Passive Aggressive Ways People Got Revenge - Part 2

August 19, 2024
•13 min read
Here are some awesome passive aggressive ways people got revenge.
They say revenge is a dish best served cold and it turns out, they might actually be right. At least, that’s the conclusion to be drawn from the countless brilliant examples of cold, calculated revenge to be found throughout the internet. From the ultimate way to stop a food thief, to the greatest pay-back against a bully ever, let’s explore some awesomely passive-aggressive ways people got revenge.
Cold Call Cash
In 2011, Lee Beaumont from Leeds, England got even with the frustratingly high number of telemarketing cold callers he was dealing with by turning them into a new stream of income. While only giving his personal number out to friends and relatives, he set up a premium phone line to give out every time a bank, gas or electricity supplier requested his contact number.

Saudi King Greeted In The UK By Imperial March
International politics is a difficult game. When you depend heavily on the oil exports of a nation run by someone guilty of inflicting countless human rights violations upon their own people, things get a little complicated. That was exactly the case with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, so when he visited the UK in 2007, the Brits weren’t exactly overjoyed and neither were the band employed to welcome him.
But being under the employ of the British royal family, the band couldn’t flat out refuse to play. So, instead, they chose to accompany the Saudi King’s approach with a suitably menacing soundtrack:Dave Don't Snore
When someone’s significant other is snoring in bed, the usual response is to shove them until they stop long enough for the other person to fall asleep. But that wasn’t enough for Twitter user DuckMischief.
Instead, she recorded her husband’s snoring and got revenge for countless sleepless nights by remixing it into a song. Soon, DuckMischief’s track began picking up listens online, and now her husband’s embarrassing snoring has been heard by over half a million people on Spotify.I’m closing in on a million streams thanks to @distrokid and I’ve only been with them a year
Steve Hofstetter's Airport Revenge
In 2017, while standup Comedian Steve Hofstetter was walking to his gate at Los Angeles International Airport, he noticed a woman talking loudly and obnoxiously on her phone. Unfortunately, she was completely oblivious to the fact that the dog she’d brought with her was taking a big old Boston steamer on the airport floor.
Several people pointed that out to her, but she just huffed at the inconvenience of being disturbed, saying “they have people for that”. Steve was appalled, but continued to his gate.
Wrapping Revenge
In Christmas 2019, one brother decided to get his revenge for a year earlier, when his sibling had given him his Christmas gift wrapped in multiple layers of duct tape. As payback, the duct tape recipient took intentionally making a present hard to unwrap to the next level, by wrapping his brother’s gift in concrete. On the bright side, he was kind enough to provide a hammer to crack it open and protective goggles for safety.
When Londoner Angel Exford started dating Michael Fehsenfeld in 2018, she thought he was just a normal guy. There were a few red flags, however. Michael’s social media snapshots of him posing in branded clothing and in front of expensive cars didn’t quite line up with the lack of money he had available in real life. And on their first date, Michael arrived claiming to have lost his wallet, resulting in him using Angel’s contactless card instead for the whole evening.

