Strangest Shein Products Reviewed


March 24, 2025

13 min read

Let's review the strangest products from Shein!

Strangest SHEIN Products REVIEWED by BE AMAZED

Shein is like Wish but somehow, weirder. From shoes for hamsters, to motion sensing toilet lights and ever essential burger holders, let's buy and review the weirdest products that Shein has to offer!

Cordless Skipping Rope

If you’re anything like me, you want to get in shape but just haven’t found the exercise for you. Weightlifting? Too heavy. Biking? Too pedally. Running? Too runny. Thankfully, Shein has a piece of exercise equipment that puts up no resistance whatsoever; the cordless skipping rope, for $4! But if it’s cordless what exactly are you skipping? I tried them out for you.

training with the cordless skipping rope

As you can see above, I’m working up a sweat, but that’s just because I’m jumping on the spot. The handles and weights aren’t especially heavy, so I really don’t get what the so called skipping rope is adding that I couldn’t easily do that without.

Snakeskin Socksneakers

Have you ever wished you didn’t have to put on socks and sneakers separately? Somehow, Shein has the exact product for that non-existent problem! It's called the Cuccoo Basic Snakeskin Sock-Sneakers! While I may not be able to figure out from the name what fashion void those things are meant to fill, they do have a 4.9 rating, all for $22.

So, I decided to buy a pair to personally see and understand how they are. And it does kind of look like the shoe is shedding its socky skin, though, so it’s thematic. They feel cheap, too cheaper than $22 that’s for sure, but in a way, aren’t they wonderfully tacky?

Snakeskin Socksneakers by SHEIN

I got my friend to try them on. I got her a size 9, and they seem to fit okay. But those things still look ugly! The most important question is, what kind of event anyone would wear them to?

Teddy Bear Mouse

Do you find the process of clicking your mouse, tapping your screen, or using your track horribly unwhimsical? Would you prefer if navigating a computer were more fun, childish, and way more impractical? Think no further because Shein has brought an adorable teddy bear mouse as a solution to that problem, all for $5!

To test if it actually works or not, I ordered one online. To be honest I can’t imagine it working well! But as expected, that thing is made for kids and looks absolutely tiny in my big old hands. Maybe an unfair way to judge the thing, but I really felt like I could crush it with a couple medium-strength squeezes.

It at least connected okay. But clicking with the ears does not feel good. Still, it could navigate my favorite website okay. The scroll wheel worked, it can move the cursor around okay. But that thing isn’t designed for high-speed gaming, and it feels pretty frail, but it gets the job done.

Teddy Bear Mouse REVIEW

Rubber Bladder

Like most terminally online men, I don’t know much about women but I do know they’re the target demographic for the next product, the rubber bladder. With that handy little device, you’ll be able to stand and pee wherever you please and all for $2!

After taking a closer look at the product, it’s only then dawned on me that after you use that device, you’re presumably meant to just fold-up the urine-soaked rubber and put it back in your bag? Convenient? Yes. Hygienic? No.

And it comes with helpful instructions on how to pee. But the product doesn’t feel particularly sturdy, I’m worried about using that without mess. During my test run, it presented the healthy stream in the clip below. It appears to be working alright, so maybe I was wrong?

SHEIN Product She Wee

Beer Belly Bag

If you’ve ever wondered what the least appealing way to carry your keys is, then think no further because Shein has an answer: the beer belly fanny pack. Finally, thin people and non-alcoholics can make everyone sad and uncomfortable when they enter a room, too! To be honest it looks more like a tumor than a beer belly.

SHEIN Product Beer Belly Bag

The material doesn't feel great, but on the plus side, it doesn’t feel disconcertingly fleshy. One thing I’ll give it, it’s roomier than I thought. Could definitely fit a Budweiser in there, if you don’t mind an icy cold stomach. Still, I would feel a little awkward walking around with that on. I’d recommend just working on a real beer belly instead, it’s way more satisfying!

Lip Plumper

Our next Shein product is a $5 lip plumper. With that, you are supposed to fix your thin lip problems in no time. According to the box, that thing will turn your lips into different lips. Opening it up revealed a little fishy. The idea is you stuff your lips in there, and pump until you’re beautiful

SHEIN Product Lip plumpener

I gave that thing a try, not on my own lips but on my best buddy’s pre-plumped lips. And that thing on his nose is also Shein’s $2 nose-re-shaper. We figured we may as well go the whole nine yards and fix everything about his face.

