Canada, given a Darwin Award back in the year 2000.
He and his buddies had been out drinking, and they decided to continue the party at a friend’s apartment complex. That’s when one of them challenged the rest of the group by saying “who’s gonna ride the in-house water slide?”. Spoiler alert, it was not in fact a water slide, but the complex’s garbage chute. Unfortunately, our man of the hour drunkenly took up the offer. What he obviously didn’t realize in his drunken state was that there would be an industrial trash compactor waiting for him at the other end.
Pastor Eaten By Crocodiles While Trying To Walk On Water
There’s nothing wrong with following a faith but following one to your death isn’t worth it, as Pastor Jonathan Mthethwa supposedly discovered. According to multiple tabloids, back in 2017, this pastor of the Saint of The Last Days Church in White River, Mpumalanga, promised his congregation he would demonstrate the strength of his faith by walking on water.
In the whole week leading up to the event he fasted and prayed, and when that fateful morning came, he waded out 100 ft into the river. But before he could attempt the biblical recreation and claim he was Jesus reborn; 3 huge crocodiles quickly swam up and devoured him.
Brazilian Balloon Priest
Anyone who does charity work is an incredible human being, in my humble opinion. But while done with the best intentions, some feats done in the name of fundraising can be straight up stupid.
Case in point, we’ll rewind to 2008 and head over to Paranaguá, Brazil. This is where a catholic priest was busy filling up 1000 helium balloons while planning to break the 19-hour balloon cluster flight record to raise money for a spiritual rest area for truck drivers in Paranaguá. He’d made an attempt earlier that year using 600 balloons but had only managed to stay airborne for 4 hours, and had drifted 16 miles to San Antonio, Argentina. Convinced he just needed more balloons, the persistent priest, who was an experienced skydiver, packed a flotation device, five days of food and water, a thermal flight suit, a parachute, a helmet, several cell phones, and a GPS device.