Genius People Who Beat The System - Part 3

February 3, 2025
•17 min read
There are lots of smart ways people have beat the system. Lets find out about some amazing ingenious people who beat the system.
It’s not always easy, but human beings are constantly coming up with new, inventive, and often hilarious, ways to beat the system. From the Titanic’s sneakiest survivor, to the kid who faked his way into meeting his idols, let’s check out some genius people who beat the system.
Parking Between Parking Zones
Parking fees are one of the worst things about owning a vehicle in a city. But this bike owner found a way to get around it: by following the rules to the nearest foot.
Parked up between two parking zones, it looks like this brave-hearted biker isn’t afraid to fit into a tight space if it means free parking. You can only hope a passing ticketing officer didn’t stick them with a fine just for being so bold.He Changed A Wikipedia Page To Sneak Backstage
When you’re a big fan of a band, you’ll go to great lengths for a chance to hang out with your idols. But Australian David Spargo, a fan of the band Peking Duk, exhibited a stroke of pure genius when he decided to find a way backstage at a gig.
With no hope of gaining a backstage pass through conventional means, David turned to Wikipedia for a chance to meet the band. Changing Peking Duk’s Wikipedia page to list himself as family to the band, he flashed the updated page to security, hoping it might convince them to let him in. Amazingly, security bought it, and let him right on through to the backstage area. Once there, he met the band and explained his entry methods over a few beers, much to the band’s amazement. Peking Duk were so impressed, they even posted about the escapade online, and later called David "the definition of a legend" in an interview. They say you should never meet your idols, but for David Spargo, his fan encounter couldn’t have had a more legendary result.som1 edited our wiki 2 say he was our family. showed security, got in2 the green room and had a beer with the boys..
Fan Banned From Stadium Hires Crane To Watch His Team
Music fans aren’t the only people who are willing to bend the rules for the things they love. After a soccer fan in Turkey was banned from attending his favorite team’s home grounds, he got creative to really send the message of his fan loyalty home. Hiring a crane for the best view in the house, he headed to the skies, allowing him to watch his favorite team play an important match for free. As long as you don’t factor in the 354 liras, or $50, for the crane hire costs.
Denizlispor Fc Of Turkey handed One-Year Ban On its supporter. To go round the ban, the Fan built a crane outside the Stadium with sky-view Of the Stadium. His club that faces relegation ended up beating Gaziantepspor Fc 5-0 ... In life, when a door closes, the Skies open.
He Pretended To Be Moroccan PM To Get Restaurant Reservation
When it comes to people pretending to be someone they’re not for personal gain, the father of Reddit user SillyAmerican is king. When the Redditor’s old man found himself unable to get a booking at a busy local restaurant, he called again, this time posing as the Prime Minister of Morocco. Why he went for that particular fake identity is unclear. But, regardless, it worked!
The restaurant cleared a slot for the Redditor’s father, giving him the best seat in the house upon arrival. The restaurant’s bamboozled chef even requested him to sign a plate. Committed to the character, the master of deception obliged, and even snapped a picture to commemorate the moment he played the system in the most spectacular of ways.Stefan Černetić, The Self-Claimed Prince Of Montenegro And Macedonia
It’s one thing to impersonate a public figure for one night, but some deceptions of this kind last years and with much higher stakes. This next tale takes us to south-eastern Europe, where we find Stefan Černetić, Prince of Montenegro and Macedonia or so the elite circles of Europe believed for years.
Using The Dog To Deliver The Phone Charger
Some say the mark of a true genius is doing things the smart way, not the hard way. If that’s true, then the mother of this Twitter user must be the Einstein of her generation. Rather than taking her daughter’s phone charger down to her, she simply tied it around the dog, who was upstairs with her, and told her daughter to call him down. So, the Twitter user called him down, and the good boy arrived right on time, providing a very reliable, and very cute, delivery service.
