Innovative Space Saving Creation Ideas

October 24, 2024
•17 min read
Here are some amazing home design creation ideas!
Ever thought about sliding down your stairs or simply folding them flat against the wall? If your home is limited on space, you want to make the most out of every available inch! But the burden of big, bulky furniture and features can make that difficult. Let's explore some of the most innovative examples of space-saving design ideas from every corner of the internet.
2D Foldable Furniture
In tiny spaces, folding furniture is a staple of everyday living. But looking at this amazing design solution in the clip below, furniture storage is just a matter of perspective!
Coffee Table Creation
How many tables do you have in your home? Side tables, coffee tables, dining tables; they can take up a lot of space, especially in smaller rooms. But Duffy London has thought of a transformative way to solve this problem with the MK1 Transforming coffee table!
Deglon Meeting Knife Set
You may have heard of Russian nesting dolls fitting inside each other, but have you heard of German nesting knives? These deadlier, steelier brothers of the Russian nesting dolls are part of a collection called the Deglon Meeting Knife Set. They include a paring knife, utility knife, chef knife and a slicer that all fit inside each other, inside a single steel block.
From Window Blind To Laundry Rack
In small homes, even basic elements like a laundry rack can take up much-needed space. Which is where the two-in-one design of the Blindry comes in handy! As the name cleverly suggests, this ingenious design is what would happen if a laundry rack and window blind had a baby.
When it’s up, the slatted frame does a great job of blocking out the sunlight, but pulling it down turns it into a rack that can dry your clothes indoors. As hyped as you probably are for this amazing innovation, it’s purely conceptual for the time being.Ping Pong Table Disguised As Door
If you ask me, Ping-Pong is one of the best games on the planet, but if you want to play it in your house then you’ll need to find somewhere to fit the standard 9 by 5 ft tabletop! Struggling to think of a room? How about having one installed into your door instead?
Skyroom Mosquito Baldachin
Mosquitos are annoying, whiny, and hungry for blood. And to stop them from biting you in the night, you usually need to set up a net of some kind. But trying to get in and out of it can be more of a pain than the mosquito bites themselves! Fortunately, the company Mosivi have come up with a re-imagined mosquito net that takes away all that hassle.
Leading Ladder
Short people will understand the struggle of having to step onto chairs to reach the elusive top shelf, but what if there was an easier way to get what you wanted? Introducing the Cherrywood Closet Chair and Step Ladder from Kirby Allison.
Creative Flooring
While this may come as a shock to some of you, traditional Japanese living spaces don’t rely on lots of furniture. Although tatami mats and floor-sitting are a cultural norm, one bright innovator found a way to make the most out of this low-key living arrangement.
Sinking Solution
While this next design is still in its conceptual stage, I wanted to float it to you anyway! This is the Lifting Sink, designed by students at the Zhengzhou University of Light Industry.
On the surface, it looks like any other sink, but those metal rings aren’t just for display! They’re moveable metal inlays. Depending on what you’re using your sink for, you can choose the appropriate inlay and reduce the amount of water you use. The smallest setting could be used to wash vegetables, whereas the larger setting could be selected for washing up pots and pans. It also closes fully, giving you way more counter space to work with in the kitchen. In theory, this sink is a dream for anyone who loathes washing up as much as I do, but I remains to be seen whether it will float or sink in practice.Dedon Obelisk
If you’ve got a small yard, the last thing you want is a bunch of furniture cluttering up what little green space you have. Fortunately for you, this in the image below isn’t just yard furniture. This is the Dedon Obelisk, a series of garden chairs and tables that interlock into one pretty incredible piece of garden art.
Transforming Bookshelf
What could you make out of one sheet of plywood? While most people might struggle to think of anything beyond a pretty terrible door, young woodworker Are Baloni was able to design something truly mind blowing.
Using just one sheet of plywood, Baloni created 9 almost identical boxes that would become part of a bookshelf. But not just any bookshelf! He mounted one of the boxes to his wall and, by cleverly placing a series of hinges to the other boxes, the bookcase could then be extended and moved! How incredible is that?Folding Spiral Staircase
Spiral staircases may look cool, but without any kind of under-stair storage options they can also be fairly impractical. Well it seems like that concern might finally be a thing of the past, thanks to the Eclettica Spiral Staircase by B PIÙ.
With the push of a button, a vertical mechanism twists the drawers connected to the main axis and shifts them round into the shape of a staircase! Each stacked stairway that doesn’t have its own uses!Voga Lift Bed
Beds are some of the most cumbersome, yet essential bits of furniture that get in your way every single day. But what if you could store your bed away in an unused space like the ceiling? Say no more because here are Voga Beds! The bed almost magically drifts up and out of the way, leaving the space free to fill with so many other activities.
Smart Bed
If money really isn’t a problem for you, then you might be able to afford the Ferrari equivalent of all beds. This is the HiCan, the world’s very first Smart Bed. It does everything a regular bed does, which is, basically, providing you with a surface to sleep on, except you can customize it to include a giant projector, home theatre sound, and plug and play systems!
