Tricks Carnivals Don't Want You To Know About

October 9, 2022
•9 min read
Carnival games are tons of fun. However, you better think twice when spending on these games. Here are the top ten tricks carnivals wouldn't want you to know!
Carnival games are tons of fun. For just a dollar or two, you can earn yourself a plush toy or premium prizes that you won't get anywhere else. While it's certainly enticing to win these prizes, booth owners often employ several underhanded tricks to make it hard for you to win these prizes.
Better think twice when spending on these games, or you might end up getting played by them. Here are the top ten tricks carnivals wouldn't want you to know!10. Balloon Tricks
Balloon dart throw is one of the most common games found in carnivals. In this game, you are given a set of darts to pop a balloon. Pretty easy, right? It would be, if it weren't for the fact that the balloons are underinflated, which makes the darts bounce off instead of popping them.
Add to that the fact that the dart tips are made dull, making it even harder for you to pop the balloon. And to make things even worse for the player, the worthwhile prizes are found on the balloons placed on the sides, which are quite hard to hit compared to the ones clumped in the middle.
9. The Duck Pond Game
Popular among young children, the Duck Pond game is a carnival game that is literally impossible to lose. The objective of this game is simple: retrieve a plastic duck from a pond and you win a prize.
That's just about it, really. The problem is if you're looking to get the jackpot, be ready to shell out tens to hundreds of dollars, because the chances of netting the jackpot prize are astronomically low.8. Free Throw Games Not Following Standard Setups
If you think your years of playing basketball will help you win at this popular carnival game, think again. At first glance, you may think there's nothing wrong with the setup. But if you take a closer look, you'll see a number of things that seem off. For one, the rim is smaller and oval-shaped, which makes it harder for you to sink those baskets. Also, the balls used in this game are overinflated, making it bouncier than your common basketball.
7. Tricky Tubs Use Extra Bouncy Balls
Another popular carnival game, the goal of Tricky Tubs is to toss two balls into a tub with them staying there. To convince you that the game is winnable, the booth person will demonstrate how it's done by tossing the first ball inside the tub, and then handing you the second ball for a practice shot.

6. Bottles in the Bottle Pyramid Game
A common game found in most carnivals, the bottle pyramid attracts carnival attendees due to its relatively simple mechanics — throw a ball and knock over the stack of bottles in one go. This game would be easy, if it weren't for the fact that the bottom bottles contain lead, giving them a weight of up to 10 pounds.

5. Baseball Toss Radars Measure Lower Speeds
If you want to test out your ability to throw high-speed pitches, the baseball toss game might help you determine if you are ready for the big leagues. Or not. The baseball radars used in this game are tweaked, resulting in them measuring lower speeds.And as the game requires you to guess your pitching speed, the odds are basically stacked against you since you're competing with a "faulty" baseball radar. However, there is a way to beat this game. Throw a slow ball on your first try, followed by a speedy pitch on your second, and then throw a slightly faster pitch on your last try. Doing this will let you gauge your pitching speed, allowing you to guess your last pitch's speed a bit more accurately.
4. Ring Toss Games
If you're looking for a carnival game that nets you the best prizes, look no further than the ring toss game. Giant stuffed bears and other prizes can be won in this game if you manage to land a ring in one of the hundred bottles.
3. Shoot the Star Vs Newton's Third Law
If accuracy games are your thing, then 'Shoot the Star' is the game for you. Unlike other carnival games in this article, Shoot the Star is a totally fair game, with no underhanded tricks to stop you from getting those prizes.
Unfortunately, even with no tricks involved, this game can be infuriatingly hard. That's because you're faced with Newton's third Law of Motion: "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction". Once you are able to tear down the surrounding area of the star, you're left with a small piece of paper that is hard to tear down with your BB gun because there's not enough resistance from the paper to counteract the bullets' force.

2. The Rope Ladder is Designed to Make You Lose
Another popular skill-based game is the rope ladder climb, in which you are tasked to reach the top of the ladder and ring the bell to win the prize. It may seem easy, but once you try your hand at this game, you'll find yourself falling into the mattress over and over again.

1. Carnival Prizes are Cheaper When Bought Online
Suppose you win that giant stuffed bear on your first try in any of these carnival games. Lucky for you, right? Apparently not. That's because the entry fee for most of these games costs more than the prize you just won.