Dog Poop Revenge
Our next story comes from G&P Coins, who commented on our YouTube channel. They shared their story of a nightmare neighbor who let their dog do its business all over the neighborhood without ever cleaning up after it. With stinky surprises constantly being left in everybody’s yards, needless to say, the commenter and the other residents soon grew annoyed.
So, the commenter took matters into their own hands. They began gathering the poops which, normally, would seem like psychopath behavior but wait till the end. After 4 weeks, they’d amassed a collection weighing in at a hefty 15lbs.They took that pungent load, dumped it on the dog owner’s porch, rang the doorbell and waited. When she finally answered, the commenter calmly explained that they were returning her dog’s property. From that day on, no stray turds were ever spotted on any of the neighborhood lawns again.
Roomie Rivalries
One of our YouTube commenters utilized a slightly less passive form of revenge after their roommates rudely devoured a chocolate cake they’d made for a friend’s birthday. The commenter, Grumblebum of Oz, responded by baking another delicious looking cake, only this time, laced with 3 boxes of chocolate flavored laxatives. Needless to say, the apartment’s plumbing had its work cut out for it that night, after the second cake was consumed without hesitation!
But the most eyebrow raising roommate revenge of all was carried out by another of our commenters, who honestly may have taken it a little too far. After clumsypuff’s roommates ignored countless requests to stop using the commenter’s shower products, it was time to get real.So, clumsypuff spiked a bottle of hair conditioner with Nair hair remover. Then, it was just a matter of waiting. Soon enough, their roommate’s hair, which he’d previously claimed was his best feature began falling out in clumps. As soon as the roommate figured out the cause of his unexpected new bald spots, the thieving finally stopped.
Coworker Revenge
An annoying roommate is one thing, but at least you can choose not to live with them anymore if things get particularly bad. It’s a little more complicated with an irritating co-worker. Unless you’re willing to go through the arduous process of finding a new job, you’re stuck with them for as long as you need the money your work pays!
But that doesn’t mean you can’t get even from time to time. Tammy Dearhouse, another of our commenters, shared this story of her dad’s revenge on a co-worker who was so worried about scratching his mid life crisis car, he insisted on parking across 3 spaces. Despite complaints from other co-workers who’d been forced to inconveniently park down the street due to the lack of spaces in the parking lot, his selfishness continued.So, one lunchbreak, Tammy’s old man bought 5 orders of fries from a local fast food joint, scattered them all over the mid life crisis mobile, and returned to work. Over the course of the afternoon, according to plan, the local seagull population came in and had their fill, and left a few parting gifts in return. When the car’s owner returned at quitting time, his precious vehicle was absolutely covered in bird droppings.
Car Revenge
With road rage being a very real thing, it makes sense that there’s a good number of stories of people getting payback for vehicle based vexations. Like Reddit user Ryman_Tea’s revenge against his buddy, who covered his car in toilet paper as a prank. In return, the Redditor used the same idea, only more colorfully, by painstakingly coating his friend’s car in post-it notes over the course of 2 hours.
Fecal Revenge
Sometimes, revenge gets a little messy. Like in 2015, when supermarket chain Lidl announced they’d be lowering their milk prices. Independent farmers, unable to compete with those lower prices, weren’t too happy. So, a group of farmers in France drove their tractors up to the local Lidl, and unleashed a torrent of manure on the building in protest.
Get Off My Land!
As anyone who lives in the countryside will tell you, farmers don’t take kindly to intruders on their land. So, when a farmer in Jakusevec, Croatia repeatedly found shoppers from the local market using his field as a free parking lot without his permission, he was furious.
After asking them nicely to refrain on several occasions failed, the farmer decided to teach them a lesson, by ploughing the land around their cars while they were shopping. With the dirt turned over, driving out without getting stuck became almost impossible for the opportunistic parkers.Petty Breakup Revenge
Ending a relationship is rarely easy, but when somebody wrongs you in a big way, taking some sweet, sweet revenge can certainly dull the pain a little. When the prom date of one high school senior from Colorado not only ditched her for another girl, but also demanded the $95 he’d spent on her back, she obliged. Only, she did so with a generous helping of pettiness, to even the odds after being betrayed by him. She gave her ex the money, but she did so entirely in pennies.
But the most official form of a relationship ending is with a divorce. And when the reason for the split is adultery, it’d almost be wrong not to take some form of revenge. Back in 2007, a German man used the highest form of passive aggression when it came to splitting his possessions evenly with his now ex wife. Using his skills as a mason, he took a chainsaw to their 26 ft long summer house and cut it clean in half!
Getting Back At Bullies
If there’s anyone who deserves some comeuppance in the form of calculated revenge, it’s bullies. And once in a while, they get what’s coming for them. Like in our next story, from one of our YouTube commenters, Kartoffelkamm.
After some neighborhood bullies kept demolishing the snowmen he and his brother were building, they set a trap for the snow bandits. Grabbing some old bricks, they constructed a small tower, built a snowman around it, and waited for their adversaries to try destroying it.Sure enough, later that day, they heard a scream of agony from outside. Upon investigation, they found one of the bullies on the floor clutching his painful, swollen fist, having tried to punch the snowman into oblivion.