Water Shortage Salvation
Ever wonder how much water you use in a single shower? According to the 2016 Residential End Uses of Water Study, the average American shower lasts for 7.8 minutes and uses approximately 15.8 gallons of water! That contributes to global water shortages, as well as draining your wallet!
But Nebia 2.0 is here to challenge that. The technology in these showers atomizes the water into millions of tiny droplets, meaning you use less water but get the same temperature and coverage of a normal shower. It uses 65% less water than that of standard showers! they smashed their $100,000 fundraising target by receiving a whopping $2 million from backers, I guess there’s no shortage of interest in this product!Zero Gravity Workstation Gaming Chair
A lot of small homes don’t have the room for a dedicated office space, but what if I told you that one chair was all you needed? Granted, the one chair is the colossal IW-R1 Zero Gravity Workstation Gaming Chair, but who needs an office when you can have a reclining throne to work in?
Downdraft Extractor
Extractor fans are the absolute worst. They’re loud, they’re a pain to clean, and more often than not you end up smashing your head against their bulky hoods. But it doesn’t have to be this way, thanks to Siemens incredibly innovative workaround. Instead of using the overhead space to install the extractor, they’ve designed the Downdraft extractor!
It rises out of the worktop on demand and the black glass canopy can be pulled forward to get to the grease filters.Spilled Wine Bottle Holder
Spilling wine is the worst: it can stain, it goes everywhere, and it smells for days after. Which is exactly why these wine bottle holders in the image below make for the perfect practical joke.
The hilarious design makes it look like every wine lover’s nightmare has come true! But they’re just a couple of colored plastic stands made to look like a wine spill, which keep the bottles tipped at an angle. This way, the cork is kept from drying out, saving the wine from oxidizing without having to use a cumbersome storage rack. So even though they look like they’re wasting wine, they’re actually saving it.Cat Shelf
Design innovations aren’t just for us, they’re for our furry four-legged friends as well! Like this incredible designer cat-shelf in the image below, containing a pouch that’s just the right size and at the perfect height for any cat to comfortably take a nap in. Plus, they’re raised off the ground, so they can get some peace and quiet without getting in anyone’s way!
Transforming Wall Shelf
Designer Michael Hilgers created the space saving innovation for the ages in the form of a two-in-one design! This solid wood shelf in the video clip below may look like something you could get at IKEA, but the hidden hinge in its design means the top can fold out to become a desk, doubling the size of the work surface! And when you’re done, you can just flip it up and enjoy all the extra space you now have.
Foldable Bathroom
Your bathroom should be a place of relaxation and tranquility, as well as the occasional emergency. But for some, the cramped size of a bathroom and everything in it can make you feel like you’re being held hostage by your porcelain surroundings!
But the Pixel Bathroom design from Oriol Barri can help relieve you of this problem. The design involves a foldable silicone basin that pops out of the unit when it’s opened. Because it’s connected to the mains, the Pixel Bathroom is still a fully-functioning sink, with the added benefit of staying well out of your way when you’re not using it! When packed away, it’s just over 6 inches in width and even has sliding side compartments for all your essentials.Field Shelf
Optical illusions can change how we perceive the world and it seems like furniture is no exception! Just take a look at this Field shelf, designed by Dmitry Kozinenko to make you think the objects it’s holding are floating! From a different angle, it’s easy to see that the bends of the steel rods make up distinct shelves and surfaces, but when the lighting is just right, all those rods seem impossibly straight!
Wire Chair
The Field rack isn’t the only furniture made out of wire that’ll bend your mind. These incredibly unsettling chairs are part of a collection called Thin Black Lines by Japanese studio Nendo.
Ammonite Shaped Wash Basin
In small spaces, making the most out of what you have means sometimes using unconventional designs, much like this ammonite shaped wash basin.
Kolejna porcja modernistycznych projektów umywalek :)…
Indoor Wood Slide Staircase
Did you ever slide down stair banisters when you were a kid? It’s just as fun as an adult. Well, that fond past-time doesn’t have to end there. Say hello to this big kid’s dream of wooden stair slides in the image below!
High-Rise Slide Fire Exit
Stair slides aren’t just a fun innovation, they can be a lifesaving one too! Evacuating high-rise buildings during fires has been a design problem for decades. But Shanghai high-rise resident Zhao Miaorong had the idea to install an emergency slide in his building’s fire escape to help residents get out quickly and safely!
Wrapping Barn Door
Doors need to be carefully placed and planned if you want to avoid walking into them when they’re open. So how do you get around the problem of a doorway on a corner? Well one ingenious option isn’t to open them at all, but to slide them instead! This custom-built barn door by Russell Remodelling in the image below wraps around the corner using a series of rails and well-crafted wooden slats. This gives the door the flexibility it needs to slide open and close without any risk of being opened into some poor, unsuspecting schmuck.
Folding Staircase
It may not cross your mind, but stairs take up a good chunk of space in your home with their slap-dash placement and awkward. But that’s no longer a problem if you have Bcompact Hybrid Stairs!