Inventions Of The Future That Will Soon Be Available To Everyone

May 4, 2023
•20 min read
Here are some inventions of the future that will soon be available to everyone!
From Star Wars to Avatar, the Science Fiction genre is known for showcasing unbelievable gadgets, vehicles and cities that are completely out of this world. These movies feel like pure fantasy, however, all their ‘Science Fiction’ might not stay fictional for much longer.
Scientists and engineers in the real world are at work developing insane inventions that can rival the gadgets of the silver screen. Let's hop into our DeLorean’s and zoom into the near future, looking at Cyber Chefs, Futuristic Fashion and literal Cyborgs, as we explore some inventions of the future that will soon be available to everyone!Contact Lenses That Zoom
When you watch sci-fi movies, the future seems a long way away. However, time moves pretty fast, and the world really can change in the blink of an eye, sometimes quite literally.
In 2019, a group of scientists from the University of California San Diego invented an unbelievable accessory, a set of contact lenses that zoom in when you blink twice. When you look up, look down, or blink, your eyes give off unique electrical signals that correspond to each movement. The contact lenses contain electrodes that track and respond to these electrical impulses, and the lenses are crafted using polymers that expand when an electric current is applied. When the lenses register a double-blink, the polymer lenses change shape slightly, increasing their magnification, making everything appear 32% larger for the wearer.An early version of the lenses, and other variations like them, have already been built, but the researchers are still trying to figure out how to make them out of gas-permeable plastic, the material that’s used in regular contacts.Robotic Exoskeletons
As impressively strong as human bones can be, the truth is we’re all one tumble down the stairs away from breaking an arm or a leg. Thankfully, we’ll soon be able to reinforce our feeble bodies with exo-skeletons; giant mechanical suits that are designed to make us faster and stronger.
The Guardian XO is a full-body, rechargeable battery-powered exoskeleton that can increase the wearer’s strength, allowing them to lift up to 200lbs of weight without straining. The Guardian won’t allow us to lift cars or jump over buildings; that kind of stuff is still a way off. However, it will use its electrical motors and sophisticated array of 120 ultra-precise body sensors to allow a person to comfortably lift a refrigerator or a small couch. This incredible piece of tech is available to buy now, however, it currently costs $100,000 per year to rent, making it far too expensive for the average consumer. Plus, it’s better suited for moving house than saving the world. However, other exoskeletons were created for more altruistic purposes. The ReWalk is a lower body exoskeleton, that’s designed to allow people with paraplegia to stand upright, walk, and climb up stairs. The exoskeleton has 4 powerful motors at the hip and knee joints, that are activated when the user tilts their upper-body in different directions, allowing significant mobility.Robot Chefs
Until we evolve to plug ourselves into an outlet for charging, human beings will need to eat and drink. However, in the future, we might not need to cook. Back in 2015, Moley Robotics surprised the culinary world when they unveiled a robot that can use its 2 giant hands to cook your meals.
The gadget comes pre-programmed with thousands of recipes from award-winning chefs, and it will pour, stir, and sizzle its way to culinary perfection. While the robot can’t prep ingredients just yet, as its creators are reluctant to give it a knife, it will recognize specialized ingredient containers, and what they’ve been assigned to contain. Using this customizable recognition, you can input your own recipes into the device’s touchscreen, allowing the machine to perfectly recreate grandma’s famous spaghetti with robotic precision. Though, admittedly, not quite the level of elegant precision in the CGI render in the commercial.Augmented Reality Display
From Doc’s DeLorean to Luke’s X-Wing, sci-fi movies are full of futuristic vehicles that put our cars to shame. However, with new, innovative technologies, real-world vehicles are growing increasingly futuristic.
An Augmented Reality Display, for example, is a gadget that’s predicted to become widespread in cars over the next couple of decades, and exists in limited forms even today. This amazing tech turns a car’s windscreen into a holographic smart-device, by projecting a bunch of information straight onto the glass in front of the driver. AR devices can use built-in cameras to scan the road in front of you, building a digital image, which it can then interact with. A laser and optical fiber system then projects images up onto the windshield at an ideal angle to reach the driver’s eyes. These images appear to be overlaid onto reality, allowing amazing things like overlaying an ideal racing line onto the asphalt, showing you where you should drive for maximum efficiency. These cameras also constantly scan for any potential hazards on the road, drawing your attention to pedestrians crossing the street, or cars pulling out in front of you. A tech company called WayRay has created an AR display that can turn your daily commute into a video game, by scoring your driving as you go, and letting you compete with your friends. That might sound like a terrible idea, but the WayRay will score you on how safely you drive, giving you points for staying in your lane, stopping at red lights, and driving at safe speeds.Microchip Implant
Over the last decade, it’s become increasingly popular to turn yourself into a cyborg, by implanting a tiny microchip into your hand.
