Recently Discovered Planets You Won't Believe Exist

September 2, 2023
•16 min read
Let's check out planets NASA discovered that defy all logic!
Our planet is pretty amazing. It’s the only one in over 5,000 discovered planets that we are sure has life. But, in this infinite, expanding universe, have you ever wondered if there was something better? It turns out there’s a candy world, a diamond world, and all manner of other unbelievable places out there! Let's take an intergalactic cruise around some newly discovered planets so unbelievable they seem to defy logic itself!
So, what makes a planet suitable for us to live on? Most importantly, it needs to support liquid water or we’d be shriveled up space raisins. Many planets orbit a star, ours is the sun, but a planet can only support liquid water if it’s a certain distance away from its star. Too close and any water will evaporate from the heat, too far and it’ll freeze!
The sweet spot in between these two extremes however is known as the habitable zone. Because stars vary massively in intensity, the distance of the habitable zone can differ wildly from system to system. One such planet that lands right in that sweet spot is K2 18b. We can’t get close to these planets to take photos. Most, if not all visuals we have are artists' impressions from the data we’ve obtained. The exoplanet, meaning a planet orbiting a star outside our solar system, was discovered by NASA in 2015. Unbelievably, it’s more than twice the size of Earth and is the first planet we’ve found with water vapor in its atmosphere. That means K2 18b could support human life!So, what are we waiting for? K2 18b orbits a star in the constellation Leo a staggering 124 lightyears away from Earth. Light travels 186,000 miles in a single second, and a lightyear is how far it travels in an entire year. So can you imagine how insanely far away 124 lightyears is? Astonishingly, it’s over 729 trillion miles.Hypothetically, a one-way ticket to K2 18b onboard our fastest space shuttle, Discovery, which travels around five miles a second, is still going to take you an unbelievable four and a half million years.
Kepler 442-b
Now you know how far away planets can be, you’re probably wondering how we find them in the first place. The most popular way is the Transit method, in which scientists select a specific cluster of stars to observe over a period of time. If one of the stars dims, it could mean an orbiting planet is passing over it.
The stars are trillions of miles away, so without a really high-end telescope, you’d never notice anything change. But the best telescopes can give us loads of data about a planet’s size, orbit, and even atmosphere! Even so, some planets are so far away we know very little about them.Like Kepler 442-b. The planet was discovered in 2015, and at a literally astronomical 1,206 lightyears away, none of our telescopes are capable of getting a good view. What we do know, however, is astounding. Kepler 442-b is bigger than Earth and might even be better.It’s in that habitable zone we mentioned above, so it could have liquid water but that’s not all. It’s also highly likely to be rocky, meaning it could look like Earth too. Here’s where it gets really special, though. Its sun is about 40% smaller than our own, which means it burns much slower.Wasp 107b, the Cotton Candy World
In 2017, scientists discovered Wasp 107b, which they’ve nicknamed “the Candy Planet” because it has a similar density to cotton candy! Despite being as big as Jupiter, Wasp 107b is a tenth of its mass, making it super light for its size. In fact, over 85% of its total mass is gas!
This in and of itself isn’t too crazy until you realize Jupiter is almost entirely made of gas too. So, how is Candyland so much lighter? It has to do with its core. Jupiter has a solid core that’s 25 times the mass of Earth’s, meaning it generates a wild amount of gravitational force. The greater the mass of a planet, the greater its gravitational force. This force pulls gasses into Jupiter’s atmosphere, which makes up the majority of the planet.Scientists used to think a planet’s core had to be at least 10 times the mass of Earth’s to be capable of this until they found Wasp 107b. Indeed, Wasp 107b’s core is just four times the mass of Earth’s! So, it should generate much less force than Jupiter and gather less gas; and yet, the two planets are the same size. So, how is this possible?Wasp 12b
This next planet has a huge appetite; Wasp 12b devours 94% of all light that enters its atmosphere. The planet, which was first discovered in 2008, is a “hot Jupiter”, a term for a giant, gaseous planet that orbits very close to its parent star. In fact, it orbits so close that the star’s gravitational force is warping the planet into an egg shape. The star is pulling the planet so intensely that it’s literally stretching out!
Our science tells us that WASP-12b, an exoplanet 1,200 light-years away, is so close to its star that it's being pulled into this⬇️ shape. So, it tracks that we're in two #TheWebbyAwards categories. Science: & Weird: Please vote!
Gliese 581c
As mentioned earlier in the article, habitable zones can be vastly different from one another. In 2007 scientists discovered a planet called Gliese 581c which has been deemed habitable despite being just 6.8 million miles from its nearest star!
That still seems pretty far, but it’s much closer than the 93 million miles we are from our sun! However, that’s not what makes it so interesting. Gliese 581c is tidally locked, meaning the planet doesn’t spin. One side always faces towards its star, while the other always faces away.
Toi 849b
We all love our birthdays but waiting 365 days for more presents feels so unfair! But if we lived on Toi 849b, an exoplanet discovered in 2020, we’d have a much shorter wait! It completes a full orbit of its host star, which takes one year on Earth, in as little as 18 hours.
But a year this short isn’t exactly cake all around. It can only complete this orbit because it’s incredibly close to its parent star. So close that its surface temperatures reach a sweltering 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit!Every day is a bad day on planet TOI 849 b. This rare exoplanet orbiting a star 700 light-years away could be the blasted, battered core of a once much larger world. Its atmosphere was either stripped away, or never developed. Still, the world endures.
Koi 5 System
In our solar system, all the planets orbit around one star the sun. But that’s not true for all the planets in our galaxy. Over a whopping 1,800 light years away is the Koi 5 system. It’s composed of not one, not two, but three stars all orbiting each other!