Asked me mum if she could bring my charger down stairs, she replied "shout the dog"
Nikola Lulić: He Pretended To Be A Sailor And Survived Titanic
The RMS Titanic, which famously sunk in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1912, is well-known as a tragedy for the lives lost. But one of its survivors owed his life to a heaping handful of devious deception. Nikola Lulić, a Croatian on a journey to work as a miner in the USA, boarded the ship as a third-class passenger. Unfortunately, when disaster struck and the ship began to sink, third-class passengers were a low priority for the limited spaces on the ship’s vastly insufficient lifeboats.
Staring inevitable death in the face, and defiantly saying "not today", Nikola found a way to secure himself a seat. He snatched a cap belonging to a sailor, and ran off to secure himself safe passage using his new disguise. It worked, and he boarded a lifeboat to safety, going on to live another 50 years. While his methods may seem a little shady, Nikola Lulić proved that a third-class ticket is no obstacle in the hands of a first-class hustler.
Fake Wristbands
If you’ve ever been to an event at a nightclub, or any kind of organized event, you’ve probably encountered a type of entrance wristbands, the ones that trap your arm hair in the adhesive and yank it off like an overly-eager beautician.
Couple Turns Halloween Costume Party Into Surprise Wedding
True rule-breakers don’t just receive invitations; they apply their commitment to shaking things up to the invitations they give out, too. Like the parents of Twitter user Lexie Rossler, who, in the early 90s, sent out invitations to a costume party at a venue on Halloween. The guests all turned up, in a spectacular array of costumes, only to find they’d been duped! It wasn’t just a Halloween party; it was Lexie’s parents’ wedding!
The happy couple had no interest in the classic type of ceremony and reception, and didn’t want the financial burden, so they decided to step outside of the box. Insisting everyone kept their outfits on, it made for some incredibly unique wedding photos, as the confused guests had no choice but to pose parents invited all their friends & family to a costume party then when people got there they found out it was actually their wedding
DIY Laser Hair Removal
When an Imgur user’s wife asked him to pay for laser hair removal for Christmas, he decided to get inventive to avoid shelling out for a costly procedure. So, combining dad humor with a can-do, DIY attitude, he came up with the DIY invention in the image below.
Stealing Apples During The Great Depression
Heading back in time now to Victoria, Australia in the 1930s, at the height of the global economic crisis that shook the world, known as the Great Depression. The great grandma of Reddit user Frofthy was, like many of her time, doing whatever she could to put food on the table. But with so little food to go around, she was forced to turn to less-than-honest means.
For her, this meant slipping down to the local apple farm, where she’d confidently stroll on in, posing as the farm owner’s daughter. Of course, the farm owner had no daughter, but thanks to some serious luck, no one she encountered ever questioned her identity. With no suspicion aroused, Frofthy’s relative would steal crates full of apples, claiming her father had requested them for "quality control", and would walk straight out the front door unhindered.
This Cafe Ingeniously Disguised Its B Health Inspection Grade
When things don’t go to plan, sometimes it’s just a matter of changing perspective. Like when Astor Row Cafe in Harlem, New York received a B hygiene rating instead of the first-rate A they were hoping for.
But instead of hiding their less-than-stellar rating from customers, they went for an approach that was simultaneously completely honest and totally deceptive. They just added a bunch of other letters below the B-rating sheet, spelling out "SUNDAY BRUNCH", and turning their shortcomings into an advertising opportunity. That’s how you make the best of a brunch situation.Shout out to this Harlem cafe concealing their 'B' rating as a 'BRUNCH' sign
Using Legos As Landmines
It’s not just adults that are masters of beating the system, kids make for some of the greatest rebels around. Just take a look at Twitter user Stephanie Ortiz’s daughter, who was snapped by her mom ensuring no one would be taking her turn on the computer.
Me: "Why are these Legos all over the floor?!" 5: "To keep everyone else away; it's my computer turn." BRILLIANT.
Kid Logic
When a similarly resourceful young fellow was tasked with training his family’s new puppy, his parents suggested looking up training tips on YouTube. In a stroke of hilarious, outside-the-box thinking, the boy cut out the middleman entirely, and was snapped showing his puppy the videos first-hand.
Innocence of childhood!