These microchips are the same as the ones inside digital house keys, bankcards, and e-tickets, so once your implant is linked to your online accounts, you can buy your groceries, open your front door, and access public transport with the flick of a wrist.Virtual Reality
Today, lots of people love the ever-evolving world of Virtual Reality. But currently, playing VR games still comes with a risk of motion sickness, jumping face first into a wall, and accidentally knocking out grandma.

LED Implants
Back in 2016, a group of scientists at the University of Tokyo developed a new invention that turns our skin into a light-up display.
Personal Air Purifier
The next device might look like a futuristic neck brace, but it’s actually a personal air-purifier called the ‘Air Ring.’ The device is a portable facemask that sucks in air from the outside world and filters out the viruses and pollutants, before blasting clean air back into your face.
Sci-Fi Sneakers
Let’s stay on the cyber-catwalk and check out another piece of futuristic fashion. The Cryptide Sneaker from Sintratec is a fully 3D printed shoe that might just be the future of footwear.
It’s made out of just one material, a special polymer called TPE elastomer. The TPE is thicker and thinner in different places, meaning that specific parts of the shoe are rigid, while others are soft and flexible. This means the shoe is both comfortable, and incredibly fast to manufacture, as the whole thing can be printed out in one go, without requiring any stitching or gluing. The Cryptide’s scaffolding-style sole means that the sneakers are incredibly comfortable, however, if you want to ‘Star Trek’ through the snow, you might need some footwear that’s a bit heavier duty.Fridge Of The Future
Currently, most of us store our perishable food inside normal fridges; primitive appliances that can’t tell us the time, or what the weather’s like outside. Luckily, we won’t have to put up with these pieces of junk for much longer, as the world’s biggest tech companies start to develop smart fridges with some unbelievable features.
Currently, LG, Samsung and Amazon are all working on fridges that can scan their own contents, keeping track of the food you place inside them. These fridges will boast touchscreen displays that can let you know when you’re starting to run low on certain items, let you reorder products, and recommend you recipes based on the ingredients you have. The technology will make sure you never run out of milk again! The idea is that the food packaging you place in the fridge will be chipped with an RFID tag. This is a scannable tag that’s increasingly being used by food manufacturers to manage stock and shipping, as they can be scanned using radio waves, eliminating the need for the direct-sight of a barcode.Next-Generation Pacemakers
If someone tells me they have a broken heart, I immediately prescribe them with a tub of chocolate ice cream, a Hugh Grant rom-com, and a hug. However, if you’re suffering from a genuine heart condition, you’re definitely better off going to see a licensed medical professional.
Currently, lots of heart conditions are treated with pacemakers. These small implants monitor your heart and zap it with electricity when it starts beating irregularly, jumpstarting the muscles back into a normal rhythm. Pacemakers work well, but they have to be replaced when their battery runs out, requiring surgery every 7 years. However, a group of professors from the Universities of Illinois and Washington have developed a new futuristic device to replace pacemakers, that on top of other wonderful things, allows patients to detect heart attacks with their smart phone.Home Robots
So far, we’ve looked at fridges, footwear, facemasks, robot chef arms, but we haven’t covered the most important sci-fi invention of all: robot butlers.
In 2021, Elon Musk and Tesla announced the development of ‘Optimus,’ a bipedal robot butler that’s designed to do the jobs that humans ‘don’t want to do.’ Musk says that the robot should be taking out our trash and sweeping our floors by 2027, when it’ll be released to the public for just $20,000. That’s pretty exciting news, however, some experts think that Elon’s claims are incredibly far-fetched, noting that currently, Optimus walks like it’s peed its pants, and some experts predict it’ll take decades to fully develop.Graphene
We’ve looked at some insane sci-fi inventions today, however, we haven’t looked at the futuristic materials that they’re going to be made out of. Currently, our world is ruled by plastic, metal, and concrete, but the inventions of the future will be built with something else; a world-changing material called Graphene.
Everything in the universe is made out of atoms; you, me, and the air we’re currently breathing. While most materials and objects are made up of several connected layers of atoms, graphene is one of the few materials that’s made up of just one layer of carbon. This means that a sheet of graphene is around 1 million times thinner than a piece of paper, which combined with its strength gives the material some unbelievable properties.Graphene’s hexagonal structure is incredibly sturdy, so much so, it’s currently the strongest material ever discovered, measured to be over 200 times stronger than steel. Despite its strength, the ultra-thin material is also incredibly light, and if you covered a football field with a sheet of graphene, it would still weigh less than a single dollar bill. Electricity can easily pass across Graphene’s single-layer hexagonal structure, so it can also conduct electricity 1,000 times better than copper, and 250 times better than silicon, the material that we currently use in computer chips.Graphene’s potential is incredible, but unfortunately, it’s incredibly difficult and expensive to make, so scientists can only manufacture small amounts of it at a time. It’s currently one of the most-expensive materials in the world, and we have no idea how to mass produce high-quality versions of graphene in a cost-effective way.