SHEIN Products nose-re-shaper and Lip plumpener

He said it was kind of hard to breathe like that. Honestly, those two feel like total scams. I don’t feel like his physiology is being reshaped by either device, and he just looks like an idiot who’s out a few bucks. Then again, I don’t know what we expected Shein wasn’t about to bankrupt the entire plastic surgery industry with a few pieces of plastic and rubber.

Bread Pillow

Is it just me, or has anyone else ever looked at a beautiful, fresh, soft loaf of bread straight from the oven and wished they could just curl up on it? Because Shein sells a gigantic bread loaf pillow for that very purpose, for $2. The pillow was actually way more convincing than I was expecting. Fom the right angle, anyway.

It’s also a pretty lifelike size, which means it’s a little small for a pillow. You can unzip it, too, if for some reason you just want an empty bread sleeve.

SHEIN Product Bread Pillow

It does blend in in bread’s natural habitat and looked pretty indistinguishable, I think. Well, it looked more at home on a cutting board than on a bed, at least. It was also pretty soft and comfortable. And unlike real bread, it isn’t getting crumbs where I sleep! Not a bad pillow, all things considered, I just wish it was real.

Triple Toothbrush

Do you hate brushing your teeth? Would you do anything to make the chore a little bit faster? Are you 4 years old? If the answer to all three of those questions is all yes, then you’ll love our next product; the $2 three-headed toothbrush! Apparently, that triple-headed toothbrush exists for “efficient cleaning”, but I can’t imagine how shoving that monstrosity in your mouth could be faster or more efficient than a regular toothbrush.

If it seemed like a frankenbrush from the pictures, it looks even more sinister in person. The idea is you’re meant to be able to brush the front, backs, and top of your teeth at the same time with that thing but how much time could that possibly save?

To test it, I made my buddy eat a bowl of toffees beforehand, to really make sure that thing works. But he actually found it kind of hard to know where to put the toothpaste. Well, he said it definitely does feel like he’s brushing multiple sides of his teeth at the same time but maneuvering it around was so awkward.

SHEIN Product Triple Toothbrush

He had to keep adjusting his grip and angle to feel like he was getting anything at all. He also said that inside his mouth, the brushes felt a little cheap, but you can’t expect much for 2 bucks. Maybe if you’re a sniper or surgeon you can maneuver that thing accurately but for most people, I’d recommend a standard, single-headed toothbrush. Unless you have one tooth, that toothbrush could really get every inch of that.

Burger Holder

If you’re anything like me, you eat a hamburger at least four times a week unfortunately, I often end up eating it in a way where I end up with 50% of the patty sticking out of 10% of the bun, and sauce absolutely everywhere. It’s less of a meal, and more of a massacre by the time I’m done. Thankfully Shein have heard my plight and delivered me, the burger holder!

I know what you might be thinking, a burger holder? Still, that product promises to eliminate mess and spillage! It kind of just looked like a piece of rubber. Don’t know what I was expecting. Anyway, I got a burger on the go and done!

SHEIN Product Burger Holder

Can’t say it isn’t weirdly satisfying. There was no spilling, but then again that isn’t a stacked burger. My friend looks like a bit of a jerk eating a burger that way, imagine carrying that thing around with you. Also, there's that problem with the sloppy burger detritus that’s pooled at the bottom of the holder. I’ll be sticking with the burger holders I was born with, thank you very much!

Shoe Warmer

Imagine this; it’s a beautiful, sunny day outside. You can’t wait to head to the park and catch some beautiful rays. You throw on your shades, get your shoes on, step outside. And immediately run back into the house. Why? Because your shoes are freezing cold. No? That has literally never happened to anyone? Well, don’t tell that to the inventor of Shein’s electronic shoe warmer!

That little device is designed to heat up your shoes so they’re nice and warm, for the ten seconds or so most shoes will retain heat while outside. Those things look pretty bare bones. Kind of worried they’ll blow my shoes up. They felt a little flimsy, too. I went ahead and kept a close eye on those as they warm up. My shoes aren’t that old, but man, the heat is caused a noticeable aroma in the house. After letting them bake for ten minutes, I tested them out!

SHEIN Product Shoe Warmer

The shoes were warm but the electric warmer itself is worryingly hot, I don’t think handling the thing is great. The shoes stayed warm for around ten minutes, which is better than I thought, but they cooled down quick when I stepped outside. I guess if you want to keep your feet warm from the walk to your house to your car, they could be useful? Just don’t leave them charging overnight.

Hamster Shoes

If you have a hamster you must worry about their little hamster feet. They must get tired and sore running around on that wheel all day. That’s why Shein created hamster shoes! You hamster will never get their turds stuck between the toes again! They look a bit heavy for a hamster. They’re a little big too, it feels like they’ll fall off pretty easily.