Kepler 37b
Kepler 37b was found in 2013, and it’s the smallest planet ever discovered! It’s about a third as large as Earth or roughly the same size as the moon. So, what would life be like on the smallest planet in the known universe?
Scientists believe it’s solid and rocky, so you could stand on it. But the lack of atmosphere combined with surface temperatures that reach a flesh frying 800 degrees Fahrenheit. But maybe there are loads more tiny planets out there we haven’t found yet that are far more habitable, they’re just harder to spot than the big ones!J1407b, the Super Saturn
One of the biggest space mysteries is Saturn’s rings. What’s going on there? Saturn has an incredibly powerful gravitational pull, strong enough to rip up comets and asteroids before they can reach the planet. Eventually, the particles and dust created from all this destruction came to circle around Saturn, held by its gravity in the form of individual rings.

Gliese 436-b
You might’ve noticed that a lot of these planets tend to be on the warmer side. That’s because the Transit method, or the way of finding planets, has the most success with ones that orbit close to their sun. Those that don’t are less likely to pass between the star we’re observing and our observation point.

55 Cancri E, the Diamond Planet
We all know how coveted and expensive diamonds are. But did you know that back in 2004, scientists discovered a planet just 40 lightyears away called 55 Cancri e that they originally thought could be made of the precious gemstones?
It was originally believed that 55 Cancri, the star the diamond planet orbits, contains large quantities of carbon. Therefore, it’s probable that 55 Cancri e was formed from the same swirling space dust as its star, meaning it also has a lot of carbon.On Earth, carbon atoms that are put under high heat and pressure bond together and crystallize into diamonds. 55 Cancri e is subjected to just such high pressures and temperatures because it’s in super close proximity to its host star. So, it was theorized that these conditions would cause diamonds to form across the planet’s surface.
In 2008, scientists discovered a new planet in the Cygnus constellation they’ve named Hat-P- 7b. It’s tidally locked and orbits incredibly close to its star, resulting in one of the strangest atmospheres ever seen.

PSR J1719-1438b
Practically every star in the 100 billion stars in the Milky Way is believed to have at least one planet orbiting it. But some host star-to-planet relationships have surprising consequences. Take PSR J1719-1438b as an example.
The planet was first discovered in 2011 and it orbits something called a pulsar. In basic terms, these are incredibly dense and compact stars. Despite being only 11 miles wide, about the size of Washington DC, a single teaspoon of matter from the pulsar orbiting PSR J1719-1438b would weigh a billion tons on Earth.And its crazy mass means the pulsar exerts a tremendous amount of gravitational force on its planet. It’s a whopping 4,000 lightyears away though. So you’d imagine something so tiny would be impossible to see from Earth but that’s the really cool thing about pulsars. Their magnetic field can be over a trillion times stronger than ours on Earth, which makes them spin super fast and emit beams of light from their magnetic poles.
Our own climate on Earth can be pretty crazy. We get hurricanes, hailstones, and all kinds of other meteorological horrors. But you probably never heard of a planet with weather quite like HD189773b.