North Korea's Craziest Laws

December 8, 2024
•20 min read
Let's investigate some of the most insane laws that exist in North Korea.
Of all the countries in the world, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, more commonly known as North Korea, might just be the most mysterious. Nicknamed "The Hermit Kingdom", it’s famous for its isolation and independence, but also for its shocking lack of human rights.
Because it exists under the iron-fisted rule of a dictatorship, headed by Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un, its laws are some of the most extreme in the world. So, with that in mind, let’s expose some of the craziest laws that’ve ever been enforced here, that we know of.Execution For Sleeping
We’ve all fallen asleep when we’ve not meant to. Maybe it was in a Zoom meeting, or on a school desk, and while you may expect some sort of punishment, you’d never expect capital punishment for it. But you would in North Korea.
In 2015, Minister of Defense Hyon Yong-chol was reportedly ordered to be dispatched for napping during military rallies. Kim Jong-Un had him removed from his post immediately, and the sentence was carried out in public to send a message that laziness and insubordination will not be tolerated to everyone in the country.
Banning Bicycles
Bicycles are an essential transport option for many people that live or work in busy cities. Yet, in North Korea, bicycles were actually banned in the streets of its capital city, Pyongyang. Unlike neighboring China, which over the last century saw a natural progression from walking to cycling to motorized transportation, North Korea wanted to fast track this progression. How? By banning bikes and insisting its citizens rely on motor vehicles to get around.
This might have worked, if their economy hadn’t completely tanked in 1991, leaving most North Koreans too poor to afford enough to eat, let alone a car. As such, in 1992, Pyongyang’s bicycle ban was lifted, but even now most citizens remain too poor to afford a car, so it’s mainly bikes that’re used on the empty roads.Banning Jeans
Since mid-2020 Kim Jong-Un has announced a crackdown on "Western influences", including all styles of jeans. This stems all the way back to the division of Korea in 1945, where South Korea, backed by capitalist America, fought the North, backed by the communist Soviet Union, for control over the country. Ever since the division, citizens in the North have been taught to view American capitalism, and the wider western world, as the enemy, along with all their influences and values.
It doesn’t just stop at jeans and hair though. Unless you have a work uniform, women are technically not allowed to wear trousers in North Korea at all. The law is still enforceable to this day, but it’s hard to enforce on a nation of 26 million people. If women are caught wearing them, a patriotic youth league member can and will interrogate the individual and force her to write a letter confessing to the crime.
State-Approved Hairstyles
In the west, hair’s often used to express your individuality. Some of us choose to have a spiky mohawk, or bright blue hair, even the mullet is back in fashion. Never thought I’d see the day. But in North Korea, extreme hairstyles are heavily discouraged. It’s likely you’d find yourself stopped by the patriotic youth league again, and then forced to remove or cut your chosen style. In 2013, the state released a guide of 28 appropriate hairstyles: 10 for men, 18 for women.
North Korea has 28 state approved haircuts. (via TIME)
Banned From Using Leader's Name
With 8 billion people on the planet, there’s bound to be someone out there with the same name as you. But Kim Jong-Un decided that his name should be unique, and all North Koreans are prohibited from sharing it. Everyone called Jong-un were forced to completely change their name in 2011; the year he became the Supreme Leader. He’s also recently extended this rule to include his daughter’s name, Kim Ju-ae, who, at this point, appears to be his successor.
Blocked International Calls
Thanks to the advancement of cellphone technology, you can call just about anyone anywhere in the world unless they’re in North Korea. As standard, the country’s popular domestic mobile phone service, Koryolink, blocks all international calls, signal jammers are used at the country’s boarders, and just about all electronic communications are monitored.

Housing System
A lot of us dream of being able to buy a house one day. Having your own place is considered by most as a basic necessity, but not so in North Korea. Like so much else here, the government controls all property in the country. All buildings are technically owned by the state, and citizens are assigned their housing by them, too.
No Fun On July 8
Of all the totally unhinged laws enforced by the North Korean government, this next one might be the most insane. Kim Jong Un and his regime have completely banned smiling on July 8th, every year. This date is significant in the country as the death date of founder and former president Kim Il-sung, who passed in 1994.
On each anniversary of his death, citizens are not allowed to smile, talk loudly, dance or drink alcohol. No fun celebrations or activities can be held either, so if it’s your birthday that day, you’re completely out of luck. Disregarding these rules will send you to the labor camp, and may even be cause for your dispatch. Who would have thought smiling could be a capital crime?
It’s extremely hard to picture our lives without the internet now. Over 65 percent of the world’s population has access to it, and it’s actively used by 5.3 billion people. You’re using it to watch this video right now, and yet, North Koreans can’t use it the way we do at all.
Instead of the internet, North Korea provides its citizens with access to an intranet, a domestic-only network known as Kwangmyong, which, back in 2014, boasted it gave its users access to 5,500 websites, including things like video games, though, all communication and activity on them is monitored; no privacy here! Certain state officials can be granted access to the wider internet, but with the suppression of information being so important to the regime, even this can be limited. In 2016, a security engineer discovered North Korea had actually created 28 websites available on the wider internet! These include "", a kind of hyper political Facebook page which apparently has some 18 million members. There’s also "", a recipe website, and "", where you can watch hundreds of North Korean films, documentaries and even anime. It’s believed more sites have been added in recent years, but still, compared to the 2 billion sites on the world wide web, it’s barely anything at all.Assigned Jobs
When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up? An astronaut? A ballerina? Unfortunately, North Korean kids don’t get to dream, because everyone’s lifelong job is delegated by the government. To maintain the rigid control of resources under its collectivism system, the government researches how many people are needed in each industry and location, then assigns people accordingly.
No Freedom Of Faith
In the west, freedom of religion is a pretty essential human right. You can choose to believe whatever you want, being that the Son of God walked among us as the Bible teaches, or that galactic warlords invaded our volcanoes 75 million years ago, as Scientology claims. But in North Korea, freedom of faith isn’t a thing.
In 2014, an American was imprisoned for five months for leaving his Bible in a North Korean restaurant toilet. The outrage this incident caused stems from the fact that North Korea is a largely atheist state, with an enormous 70 percent of its citizens having no religion. Although there are churches located in Pyongyang, these buildings are fully operated by the state. Tourists have reported that churches can be closed during advertised sermon times, and when they are open, they’re filled with political propaganda and fake believers. Observing the Christian religion as a North Korean is restricted completely, because having faith in a higher power or savior-like figure conflicts with having faith in the reigning regime. You can’t believe in both, according to North Korea, it’s the Kim family or nothing. One extreme case in 2023 involved the arrest of a family, including their two-year-old daughter, for possessing a Bible. All family members, including the toddler, were apparently sentenced to life in prison. Yes, Kim Jong Un’s definitely going to hell for this one.Triplet Babies
Many things may be considered good luck: a symbol, a number, or even worshipping a particular god. In North Korea, triplets are supposed to represent good fortune. Not only are they venerated because of the falling birth rate in the country, but they’re also signs of luck and prosperity. This is why, when triplets are born, they’re automatically taken away by the state!
How #NorthKorea Uses Triplets for Creepy Propaganda… Nice piece via @nwadhams @business
Three Generations Of Punishment
If you have siblings, you’ve probably been blamed for something they did at some point. Whether it was deliberate or an accident, taking the heat for your family’s mistakes feels unfair. But in North Korea, you can be jailed just for being related to a criminal! This is what’s known as the three generation sentence, or Kin punishment. This means that committing a crime will also condemn three generations of your family, which could be your children and grandchildren, or your parents and grandparents.

