Weird Punishments Handed Out Instead of Prison

September 21, 2024
•18 min read
Here are some of the strangest punishments ever received.
Sometimes, the course of justice takes some unusual forms. It makes sense after all, not every slightly unpleasant deed deserves to be met with a harsh sentence or a hefty fine. In some cases, something a little more creative is much more effective at teaching someone a lesson about right and wrong. With a hilarious mixture ranging from court ordered chicken costumes to the funniest solution to a disagreement, let’s explore some weird punishments handed out instead of prison.
Taste of Your Own Tenement
An unpleasant landlord is never fun to deal with, but it’s even worse when they flat out refuse to carry out essential clean ups and repairs that are entirely their responsibility. But that’s exactly the kind of landlord the tenants of some terribly dilapidated houses in Cleveland, Ohio were dealing with in 2008.
Thankfully, though, they saw him get his comeuppance that year in a delightfully suitable manner after he was charged with several building code violations in his properties. On assessing the shoddy conditions of the homes, which the landlord had refused to repair whenever his tenants asked him to, the judge decided an unconventional punishment was in order.On top of a $100,000 fine, the judge ordered the landlord to move into one of his rundown properties for no less than 6 months, as a taster of what his tenants had to put up with. Under house arrest, he’d be monitored 24/7 to ensure that beside certain special family events, the only times he’d leave the lousy house would be to fix up his other properties.
Paddling Punishment
When flood conditions caused the Grand River in northern Ohio to overflow in 2011, police officials were sent in to patrol its banks to ensure nobody was in danger. When one ranger spotted a young man and woman in their early twenties rafting for fun on the treacherous waters, without any life jackets, he could barely believe his eyes!

Flute of Shame
In Medieval Europe, it wasn’t just criminals who were punished for wrongdoings. Merely annoying your fellow citizens was sometimes enough to earn you an unpleasant serving of personally customized justice. One such punishment involved being forced to walk around town wearing something known as the Flute of Shame, which was used to publicly humiliate terrible musicians.
That heavy iron flute, which had no musical function was worn around the neck of people whose musicianship or general showmanship brought nothing but irritation to the public who’d experienced it. With their fingers shackled to the device, the shamed wearer would be taunted by the public, who occasionally even threw rotten vegetables. It was a sure fire method of making sure the wearer didn’t perform publicly again before training a little harder.How Emperor Gallienus Punished A Greedy Merchant
Our next tale of peculiar punishment takes us all the way back to the height of the Roman empire, during the reign of Emperor Gallienus in the 3rd century A.D. In that period, a popular pastime in Rome was taking a trip down to the Colosseum to see the empire’s greatest gladiators duking it out against men and animals alike.

Drunkard’s Cloak
Jumping forward in time now, I introduce you to the drunkard’s cloak used in Britain, as well as parts of Europe and the USA between the 17th and 19th centuries. Coming into popularity after the passing of laws making public drunkenness a civil offense in England, that strange punishment consisted of wearing a hollowed out barrel with neck and leg holes.
Someone guilty of public drunkenness would be ordered to walk through the street for hours wearing the ridiculous outfit as a marker of their bad behavior. As if walking while drunk wasn’t hard enough already! As drunkenness didn’t warrant a particularly harsh or long term punishment, it was hoped that the embarrassment of the act would be enough to encourage drunkards to only drink inside their own homes.Judge Sentences Teen To Paint Job Using Toothbrush
One amateur graffiti artist from Painesville, Ohio, got caught in the act in 2019. After being found responsible for some sub-par graffiti left on a railroad car, the young man found himself in court, at the mercy of Judge Michael Cicconetti.
Judge Orders 25-Year-Old Man To Leave Home And Get A Job
The thought of inadvertently raising a spoiled kid is something that sends shivers down the spine of parents everywhere. But one Spanish family’s 25 year old son took bratty entitlement to never before seen heights in 2011, when he took his parents to court after they cut his pocket money.
The man had a law degree, but despite his parent’s repeated requests, refused to get a job. Instead, he preferred to sponge off his parents, and when they refused to meet his demands for an increased allowance, he took them to court.Clearly, though, the 25 year old hadn’t studied law quite hard enough, because the judge overseeing the case ruled heavily in his parents’ favor. While the 25 year old had launched the case hoping to secure a regular monthly payment of 400 euros from his parents, the judge instead ordered him to "leave home and get a job".
Disgusting Punishments From History
Sometimes, avoiding the long arm of the law is as simple as making sure you do your job correctly. Unfortunately, though, not everyone is capable of that but that is nothing new. People have been terrible at their occupations since jobs were invented, and historically, those failings have been met with a range of socially enforced comeuppances.
Some of the funniest and most fitting of those punishments for incompetence come from England, between the medieval period and the 17th century. For starters, during the reign of Henry VIII, any public toilet cleaner found guilty of dumping filth in the open streets ran the risk of a disgustingly appropriate punishment. They’d be forced to stand knee deep in a barrel of their collected waste, while wearing a paper hat declaring their wrongdoing.

Man Gets Creative Sentence For Calling Officer "Pig"
In 2002, an Ohio man got into a verbal confrontation with a police officer that culminated with him calling the officer the age old police related insult: pig. The officer in question wasn’t so pleased about that cold serving of bacon, and arrested the man on a misdemeanor charge.

Goat Tickle Torture
When the leaders and generals of Ancient Rome needed information from an enemy, uncomfortable imprisonment was far from the only method used to squeeze the info out. There were many methods too horrible to list on an advertiser friendly article, but one method was a little less brutal, albeit still very uncomfortable.
The method I’m talking about involved dipping the target’s feet in salt water, and having a goat come and lick it off. That process would be insanely ticklish, and for those with particularly sensitive feet, unbearable.
Deer Poacher Ordered To Watch Bambi In Jail
When a Missouri man was found guilty of illegal deer hunting in a protected area in 2018, the judge handling his case decided a year long jail sentence wasn’t quite enough. That was because, with no respect for the ecosystem of the forest, the man had remorselessly hunted a huge number of those deer purely for their antlers, wastefully throwing the meat away.
With that fact considered, the judge figured out a way to give him a little more empathy for the creatures: forcing him to watch the Disney classic, Bambi, at least once a month for the duration of his sentence.
Shrew’s Fiddle
During the medieval period in Germany and Austria, a unique type of punishment emerged, specifically aimed at dealing with people who argued in public. That punishment involved locking the feuding individuals face to face within a wooden yoke, secured around their necks and hands.

Ducking Stool
Between the 16th and early 19th centuries, from Europe to the early American colonies, an unusual practice existed that appeared a little like a modern day fair ground ride. But it wasn’t particularly fun for those who experienced it.
That punishment was known as the "ducking stool", and was used on dishonest tradesmen, disorderly women, and people deemed guilty of being ‘scolds’. The word "scold", in that case, meant troublesome, angry people who insulted others behind their back and regularly caused public arguments with their neighbors without any good reason.For misdeeds like that, the guilty individual would be fastened to a chair on a pole with a pulley system, with which they’d be repeatedly "ducked" into a pond or river. While that wasn’t usually intended to permanently harm the individual, the water could be very cold, and the whole spectacle was highly embarrassing. The practice was surprisingly common in that period, to the extent that poems like this one below, were even written warning unruly people of the practice: If noisy dames should once begin To drive the house with horrid din, Away, you cry, you’ll grace the stool, We’ll teach you how your tongue to rule.Costumes & Masks As Punishments
An outfit can say a lot about a person and nobody knew that better than those distributing punishments in the Middle Ages. Indeed, in that period, wearable items were regularly used to punish a range of behaviors considered taboo at the time.

#Curiosité Voici les masques de la honte, une sorte de punition embarrassante utilisée en Europe au Moyen-Âge jusqu'au XVIIIe. Les oreilles d'âne pour signifier un fou, une langue pendante pour un bavard, etc. Le but ? En plus du ridicule, donner une idée du péché de l'individu.
Michael Cicconetti's Chicken Suit
While forcing people to dress up in ridiculous costumes as punishment may seem like a thing of the past, one conviction in 2007 proved that’s not entirely the case. The unbelievably whacky incident is another spectacular tale from the archives of Ohio Judge Michael Cicconetti, and the costume in question is a chicken suit. Or, more specifically, three chicken suits.
After three men were caught attempting to solicit something indecent from an undercover police officer in Painesville, Ohio, they found themselves facing Cicconetti’s hammer. In his typical fashion, Ohio’s favorite Judge gave the men two options: 30 days in jail, or an afternoon spent standing in the middle of town in chicken costumes.Judge Sentences Men To Dress As Women
In 2001, two young men from Coshocton, Ohio were involved in a misdemeanor that left them facing a 60 day jail sentence. However, the judge on their case David Hostetler, was concerned about overcrowding at the local County Jail, and decided something a little different might be more suitable.
Perhaps inspired by fellow Ohio judge Mike Cicconetti, Judge Hostetler came up with the idea to subject the men to something that might knock their egos down a peg or two. Considering they’d been arrested for trying to be all macho by throwing glass bottles at private property, the judge decided the best way to remedy that ill informed attempt at masculinity was with something excessively feminine.Specifically, he ordered the men to walk around downtown Coshocton for an hour wearing dresses, long wigs, and makeup. With the options of lip gloss or jail time, it was an obvious choice, though by no means a particularly joyful one.