Creepiest Things Found In Nature

December 31, 2024
•17 min read
Here are some of the creepiest things people found out in nature!
Nature can be beautiful but it can also be so horrific that it’ll make you never want to step foot outside ever again. From the most terrible aberrations the natural world can muster, to things that just shouldn’t be, let's explore some of the creepiest things found in nature.
Creepy Crawlers
Take a look at this 2020 clip below, and see what a Camper found when they woke up in the middle of the night:
Thousands of Centipedes "escape" from the forests of Miaoli, Western Taiwan, April 27, 2024 Experts say that the massive migration is due to drought.…
Hornet's Sculptures
There is a creepy-faced sculpture made even creepier by a hornet's nest that makes it look like it’s got some sort of horrifically bloated torso. And you thought hornets were bad enough!
Awesome! “ @io9 : Wasp Nest Merges With Human Face To Become Nightmare Fuel
Ocean Atlas
For all you Greek mythology nerds out there, the story of Atlas probably rings a bell. He was a Titan doomed to hold up the heavens and the earth for all eternity. While that’s just an old story, if you take a dive into the waters of Nassau, Bahamas, it’ll seem disturbingly real.
Ocean Atlas; Nassau, Bahamas. The world’s largest underwater sculpture is found just off the coast of Nassau. The artwork depicts a local Bahamian girl carrying the weight of the ocean above her in reference to the Ancient Greek myth of Atlas, the Titan who held up the heavens.
Christ Of The Abyss Statue
We’re not done with scary sea giants yet! And sorry to use the lord’s name in vain, but the next one really is Jesus Christ! While we’re used to seeing the Son of God in our churches, it’s something else to see him encrusted in barnacles like he’s a crew member of the Flying Dutchman. Cristo degli Abissi or Christ of the Abyss, to give it its English name.
Inside A Giant Old Tree
There’s nothing like wandering through an ancient forest and hearing the wind weave through those towering trees, it gives me chills every time. But have you ever wondered what’s inside those giants? In March 2024, social media explorers Travel Slayers decided to take a look inside a tree they claimed to be 1,000 years old.
Sunken Yacht In Antarctica
Way back in 2012, near King George Island, far from any human eyes, a ghostly ship lurked beneath the sea. In its past life, the ship was the Mar Sem Fim, a 76 ft Brazilian yacht built for expeditions. Unfortunately, one adventure would be its last.
In 2012, four men were on board the ship voyaging to film a documentary. However, winds and waves blew up around them, and the yacht became trapped in ice. The men radioed for help and were eventually rescued by the Chilean naval base in Antarctica. The same can’t be said for the Mar Sem Fim.Sunken Yacht In Antarctica - Photograph by Ruslan Eliseev @ 35photo:
Frog With Eyes Inside The Mouth
Back in 1992, in Ontario, Canada, high school student Deidre was in her garden minding her own business when she saw a frog with its eyes closed. Curious, she reached down and picked it up. Strangely, it didn’t open its eyes. On closer inspection, she saw something inside its mouth and that something stared back at her.
To her shock, she realized that the frog’s eyes were fused to the roof of its mouth. The eyes were still functional but only worked when the frog's mouth was open. Deidre, besotted with her new pet, named it Gollum after Tolkien’s ghoulish character makes sense.My 2021 spirit animal is one of those frogs with a macro-mutation where the eyes develop on the roof of the mouth and to see they have to walk around gawping at everything through agog jaws.
Fishing for Nightmares
In 2017, Matt Mertz went fishing off the coast of Santa Cruz, California. He caught a 27-inch lingcod, a pretty decent catch. But the fisherman noticed something in the fish’s mouth, something squishy. Peering past its serrated fangs, he saw a creature lodged in its throat, an octopus. Mertz believes the lingcod must’ve eaten the octopus just before it was caught. It’s no secret that a lingcod’s favorite food is small octopi.
Massive lingcod fish caught with an entire OCTOPUS in its mouth…
The Simpsons' eerie predictions continue as fisherman catches three-eyed fish #TheSimpsons…
That time Korean fishermen pulled a 32-legged octopus from the ocean, off the coasts of South Korea [read more: ]
22. An octopus with 96 tentacles found in Japan in 1998.
Hermit Crab Using A Doll's Head
The picture below is believed to have been taken on the Pacific's Pitcairn Islands, showing what may be a young coconut crab wearing a baby doll’s head as a shell. Coconut crabs, a relative of the hermit crab, swap their shells as they grow to protect their vulnerable abdomens. They can reach over 3 feet long, tear open coconut husks, and are strong enough to lift up to 66 pounds, that’s as much as a 10 year old child!
Hermit crab using doll's head as its shell is the stuff of nightmares...…
The Silent People, Suomussalmi
If you’re ever driving along Highway 5 in Suomussalmi, Finland, be sure to keep an eye out for a large open field. You’ll know it when you see it, because there’ll be thousands of people standing perfectly still. Those are the Hiljainen kansa, which means Silent People in English.
Concrete And Oyster Shells
In 2022, after a day of snorkeling in Port Phillip Bay on the southeastern coast of Australia, swimmers approached the shallower waters near the coast, where they saw these strange, creepy nodules, each one about 6 ft wide, spread along the floor!
From the Archives — Barriers Made of Concrete and Oyster Shells Mitigate Erosion and Offer Alluring New Habitats on Australia's Coastline — Colossal
Bigfoot Laugh In Oregon
Have you ever been alone outside and heard a call, only to look around and see nothing there? For the people living on the Umatilla Reservation in Oregon in 2013, that was a nightly reality. Over 120 residents reported hearing a strange call like cackling laughter in the middle of the night.
Unearthly cries echoed outside people’s homes and woke them from their sleep. One person even claimed their dog was so terrified it refused to go outside. Sceptics have dismissed those claims, attributing the sounds to foxes, cougars, or coyotes. Yet, many residents insisted they had never heard anything like it before. One man even made a video of himself listening to the cries:Mysteries Washed Up On The Beach
You might already know that plenty of wacky stuff washes up on our beaches. Take, for example, the photo down below, of what people claim are crinoid fossils. Those things look just like the robots that go around harvesting humanity in The Matrix! In reality, crinoids are marine animals that have been around since the Palaeozoic era, over 500 million years ago.
This cluster of fossilized creatures look like they came from another planet! by AeliosZero
San Pedro Mountains Mummy
We've all dreamed of discovering buried treasure, prehistoric fossils, or ancient artifacts. In 1934, Wyoming, Cecil Main and Frank Carr were hoping for the same thing, except they got more than they’d bargained for. They began their search like any good archaeologists, by blowing up part of the San Pedro Mountains.
The blast opened up a cave, and on entering, they saw something sat in the dark. It was a small, wizened figure, about six and a half inches tall, with protruding eyes, dry brown skin and a misshapen head. Main and Carr seized the oddity and did what any sensitive pair would do, sold it.After which, it ended up as a sideshow attraction. Some believed that the mummy was one of the little people or Nimerigar of Shoshone mythology, who are believed to have attacked the indigenous people with tiny bows and poisoned darts.Physical anthropologist George Gill from the University of Wyoming believes that the mummy was likely an infant suffering from anencephaly, a fatal defect that means a fetus doesn’t develop major portions of the brain. As for the mummy’s whereabouts today, it’s frequent change of ownership meant that it was lost sometime in the 1950s.People are still hunting for it to this day. In 2005, John Adolfi, owner of the Lost World Museum, a New York museum dedicated to creationism offered a $10,000 reward for the mummy. He believed that its discovery could disprove evolution. Unfortunately for Adolfi, it remains lost to this day. Wherever the mummy is now, I hope it can rest in peace.Lake Resia Steeple
In the winter, Lake Resia in Southern Tyrol, Italy, freezes over with a layer of ice so thick it can support people’s weight. If you want to feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, wait until it gets dark, and wander over the ice. Eventually you’ll find this spectre: the Resia Steeple. It looks like something out of a fairy tale, a dark fairy tale.
Before and after the flood. 😯 Did you know that in 1950 #SouthTyrol flooded 677 hectares of land to create #LakeResia ? The ancient villages of Curon and Resia disappeared forever beneath the waves. Only the14th-century church tower of Curon now remains.
Trees Cocooned In Spider Webs
In 2010, Pakistan was struck by devastating floods. More than a fifth of the country was underwater, impacting the lives of 20 million people. Amidst the tragedy, those in the Sindh region noticed something odd in the trees. The branches of the trees were enveloped in cobwebs.
The floodwaters took six months to recede, and during that time, millions of spiders who’d sought refuge in the trees had transformed them into huge cocoons. Nothing like that had ever been seen before in the region, and for many that sight seemed like something from the lowest pits of Hell. Areas with those spider-covered trees had much lower cases of malaria, since spiders prey on disease-spreading mosquitoes that proliferate in stagnant water.Parikkala Sculpture Park
The Parikkala sculpture park in Finland is home to over 560 concrete statues, each one individually created by artist Veijo Rönkkönen between the 1960s and 2010. His creations are certainly something to behold, stood amongst the lush forestry, they stand in odd poses, stare with sunken eyes, and smile grimly. Some even have mouths full of human teeth!
During his life, Rönkkönen was something of a recluse, though he would never try and shoo away people who came to admire his work. As his reputation grew, people urged him to exhibit his work away from his garden, but he always refused. Following his death in 2010, the land was bought by a businessman who kept the creepy attraction open, you can visit the garden right now!I hope you were amazed at the creepiest things found in nature! Thanks for reading.