Juche Calendar
168 countries use the Gregorian calendar, but some use their own, and North Korea is one of them. They have their own system called Juche; an ideology centered on self-reliance and independence from the outside world.
Family Regime Portraits
Anything that disrespects the Kim family in particular is considered blasphemy, and would be met with severe consequences, even a minor jibe. This doesn’t have to be verbal disrespect, either. Portraits of the leaders Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-Il are hung in every house, and it’s obligatory to wear party badges with their images on their clothes. Not taking the care to maintain them, or even dust them properly can get you in trouble.
To combat this, each family is given a special duster specifically for cleaning these portraits. The Kim family and their government are meant to be revered, almost looked up to as gods, so it’s no surprise some people bow to them every morning. Luckily, we’re outside this insanely egotistical joke-free jurisdiction.Pop Culture Ban
Back in the 1960’s, TVs became must have items in western homes, with a total of just 3 channels to watch. Of course, there’s hundreds of TV broadcasts to spoil yourself with now but, unsurprisingly, North Korea is stuck in the past. It offers just 4 state-owned TV channels to choose from, exclusively showing programs glorifying the regime and its achievements. Anything else is banned.
This goes for all foreign media, including movies, music and even books. If the propaganda department finds just one article from the big, banned list in a citizen’s possession, their entire collection can be destroyed! Punishments vary depending on the content and background of the contraband, too. Watching an Indian film may send you to prison, but an American movie can sign your dispatch certificate! In 2021, a man was dispatched for distributing copies of the South Korean thriller series Squid Game. This offence was particularly serious, as the show mentions North Korea’s regime, and paints it in a negative light by including a fictional defector from the country.
Banned Brands
Nowadays, you won’t find many things without a huge brand slapped on it: we drink Coca-Cola often, we pick up McDonald’s now and again, but North Korea hates brands, especially American ones. Branding is related to capitalist living, the exact opposite of the communist, socialist dream The Kim Dynasty is striving for.
Because of this, the country is one of the only places in the world that doesn’t sell Coca Cola, and you’d be hard-pressed to find a McDonald’s there, too. They do have fast food chains of their own, such as Samtaesong; a burger joint whose locations are limited exclusively to Pyongyang. But this is only for tourists and the elite, as it’s a business venture owned and operated by Kim Jong Un’s aunt.Sir this is a samtaesong burger shop from pjöngyang, north korea
Expropiándole una joyería a la parienta por San Valentín.
Portrait Protectors
In a fire, what’s the first thing you’d grab? Obviously, it would be what’s most precious to you. A parent would instantly grab their child, or a loving owner might grab their pet. In North Korea, however, the first thing you have to take with you are the regime portraits. When disaster strikes, the first thing citizens must do is save the pictures of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-Il, and only after this can they save their own lives and belongings. Respect for the leaders, as we’ve all come to realize, is no joke.
Back in 2020, it was reported that a mother of two actually faced jail time after saving her children from a fire and leaving behind the pictures. We can hope that she’s no longer being held by the state, but the North Korean government loves to hold a grudge.
Basketball Rules
If you’re a basketball fan, you might feel a little confused when watching a North Korean game. As we’ve learned, North Korea has its own way of doing things, so, naturally, their basketball games are vastly different. Firstly, the famous three pointer is worth four points if the ball passes through the net without striking the basket or backboard, and a slam dunk acquires an extra point making it worth three instead of two. That’s not all.
A point can be deducted for every missed free throw and any field goal made in the last three seconds of a game can not only earn your team extra, it can completely change the outcome, with a bump up of eight points. Games can also end in a tie against opponents, something that’s rare in the normal rulebook.ICYMI: In the late 1990s, North Korea experimented with unique basketball rules. From eight-point shots to penalties for missed dunks, this initiative was part of a broader effort to make the game faster and more competitive. Read the behind story: