People Who Outsmarted Security In Hilarious Ways

March 30, 2023
•12 min read
There are lots of incredibly sneaky ways people sneak past security. Here are some unbelievable ways people snuck past security!
Going through security checks at airports, concerts, and various other formal events can sometimes seem like a total chore, but the bottom line is that these precautions are only there to keep us safe. Still, that doesn’t mean security is always air-tight. From simple disguises to tightrope acts, let's discover the most unbelievable ways people managed to sneak past security!
Marilyn Hartman, The Serial Stowaway
First up is this sweet old lady who managed to board a plane heading to London from Chicago O’Hare International Airport in January 2018 without a boarding pass or even a passport.
66-year-old Marilyn Hartman was detained by customs officials when she landed in the UK having miraculously bypassed the Chicago airports security system without any legal documentation. This unbelievable act of stealth didn’t require any mission-impossible style planning, though, because Hartman basically just hid in plain sight.According to reviews of surveillance footage, she used her hair to conceal her face from nearby officers, hid herself behind other passengers in security lines and even managed to sneak aboard the airport shuttle without presenting a ticket.
Stranded Jet Skier Breaches JFK Security
In 2012, 31-year-old Daniel Casillo was out partying on his Jet Ski in New York City’s Jamaica Bay when it unexpectedly ran out of fuel forcing him to swim ashore for help. Little did he know he was about to penetrate a $100 million security system.
Slightly intoxicated and disorientated by the evening's increasing darkness, Casillo had found himself at the grounds of JFK international airport, which had recently had a state-of-the-art anti-terrorist system installed.

Brussels Airport Diamond Heist
If you’re planning on staging a diamond heist, an international airport with its huge footfall and unique set of high-security systems is probably not the best place to start; although judging by the last two examples, why the hell not?
In February 2013, eight masked gunmen were able to successfully make off with $50 million dollars’ worth of diamonds which were being transported to Zurich via a Swiss-bound flight from Brussels Airport.

Berlin Wall Great Escapes
In its heyday, the Berlin wall – which separated West Berlin from East Germany from 1961 to 1989 – was one of the most high-security places in the world. The wall was fortified with 302 watchtowers, 11,000 soldiers and guard dogs, and over 79 miles of electric fence to prevent people from illegally crossing the border, and yet there are some pretty inventive ways people managed to escape.
In September 1979, the families of a mechanic and a mason were able to build a make-shift hot air balloon from old propane cylinders and bed sheets which they used to float 8,000 feet over the wall to freedom, where they landed safely in a blackberry bush.

Big Brother Break-in
Big Brother is a reality TV franchise where people are isolated from the outside world in a house for an extended period. The house is covered in surveillance cameras designed to keep tabs on the housemates at all times, but the house went into full lockdown in January 2018 when two viral pranksters were able to infiltrate the iconic television set from the outside.
British YouTubers Ally Law and Ryan Taylor planned the break-in attempt for a video and wore GoPros as they climbed the outer perimeter fence, scaled backstage walkways and staircases and eventually broke into the garden, outrunning security and giving the celebrity housemates an unexpected shock during a live eviction.Dion Rich, the World's Greatest Gate Crasher
From primetime television to one of the world’s biggest sporting events, meet the man who has snuck into almost every Super Bowl since the NFL championship began in 1967. Dion Rich has earned a legendary reputation as one of the best gate-crashers in the business after successfully living it up backstage and on the field at 33 Super Bowl events; even famously managing to carry Cowboy’s coach Tom Landry off the field in 1978.
This article about the famous gate crasher, Dion Rich, is hilarious.…

White House Dinner Crashers
Blagging your way into a stadium packed with hordes of football fans is one thing, but this next gate-crasher managed to sneak into an event so high-profile that she could literally rub elbows with the president.
Wannabe reality star Michaele Salahi and her partner Tareq successfully managed to get past security at Obama’s first presidential state dinner in November 2009, where they freely mingled with a whole host of high-profile celebs including the president of India, exiting swiftly just before dinner.
Buckingham Palace Intruder
Breaking and entering is a pretty common crime, but this next security-dodger successfully broke into the most famous house (or palace) in England and found himself face-to-face with the Queen herself.
On the 9th of July 1982, 31-year-old Michael Fagan broke into the impenetrable fortress of Buckingham Palace by scaling a 14-foot barbed-wire wall and climbing a drainpipe before sneaking in through an open window.

Comedy Terrorist
From one royal screw-up to another, this self-proclaimed ‘comedy terrorist’ gate-crashed Prince William’s 21st birthday in 2003, all while dressed outrageously. Wannabe comedian Aaron Barschak arrived at Prince Will’s ‘Out of Africa’ themed party in a pink Bin Laden outfit complete with beard and sunglasses and climbed the wall at Windsor Castle to gain exclusive entry.
Psy Impersonator Fools Cannes
Most of us recall Psy like a distant memory, but at the height of his viral career back in 2013 Gangnam style singer Psy was unavoidable. All this Psy impersonator needed to get his own fifteen minutes of fame was a pair of sunglasses as he successfully gained access to dozens of high-profile celebrity parties.
In 2013, this ordinary man even went backstage at the Cannes Film Festival and spent the evening posing with celebrities on social media, enjoying free champagne and even signing up for appearances at charity galas.seems like there's another ME at cannes...say Hi to him @scooterbraun lol #PSYinSINGAPORE
Naked Parachutist Drops In On Buckingham Palace
As if Michael Fagan’s run-in with the Queen wasn’t enough to tighten security at Buckingham, another breach raised more questions about royal safety on the 5th of February 1994 when a naked paraglider landed on the north-east roof of the palace.
James Miller, otherwise known as ‘fan-man’, had already been prosecuted for parachuting into a Vegas open-air heavyweight boxing match between Riddick Bowe and Evander Holyfield the previous November, when he decided to take things one step further.

Bill Murray Party-Crashing
Sometimes gate crashing an event you’re not invited to requires careful planning, some serious blagging skills, or even a celebrity disguise. Other times, you can just waltz in wherever you like, if you happen to be Bill Murray, that is.
The beloved Hollywood actor, comedian, and writer has gained quite a reputation for turning up uninvited to a whole host of ordinary events, creating an unforgettable night for shell-shocked guests and whoever else happens to be around.In 2006, Murray accompanied a student he’d met at a bar in Scotland to a college party where he drank vodka from a coffee mug before washing the dishes, while in 2010 he hopped behind the bar at the South by Southwest event and refused to serve anything but tequila shots. He even showed up at someone’s bachelor party in 2014, giving some unforgettable advice to the groom.