SHEIN Product Hamster Shoes

Finger Sleeves

Do you hate latex gloves? Too impractical covering the whole hand? Because, Shein offers something called, the finger sleeves, made specifically for people who hate gloves. You get a lot in a pack, I’ll say that much at least.

SHEIN Product Finger Sleeves

They’re pretty tight actually, and don’t feel great. I’m going to be honest, I really can’t think of a situation where you’d ever want to use those over a gloves. And no, they don’t work well as a sleeve for a different body part either.

Hairy Animal Leggings

If you could possess the traits of one animal, what would it be? This next Shein product might give you the acrobatic prowess of a cat; meet the hairy animal leggings! They really go the extra mile. First impressions? They looked pretty good. They felt pretty soft, too. And they even have toe bean print!

SHEIN Product the hairy animal leggings

I got my friend to properly try it out. And found out that they don’t go very high, and are pretty tight. But despite how they look, apparently they’re not actually very itchy.

Dinosaur Décor

Our next strange product is Shein’s horrifying dinosaur wall destruction decoration. After a closer look, it actually didn’t seem very threatening. While the individual parts aren’t heavy, they’re also not adhesive. As it turns out, I was right. So, the only place I got the pieces to stick was on a cork board.

SHEIN Product Dinosaur Décor

But it didn’t really look like the dinosaur is busting through the wall there. The white around the hands and neck don’t really work. Still, at least I was able to get the thing up somewhere. How do you think it looks? Maybe I’m being overly critical, if that thing wanted to be accurate, the raptor would be half as big and covered in feathers and I wouldn’t have bought it off Shein.

Snoring Strap

How many of you have partners that snore or have had partners complain about you snoring? I bet it’s a good number of you. I need to fix the snoring, which is why I brought Shein's anti-snoring head strap for all of $3. It looks like a piece of fabric. It’s stretchy, though, and has little holes so the fabric is more breathable! That’s worth a few bucks, right?

SHEIN Product Snoring Strap is too tight and restricts airflow

I felt a bit like Hannibal Lecter with that thing on, can’t say it’s super comfortable, either. That thing might work too well. It’s super tight and is definitely restricting airflow. I can’t imagine sleeping in that thing would be easy but, if you can’t sleep, you can’t snore so I guess that one works!

Jaw Exerciser

So I’ve been spending a lot of time online, and I’ve come to a realization; the reason I can’t ever get a date isn’t the result of my personality, smell, beliefs, or general demeanor, it’s my jawline! Thankfully, Shein has clientele like me in mind with products like the jaw exerciser. But I don’t want to put that strange overseas item in my mouth, so let’s go back to my unfortunate assistant!

SHEIN Product Jaw Exerciser was bitter and hard to chew

My buddy said it’s weirdly bitter, and once he got chewing it was actually pretty tiring and kind of unpleasant. He didn’t feel like he was getting a workout so much as he was just eating an overcooked steak. We all know that isn’t gonna work but it might make for a good chew toy for a small dog or toddler. On the same kick, I ordered a hand exerciser. Maybe my tiny, skinny, little baby wrists are the reason I can’t get a date? Unfortunately, that never arrived.

Motion-Sensing LED Toilet Light

Imagine it’s late at night. You stumble over to the bathroom, whip it out or use your portable bladder, if you can’t whip it out and relieve yourself. Only to realize you’ve sprayed your entire bathroom with pee once your eyes adjust to the dark. I know it’s happened to me plenty of times. But it’s better than turning on the bathroom light and blinding myself!

So what’s the solution? Shein suggests the motion-sensing LED toilet light, with adjustable coloration! Now I can illuminate my toilet, rainbow style. If you don’t like your products covered in urine, that might not be the product for you. The installation process was quite easy but unfortunately the product was faulty.

SHEIN Motion-Sensing LED Toilet Light test failed

Sandwich Sponge

We’ve already seen bread you can sleep on. Now it’s time to test a bread you can scrub with, meet the sandwich sponge! I actually like that one, it looks like a perfect sandwich. Of course, it will start to look the hoagie from the Simpsons homer saved for a month after it’s used once.

SHEIN Product Sandwich Sponge that actually works

And, it works! I feel kind of bad, though that thing is so clean and beautiful it almost seems like a waste to use it. Also, it’s lacking the rough side most sponges have, so it isn’t great at removing hardier stains.

If you were amazed at these strange Shein products reviewed, you might want to read my Wish products reviews here. Thanks for reading!