Gary Vider: My Dad Was A Con Man
Some of the greatest examples of people beating the system emerge when the joint forces of child and parent unite. No other case illustrates this better than the story of Gary Vider and his ingenious schemer of a dad. Throughout the 90s, Gary’s dad would take him to big sports games, but never as a paying audience member.
Gary’s father came up with the ultimate scam: he would ring the venue ahead of time, claiming to be from "Sports Illustrated for Kids" Magazine. He’d inform the venue that a kid reporter was coming with a photographer to interview the players for an article. When Gary and his dad arrived in full costume, with cameras, lenses, and notepads, they’d be let right on in. Then, they’d go straight to the press area for the best seats, watch the game, and afterwards, mingle with stars and carry out an interview or two.😂 Comedian Gary Vider used to pretend to be a Sports Illustrated For Kids Interviewer & his Dad was the SI photographer! Here’s a few pics of Gary with MJ, Pippen & Bill Murray.
Using Pen And Paper To Disguise As Press
A similar, smaller-scale instance of phony sports journalism was shared with the internet by Reddit user Icebergelishious in 2018. Feeling too cold to stand outside while watching an American football game at the local stadium, the quick-thinking scammer spotted an opportunity. Using a pen and paper as disguise, he gained entrance to the warm, comfortable stats and press room. Once inside, a few intermittent scribbles were enough to convince officials he was supposed to be there. Certified: genius.
First Class For Free
Taking to the skies now, we have a nifty way to cop a free flight upgrade, courtesy of Reddit user TheNewYorkGod. After boarding a plane at the airport, the Redditor was frustrated to hear the plane was having technical issues, and the passengers would have to get off.

Richard Ankrom: The Artist Who Secretly Fixed LA Freeway Sign
While it’s impressive to see someone play the system to their own personal gain, people who play the system for the greater good of their community are in a class of their own. One particular Robin Hood-like figure of this kind is Los Angeles artist, Richard Ankrom.
After missing his exit while driving along L.A.’s 110 freeway, he realized the highway signs had no indication of an exit to the I-5 North, which undoubtedly caused frustration for other unfamiliar drivers. Years later, Richard was driving the same stretch, and noticed that the sign still hadn’t been modified with the important information. So, he took things into his own hands. Using his skills as a painter, he made a sign for the I-5 himself. By carefully measuring, color-matching, cutting and painting, he produced a near-perfect replica of an interstate sign. Then, with the authority automatically granted by a hard hat and high-visibility jacket, Richard climbed the sign, and set his work in place.Using KFC Bucket As Cup
Being a local hero is great and all, but sometimes you just have to look out for you. The guy in the image below got the right idea to serve himself some proper hydration, by using a KFC bucket as a cup. You can’t fault his boldness, but if this is a regular occurrence, he may end up getting a free side of diabetes with his jumbo cup.
Perdone, caballero.......CABALLERO.
Sneaking Flask Into Prom Disguising As Handbag
Other thirsty folk with a penchant for rule-breaking apply their skills to the obstacle of "no alcoholic beverages allowed". Like Eleanor Clarke, a British teen who took an alcohol-filled hip flask to her prom that was so large, she was able to disguise it as a clutch bag! With this kind of masterful deception, it looks like British Intelligence has a new recruit on the horizon.
In another hilarious example of getting drunk by any means possible, we have this fresh-baked solution. Stuffing his bottle into a hollowed-out baguette, the guy in the image below made sure he’d be able to settle his stomach with some bread in the instance he drank too much. A toast to that!Schoolboys Wear Skirts To Protest No Shorts Policy
The male pupils of Isca Academy in England were creative when a heatwave struck in 2017. The boys took a stand after the school declared that shorts were not suitable attire, even in the heat, even though female pupils were allowed to wear skirts. Desperate for some relief from the restrictions of their full-length trousers, the lads got smart.
Boys at Isca Academy in Exeter wear skirts to school in protest at not being allowed to wear shorts in hot weather.
Diaper Hack To Protect Your Valuables
People who beat the system aren’t always on the wrong side of the law. The smarty-pants behind this alternative to a wallet is only looking to keep his valuables safe from criminals, and what looks like a used diaper makes for the perfect deterrent.