One In a Million Coincidences - Part 4

August 8, 2023
•11 min read
There are loads of coincidences and stories very few people talk about. Let's find out about one in a million coincidences you'll have to see to believe.
When coincidence strikes, there will always be those who believe fate is responsible and skeptics who try to use reason to find a logical explanation. Life is packed full of serendipitous happenings but here are some coincidences that are sure to leave you lost for words.
Anthony Hopkins And The Girl From Petrovka
Back in 1973, Hollywood actor Anthony Hopkins agreed to appear in a screen adaption of George Feifer’s novel The Girl from Petrovka. To prepare for the role, Hopkins realized that he should probably read the book first, but he couldn’t find a copy no matter how hard he searched. That is until one day when a heavily annotated copy suddenly turned on a bench in a subway waiting room.

The Novel That Predicted The Sinking Of The Titanic
In 1898, US writer Morgan Robertson published a novella named Futility, but it wasn’t until over a decade later that it started gaining some unexpected attention. The novel details a shipwreck that occurs after a ship of record size collides with an iceberg in the North Atlantic, and the name of that ship just so happens to be The Titan; sound familiar?

Hoover Dam's Father And Son Deaths
The construction of the iconic Hoover Dam was a monumental and treacherous project which claimed a staggering 112 lives. The first tragedy on the Dam occurred on December 20th, 1921, when a man named John Gregory Tierney, who was surveying the site, was caught in a sudden flash flood and washed into the raging Colorado River.
A Jack The Ripper Coincidence
On the night of 29th September 1888 at around 8:30 pm, a woman named Catherine Eddowes was found lying drunk on Aldgate High Street in London. After being taken into custody to sober up and eventually released at around 12:55 am, Eddowes decided to give the fake name Mary Kelly, possibly to save herself from humiliation.

Alice Roth Gets Hit Twice In The Same Game
Almost anything could go wrong at a live sporting event, but no one could be quite as unlucky as Miss Alice Roth. While attending a Phillies baseball game on August 17th, 1957 with her two grandsons, Miss Roth was suddenly struck square in the face by a foul ball that had entered the stands.

Plum Pudding Synchronicity
If you ever think your life is serendipitous, just remember that there was once a man who encountered the same stranger every time he ate plum pudding. The story goes that the 19th-century French poet Émile Deschamps was first introduced to the traditional British dessert by an Englishman named Mr de Fortgibu in 1805.

Laura Buxton’s Balloon
In 2001, a 10-year-old girl named Laura Buxton was involved in a remarkable chain of events after releasing a golden balloon into the sky. Having attended her grandparents’ 50th anniversary celebrations in Staffordshire UK, Buxton wrote her name and contact details on the balloon and set it free.
The balloon traveled some 140 miles south to the Midlands and landed in the backyard of another 10-year-old girl who also happened to be named Laura Buxton. Astounded at the one-in-a-million coincidence, the girls’ parents arranged for them to meet up and discovered even more similarities.Curse of the 21st
It's not unusual for people to be superstitious about inexplicable things. For some, it’s magpies, black cats, or walking under ladders, but for the French king Louis XVI that was the number 21, and it didn’t work out so well for him.
Before he took the throne an astrologer warned Louis to always be cautious of the 21st day of each month. During his rule, Louis made sure never to do business on the 21st, but in the throes of the French Revolution fate had other plans.
Message in a Bottle
Finding a mysterious message in a bottle is something most of us can only dream of, but one man named Mark Anderson truly lucked out in 2006 when he found the oldest message in a bottle on record. Anderson was manning a Scottish fishing boat named the Copious when he happened upon the 92-year-old bottle which landed him a spot in the Guinness World Records.

The Bullet That Waited 20 Years To Kill Its Target
The tale begins in 1893 in Honey Grove Texas when a timber businessman named Henry Ziegland abruptly broke off an engagement with his lover. Unable to cope with the heartbreak she took her own life, and her brother then decided to defend her honor by killing Ziegland.
After following Zieglandand and firing the gun, the young man fled the scene believing him to be dead. Remarkably, the bullet had only grazed Ziegland’s cheek and became lodged in a nearby tree.

Interrupted Phone Call
This next incredible coincidence was submitted by a Be Amazed reader named Dennis, and it’s pretty unbelievable stuff. Dennis, who was formerly enlisted in the U.S. Army, had never met his brother-in-law, but he knew he was a fighter pilot in the Air Force. When the estranged pair eventually met, they discussed their former postings and realized that they were both stationed in South Korea between 1974-1975.

A Shark Inside A Shark
Sharks are some of the most feared creatures in the animal kingdom, and it’s really no surprise when photos as truly terrifying as the one below exist. That is a shark inside another shark!
Researchers at the University of Delaware snapped a pic of this incredible coincidence when they were hauling in a large sand tiger shark only to discover that a three-foot-long dogfish (a smaller type of shark) was also hooked on the line and had been swallowed whole. The sand tiger shark was released after being tagged, but there’s no word about what happened to the poor dogfish."Axe-ellent" Shot
Check out this incredible shot which somehow defies all logic.
It’s impossible to tell if this was someone’s first-time axe-throwing, or whether this is a feat that could only be achieved by the most highly skilled thrower. Either way, some of us can’t even get a magnet to stick to the fridge successfully, so this is one impressive coincidence.Impressionist Apple
In the first part of our coincidence series, we've shown you the pigeon that pooped a self-portrait of itself on a leaf, but now here's something far more impressive: an apple artist! This charming portrait must have been years in the making, and it’s really something to behold.
Lost and Found
There’s nothing quite as heartbreaking as coming across a lost dog poster on the street, but it’s not so often you happen upon one which is accompanied by the dog in question. That didn’t stop this guy from chilling out on the sidewalk under his own photograph, though, totally oblivious to the fact his owner is probably freaking out somewhere.
Uncanny Resemblance
Being a news reporter comes with its own set of challenges; like following the autocue correctly, dealing with uncontrollable live guests, and all those times you get mistaken for wanted criminals.
Unfortunately for one BBC Crimewatch presenter in 2016, that’s exactly what happened when the stars aligned and the thug in the wanted mugshot turned out to be an uncanny doppelganger of Jason Mohammad, who was co-reporting on the story.