Scariest SCPs Ever Found

February 9, 2025
•13 min read
From killer creatures to cursed objects, the vaults of the Foundation are filled to the brim with nightmare-inducing entities.
The SCP Foundation is an organization dedicated to protecting humanity. Not from wars or disease, but from supernatural entities and anomalies called SCPs! Though some are harmless, others are so terrifying that locking them away from the rest of the world is the only way to protect mankind from their existence. From killer creatures to cursed objects, the vaults of the Foundation are filled to the brim with nightmare-inducing entities. Let's take a tour of the most terrifying of them all.
SCP-173: The Sculpture
If you’re ever unfortunate enough to be left in a room with SCP-173, its utterly bizarre appearance might make you look twice. But whatever you do, don’t take your eyes off it.
listen all im sayin is scp 173 kinda got a dumpy
SCP-087: The Stairwell
When you were a kid, was there anything more terrifying than walking down an unlit staircase? The steps felt like they went down forever, and you could have sworn there was something lurking in the dark. Your parents probably told you it was just your imagination, but the existence of SCP – 087 will make you wish they were right!
In the building of an undisclosed college campus, SCP-087 manifests as a never-ending, shadowy platform staircase. Test subjects sent down to explore the stairwell report that it goes down far beyond the structure of the building, or any geological surroundings.
SCP-149: The Mosquito
The common mosquito is, arguably, the worst animal on the planet. The blood-sucking menace can transmit hundreds of diseases, killing countless people and leaving many others covered in infuriatingly itchy bite marks. But as terrible as they are, they’re nothing compared to SCP-149.
It’s an unnatural breed of mosquito that carries a truly repulsive retrovirus. While a regular mosquito might leave you with malaria, one bite from SCP-149 will warp your DNA and leave you riddled with hundreds, sometimes thousands of mosquito eggs! They typically line the sinuses or esophagus, resembling unimaginably creepy clusters of cysts. But the real horror show starts when they begin to hatch. After just a few hours, the cysts burst revealing swathes of brand-new baby mosquitos, all of which clamber out of the nearest orifice. This means the mouth, nose and even eyes of the poor victim are chokingly overrun by the insidious swarm! The event is often fatal, and considering how horrendous having thousands of mosquitos climbing out of your face must feel, that’s probably a good thing!
SCP-049: The Plague Doctor
At first sight, you’d be forgiven for thinking SCP-049 was just someone messing around in a “Plague Doctor” Halloween costume, minus the spandex and pantyhose! But this creepy get up is part of its identity, quite literally! The thick, hide-like robes and beaked, bone-white mask grow out of its face and body, almost like a second skin!

SCP-1562: The Slide
Do you remember how awesome playground slides used to be? Before the world had ever heard of health and safety, you could slide down them at breakneck speeds with the guarantee of a scraped knee or two at the end. But not if you ever slid down SCP – 1562, because shockingly you’d never make it to the end!
The slide was requisitioned by the SCP Foundation after several children in its area went missing. They later discovered that anyone who slid down this metal death trap head-first inexplicably vanished a few inches before the end.
SCP-2170: The Clown Vaccine
Having an irrational fear of clowns is no laughing matter. Their garishly bright smiles, over-painted features, and goofy laughs can completely paralyze people with panic! And if that description alone had you feeling slightly uncomfortable, be sure to stay away from Tonopah, Nevada. Because it’s here, in a hideously triggering motel, that the SCP-2170 are currently contained.
They’re memetic entities, which spawn during a kind of infected thought process. In that way, they live in your mind and feed off your thoughts, which in this case is triggered only in those who have a fear of clowns.
SCP-303: The Doorman
Sometimes, it’s not what an anomaly can do, but what it looks like, that can paralyze you with fear. And the perfect case in point to prove that is SCP 303.
This emaciated humanoid haunts the shadowy corners of darkened windows, baring its most terrifying feature; that massive, grinning mouth. With no other discernible facial features, its oversized, humanoid teeth take up more than half of its head, accompanied only by a skin-crawling, wheezing noise.
SCP-3199: Humans, Refuted
During a blackout, the last thing you want to stumble across is the large, bow-legged bulk of SCP-3199. Standing at a gigantic 9.5 ft tall and weighing over 1,700 lbs, the huge body of this spine-chilling entity resembles a freshly plucked chicken with an impossibly human face. But, horrifyingly, it is!
Tests revealed that SCP-3199 is comprised of at least 6 types of DNA, including silkie chicken and human. This unnatural combination means that instead of hard bone, its spine consists of cartilage, allowing it to hellishly dislocate its neck and twist its head 340 degrees around! So, you can forget trying to sneak up on this thing from behind though god knows why you’d want to! Because despite its chicken genes, it’s a terrifyingly opportunistic predator.
SCP-096: The Crying Man
Some of these awful anomalies make you want to scrunch your eyes shut, cover your ears, and cry for your mommy. And if you want to avoid the wrath of SCP - 096, that’s exactly what you should do! Unnervingly nicknamed “The Crying Man”, this SCP is a pale, gangly, humanoid creature that has a face not even its mother could love. That’s because its jaw can open 4 times as long as an average human’s, giving it a void-like mouth that distends to the bottom of its neck.
This hideous feature is one that it’s acutely aware of, and it goes to great lengths to hide its face from any morbidly curious onlookers. But in the event that someone does catch a glimpse of its freaky façade, then all hell suddenly breaks loose. This long-limbed anomaly will desperately shield its face before letting out a stream of blood-curdling wails and screeches. After a heart-stopping minute, its distress turns into pure, unadulterated rage, and it’ll begin hunting after whoever saw its face. According to Foundation reports, there’s no known material or method that can stop it advancing, even anti-tank weapons can’t put a dent in it! But finally, once this SCP finds its unfortunate victim, it destroys them with an ungodly ferocity. So much so, that when it’s finished, not a single trace of its victim’s body remains.SCP-682: The Hard to Destroy Reptile
Just the idea of dunking a living thing into flesh-eating acid is enough to make most decent people feel uneasy. But in the case of SCP-682, I bet no-one would give a second thought to pulling that lever. Also known as the Hard to Destroy Reptile, this terrifyingly large and vastly intelligent creature has the unique ability to regenerate and shed different parts of its body.

SCP-957: Bait
The way that some of these SCPs kill, maim, or devour their victims makes you wonder if they’re completely empty inside. However, that’s quite literally the case with SCP – 957. This thin, hollow, humanoid creature has a distorted torso that sports an unnaturally large tear, showing that its body is completely devoid of any internal organs.

SCP-1471: The Application
The world we live in seems to have a mobile app for just about everything, including one that serves as a home for one of the most unnerving SCPs ever discovered.
Before it was erased from the web, the seemingly harmless application could be downloaded as the innocently named MalO ver1.0.0. The curious little app had no listed developer, enticing risk takers to download it and see what would happen. At first, none of the downloads seemed to work. But then, after about 6 hours, users started receiving messages with photos of places they had recently been, each containing the unfathomably perturbing SCP-1471-A.SCP NA LIVE TERROR COM AMIGOS UAUAUAUU
SCP-2521: Unspeakable
Of all the terrifying SCPs I’ve described so far, there’s one that’s quite literally unspeakable. SCP-2521 is an ominous, humanoid creature that’s made up of strange black tentacles. It uses these, along with some reality shifting abilities, to phase itself through walls and envelope its prey before disappearing into the darkness.
Guess This SCP.